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(camera whirring)

Katie: It's perfect.

(Katie laughing)

Sanford: She's certainly a very enthusiastic young woman. Where did you find her?

David: 53rd Street. She had a leaky faucet.

Sanford: Ah yes, the famous leaky faucet of 53rd Street. Aren't you sorry you gave up a promising career in real estate?

David: No.

Sanford: You're ignoring a very hard fact of life, David.

David: What's that?

Sanford: She's never gonna be one of us.

David: No, I know. Isn't that great?

Sanford Marks: Don't forget your racquet.

David: (mumbling) ...a million miles away. It's just like picking off another part of your forehead. I'll burn you. Just you. The rest of you, you're fine, but that part, forget it.

Katie: David? You're talking to yourself.


(knife whirring)


Katie’s mother: David, I hope you brought an appetite!

Katie’s sister-in-law: The ham looks delicious, Mom.

Katie’s brother: ...you squeeze one time and you get ketchup and mustard, I call it Kepustard.


Katie’s brother: Kepustard!

Sister-in-law’s mother: Katie, your brother's going to be a millionaire.

Katie’s mother: Pass that ham down.

Katie’s brother: David, what does your family usually do for the holidays?

Katie: We're going... ahem. We're going skiing.

Katie’s brother: Oh, skiing!

Katie: I'm gonna teach David how to ski.

Katie’s brother: I'd be scared too.

Sister-in-law’s mother: You look terrific.

Katie: Thank you.

Sister-in-law’s mother: Doesn't she look terrific?

Sister-in-law’s father: She's a beautiful girl.

(guests chatting)

Katie’s brother: The Marks family. Marks. Are you kidding? They own half of Times Square.

Katie’s mother: Can we please not talk about this now?

Sister-in-law’s father: Which half of Times Square? What are you talking about?

Katie’s brother: I'm just saying.

Katie’s sister-in-law: He's taking her to Paris. That's what she said.

Sister-in-law’s mother: Hey! Whatever happened to my trip to Paris?

(all laugh)

Katie’s brother: You'd be lucky to get a trip to Paris, New Jersey.

Katie: Mom's making coffee.

David: What?

Katie: Why are you hiding?

David: I'm not.

Katie: Is it awful?

David: Awful? Is it awful? No, it's not awful at all. It's just different, that's all. It's just very different. You know, everybody talks to each other and there's a ham with pineapples on it with little cherries in the middle.

Katie: Cherries, I like those cherries.

David: Yeah, I like them too. It's just really different. Will you marry me?

Katie: What?

David: Was that a yes?


All Good Things《所有美好的东西》精讲之二


Katie: Thank you.

Katie’s mother: This was nice.

Sanford: Yeah.

Katie: We just wanted to do it, to make it official.

Sanford: It's $39.50 each. That includes a generous tip.

Katie’s Mother: Oh. (chuckles) I'm sorry. Yeah.

Katie: Thanks, Mom.

Katie’s Mother: You're welcome, sweetheart.

David: Thank you.

Katie’s Mother: You're welcome.

Sanford: So the guy's not selling and his kids are starving. And he's sitting on the world's most valuable butcher shop. But my dad wouldn't give up. He used to say "There's always a way to convince a holdout." You know? I came around. Sooner or later everybody does.

(door opens)

Katie: Oh, David. Look who's here.

Sanford: Oh, speak of the devil. Your grandfather didn't come hat in hand to ask me to join the firm. It was understood. I understood it. Your brother understands it and you do too.

David: We're happy here, okay?

Sanford: I'm subsidizing that.

David: Yeah, only until we get settled.

Sanford: Settled? You think she's happy here?

David: Isn't she?

Sanford: You think she had this dump in mind when she left Mineola? When she laid eyes on you? No, she had more in mind and she deserves better. She's a beautiful woman. Just like your mother.

Katie: Thanks for visiting.

Sanford: Thank you, honey. I'd better get back to work. How do you think my son can afford to live like this?

Katie: What?



