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Craig: Hey. Going out, mate?

Doug: Yeah. Having dinner with Susan. Look, Pierre's still a bit scratchy, so I'm just gonna take him with me.

Craig: See ya, mate.

Taylor: Mum? Is Doug still your friend?

Holly: Um...I'm not sure.

Taylor: Is it because of me?

Holly: No, of course not.

Taylor: I'm always gonna be friends with Artie.

Holly: I know you will, sweetheart.

Taylor: I miss Dad.

Holly: I know.

Taylor: But I sort of like Doug too. Is that OK?

Holly: Yeah. Goodnight, darling. Sleep well, yeah? Goodnight, love.

Taylor: Goodnight.

Doug: Why does it feel like I'm cheating on someone? Holly's great, but I love Susan, right? Pierre, I'm talking to you. I need your opinion. I'm gonna have dinner. It's with Susan. Well, wish me luck. Thank you.

Susan: Hi.

Doug: Hi. Sorry I'm late. Parking here's like... Whoa, you look great.

Susan: So do you, Doug.

Doug: OK.

Susan: Well...here's to the new you.

Doug: Alright.

TV: But I love you. ...the finance company was today jailed for fraud after it was discovered... How could you do this to me?! No...

Tel: Hi, this is Doug talking to you. Leave a message...

Craig: Oh, man!

Susan: I always knew you had it in you, Doug. Just needed a little nudge in the right direction.

Doug: Yeah. Suppose so.

Susan: Once the house is sold, we can look for an apartment. Maybe on the waterfront.

Doug: The waterfront?

Susan: And once we've furnished and decorated, you could get rid of that awful ute, maybe get a beemer.

Doug: I don't think I'll be driving a beemer.

Susan: Oh, come on, Doug. Sweetheart...you do want this change, don't you?

Doug: Well, yeah, but, I mean, I have changed... a little bit.

Susan: Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I ordered an entree for you.

Waitor: Enjoy your duck.

Susan: Wow. Oh. This smells divine. It tastes even better.

Doug: Susan, I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Susan: What? Why?

Doug: We just want different things. You want the best, and you should have that. But, you know, my life's fine, I'm happy with it. I just like my life the way it is.

Craig: I'm looking for Doug Gordon!

Doug: And thanks to someone, I think I know that now.

Craig: Doug! Stop, stop, stop, OK? You can't do this. It's all wrong. OK? I, um...

Doug: Craig, what are you doing here?

Craig: You're making a big, big mistake.

Doug: It's fine, honestly.

Craig: No, no, no, I slept with her!

Doug: OK! Whoo! Who heard that? Did anyone not hear? Just carry on. Man, that's...certainly newsworthy. But I've already made my mind up, alright? The person I wanna be with... Pierre!

Susan: Who the hell is Pierre?

Doug: I've gotta go. Can you take care of the bill?

Craig: Yeah, yeah.

Susan: Douglas! DOUG!

Doug: Hey! Hey!

Craig: Um... I'm a little bit short right now.



1. scratchy: 会“沙沙”作响的,发出刮擦声的

也可以表示潦草的,例如:On Rowling's Black Family Tree, disowned members are indicated with a numbered scratchy black circle.(在罗琳的布莱克家谱上,被除名的成员表现为一个编了号的潦草黑圈。)

2. cheat on:be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage,对某人不忠

3. nudge: 推进,刺激

例如:We tried to nudge them towards a practical solution.(我们试图促使他们达成一个可行的解决办法。)


例如:He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave.(他用肘轻推他的朋友告诉他该走了。)

4. waterfront: 水边,滨水区

5. ute: 小卡车,轻型货车

6. beemer: 这里指宝马汽车

7. entree: 在美语中指主菜,英语中是指两道正菜间的小菜

8. newsworthy: 有新闻价值的

9. short: 短缺的,不足的,这里指缺钱

例如:I'm short of money this week.(我这个星期缺钱。)



1. 为什么我感觉像是在劈腿?
2. 等房子卖了,我们可以去看看公寓,比如靠海边那里。
3. 你可以顺便买辆宝马把你垃圾车换掉。
4. 希望你不介意我已经帮你点了主餐。









Love Birds《爱情鸟》精讲之四

在英国,孩子从与大人一起上餐桌进餐时起,家长就开始向孩子传授进餐的礼仪,如何喝粥、如何吃西餐、如何与客人同桌进餐,先吃哪样菜、后吃哪道菜以 及进餐时的穿着、如何与同桌客人交谈等。英国人一向以“绅士”著称,他们对“进餐礼仪”非常看重。在他们看来,一个“无礼”的孩子,既是个人学养不够、家 教缺乏的表现,也难以在社会上立足,长大后更不会有所成就。有些家庭对孩子进行“餐桌教育”时,还特地请来当地有名的教师,对孩子进行餐桌礼仪的教育。所 以,英国的孩子从一周岁左右开始,就懂得了如何在餐桌上像“绅士”一样进餐,如何帮助家长摆放餐具,如何得体地与客人同桌进餐。餐桌礼仪教育,不仅锻炼了 孩子本人,提高了孩子的个人修养,也给家长减轻了家务负担,同时也为孩子养成良好的性格及未来的成长打下了坚实的基础。

每个孩子都有自己的进餐习惯。为此,英国的家长们把“进餐习惯”纳入了“餐桌教育”的内容。他们从孩子坐上餐桌的那天起,便鼓励孩子自己夹菜、进 食。家长们认为,孩子“自食其力”,有助于孩子独立人格的形成,这对于孩子将来走上社会能“独挡一面”、自食其力是一个不小的启蒙和帮助。很多孩子有偏 食、挑食的坏习惯,英国的家长决不让孩子有这个坏习惯,他们不仅给孩子讲解每道菜的营养、味道,让他们懂得珍惜他人的劳动成果和摄入更多的营养,而且还 “亲口”给孩子作进餐的示范,从而改变孩子任性、自私的习惯。

英国的家长非常重视对孩子的“环保意识”教育,他们把餐桌当成了环保教育的生活课堂。在餐桌上,家长们会教孩子区别哪些餐具是“环保餐具”,哪些塑 料袋可能成为污染环境的“永久垃圾”。英国的家长和孩子一般都拒绝使用一次性的餐具,而且也拒绝购进那些带塑料包装的食品。厨房里产生的垃圾,孩子们也都 按照家长的要求进行分类。另外,在餐桌上,家长也会对孩子进行节水、节能方面的教育,使孩子们从小就养成爱节约的良好习惯。