1. faucet: 水龙头。

2. hard fact: 冷酷无情的事实。

3. racquet: 球拍。

4. holdout: 不退让,拒不合作。

5. come around: 改变立场(或观点);让步,同意。请看例子:I think he'll come around eventually.(我认为他最终会回心转意的。)

6. speak of the devil: 说曹操,曹操就到。完整的句子是Speak of the devil and he will appear。

7. subsidize: 资助。看一下例子:Many universities subsidize research and publications.(许多大学资助研究和出版。)

8. settle: 安顿下来。请看例子:The family has settled in Canada.(这家人已定居加拿大。)settle也可以表示“稳定下来;平静下来”,例如:She cannot settle to work.(她安不下心来工作。)

9. dump: 脏乱的地方。



1. 他们常常争吵,但很快就和好如初。
2. 说曹操,曹操到,她来了!
3. 好多国家都有出口补贴。
4. 激动过后,我设法平静下来。






All Good Things《所有美好的东西》精讲之二

2011年,纽约时报广场(Times Square)迎来107岁生日。时报广场的前身是朗埃克广场(Longacre Square),1904年4月8日被正式命名为时报广场,被称为“世界的十字路口”。时报广场得名于《纽约时报》早期设立的总部大楼,位于西42街与百 老汇大道交会处,现在《纽约时报》总部虽然已经迁移,但时报广场的地位及名称并没有变化。如今,百老汇剧院、特色酒店、耀眼的霓虹灯广告以及电视式的宣传 板已经成为经历了100多年的时报广场的标志。每年时报广场都会迎来3000多万名世界各地的游客。2004年4月7日,“时报广场”迎来了它的百年华 诞。在百年大庆的开幕式上,纽约亿万富翁市长彭博曾自豪地说“当你同国内或世界上任何人谈起什么是纽约的时候,你可以说百老汇和时报广场就是纽约。”

1883年纽约大都会歌剧院迁移至百老汇与40街口,带动了剧院与餐厅的蓬勃发展,1920年电影艺术的崛起更为此地画上一片彩虹荣景,然于 1929年证券市场崩溃后跌入低迷的深渊,直至80年代,百老汇的风华才逐渐恢复,现在,这块三角地区已再度成为纽约娱乐事业的聚光焦点。

《纽约时报》发行人阿道夫•奥克斯将该报的总部迁到第四十二街,当时称为朗埃克广场上的一座新建大楼里,之前这里是马商、铁匠、马厩的集散地,当然 不乏鸡鸣狗盗之辈横行。1904年12月,《纽约时报》选在除夕当天迁入该广场的新大楼,并在午夜施放烟火庆祝,人们第一次在时代广场上举办了新年狂欢活 动。缤纷的烟花照亮了纽约的迎新夜,世上最著名的辞旧迎新狂欢就此延生,并年年相袭直至现今。每至辞旧迎新之时,都有超过50万来自全美乃至世界各地的人 汇集于此,共度不眠之夜。  


随着20世纪30年代大萧条的来临,广场气氛出现转变。时报广场充斥着色情表演场所、通宵放映性爱映画的电影院、以及售卖廉价旅游纪念品的商店。以 后的数十年内,时报广场被很多人视为危险的地带。时报广场继而从1960年代到1990年代成为纽约市危险与败坏的象征。有很多题材黑暗而具影响力的电 影,如《午夜牛郎》和《计程车司机》等,其中不少情节都在时报广场取景。

1992年,时报广场联盟成立,旨在透过团结当地企业的力量,改善该区的营商与卫生环境。时报广场现在已经成为游客热点的集中地,包括美国广播公司 节目《早安美国》的直播现场、 玩具反斗城,以及多家电影院。时报广场也吸引了一些大规模的财金、出版和媒体企业在该区设立总部。驻守的大批警察改善了当地的治安。获得新生的时报广场无 疑更安全、更被人接受,然而也有人指该区已经失去原来的光芒,被净化为一个“迪士尼化”的广场。

自1913年起,《纽约时报》不再于时报广场上的大楼办公,但其总部仍然在该区内。那座大楼一度被称为联合化工大楼,现在称为时报广场一座,更成为 每年最后一天降球仪式的地点。降球仪式始于1907年1月1日,自此以后时报广场更成为纽约市庆祝新年时的主要地点。现在每到除夕夜,数以十万计的人群都 会聚集观看由Waterford Crystal出品的水晶球从高处降到地面,象征新一年的开始。伴随着午夜钟声响起之时,写有来自世界各地祝福和愿望的彩色纸条还将撒落在狂欢者身上。