Blu: (Groans) Eww! Gross. But I'm free. Jewel! Jewel! We're free! Slimy, but free. Contaminated probably, but free. Can you believe it's finally...
Jewel: (Whooping)
Blu: ...over. Yeah! Come on! Come on, guys, let's go!
Nico: What are we standing around for? It's Carnaval!
(All whooping)
Nico: Oh, yeah!
Luiz: Yep. I know just how you feel. Watching them up there makes you want to chase them and grab them in your mouth and bite their heads off, huh? (Laughing) I'm just kidding, bro. Yeah, chasing them is plenty.
Jewel: I'm flying, flying just like a bird!
Nico: Jewel, but you are a bird!
Jewel: Hey! Where you going? Blu? Blu, what's wrong?
Blu: Nothing. Everything is perfect. You'll be off to the rainforest, I'll be back with Linda, just like we planned.
Nico: Hey, birds! Stop yapping and start flapping! Let's go!
Jewel: I guess, I thought, maybe...
Blu: What? That you'd come to Minnesota? Great, I guess I'll knit you a scarf.
Jewel: No, that's not what I meant.
Blu: Look, Jewel, I can't spend my life walking around following you wherever you're going.
Jewel: Hey, it's not my fault you can't fly.
Pedro: Awkward.
Rafael: Okay, okay. You know what? This is good. Just clear the air. Just be completely honest with each other.
Blu: You want honesty? Fine, I can be honest. I don't belong here. In fact, I never wanted to come here in the first place. And... And... And you know what? I hate samba.
Nico: (Sobbing)
Pedro: Hey! That's a little too far.
Nico: Make the mean bird take it back.
Blu: Yeah, I said it. Every song sounds exactly the same. Tico, taco, ya, ya, ya Tico, taco, ya, ya, ya. (Groans) I'm tico, taco out of here.
Jewel: Fine! See you around, pet!
Rafael: No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. Come back! You belong together! You are Juliet to his Romeo! Sure, they both die in the end, but you get my point! Oh, young love. Always so melodramatic. All right, boys, go after her. Blu! Come back here. Come on!
Luiz: Yeah! I'm ready for Carnaval! Who wants to ride in my... fruit. You left without me. That's messed up.
Pedro: Jewel! Jewel!
Nico: Wait up!
Jewel: (Crying)
Nigel: Going somewhere, pretty bird?
Jewel: Oh yeah. I was just on my way to claw your eyes out!
Nico: Jewel!
Nigel: Temper, temper. Now come along, my dear. We're going to a parade. Everybody loves a parade. (Laughing maniacally)
Jewel: Let go of me!
Pedro: Hey! Get back here! Ain't nobody messing with a friend of Pedro, I ain't having it! It's on!
Nico: Did you see the talons on that guy?
Pedro: Talons? Maybe it's on next time.
Nico: Help! Help!
Pedro: Little help!
Blu: Rafael, quit following me. You're going in the wrong direction. Isn't Carnaval that way?
Rafael: I'm not going to Carnaval. No, I'm going home.
Blu: But I thought you loved Carnaval.
Rafael: I do. But I love my family much more. And that's a choice I made with this. Not with this.
Nico: Blu!
Pedro: Hey, Blu! Blu! I was flying and then I saw this big cockatoo!
Nico: With big ninja talons!
Pedro: This cockatoo was ugly! Anyway, that's not the point.
Nico: And then Jewel was there, and he snatched Jewel up.
Pedro: Like, he snatched her up.
Nico: And then he was like, "You're coming with me, you little princess."
Pedro: And Jewel was like, "I ain't your princess, leave me alone."
Nico: And I was like, "What?" Then he was like, "What?"
Blu: Stop! Just tell me what happened.
Pedro: He got Jewel, man!
Nico & Petro: And he's taking her to the parade.
Blu: This is all my fault. Let's fly.
Luiz: Carnaval, here we come!
Nico: Hey, dog, I'm drowning back here!
Luiz: You will get wet on this ride! Ha ha!
1. gross: 令人恶心的。
2. slimy: 覆有粘泥或粘液的。例如:a slimy mess of squashed fruit(压得粘答答的一摊水果)。
3. yap: 瞎扯,闲聊;哇啦哇啦说话。例如:yap about life(闲扯人生)。
4. samba: 桑巴舞;桑巴舞曲。
5. See you around: 再见。
6. melodramatic: 情节剧似的。也可以表示“夸张的,耸人听闻的”,例如:Some newspapers tell their stories in a very melodramatic style.(某些报纸喜欢用极其夸张的笔法报道事件。)
7. talon: (猛禽等的)爪。
8. ninja: 忍者(受专门训练充当间谍、刺客的日本武士)。
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1. 那个女人将会哇啦哇啦一连胡说上几个小时。
2. 猫头鹰的利爪能抓起鸡那么大小的鸟儿。
3. 这是什么东西?看起来真恶心。
4. 他在泥泞的台阶上摔倒了。
狂欢节是巴西最大的节日,但最负盛名的当属里约热内卢的狂欢节。该市狂欢节以其参加桑巴舞大赛演员人数之多,服装之华丽,持续时间之长,场面之壮观 堪称世界之最。巴西里约热内卢狂欢节开幕当天,里约热内卢市市长在市长官邸,亲手将城门的金钥匙交给“狂欢国王”,象征着一年一度的狂欢节正式开始。自 此,在长达一周的狂欢节中,整个里约热内卢城都要由“狂欢国王”“统治”,全体市民将按照自己的方式尽情狂欢。
相传里约热内卢狂欢节始于19世纪中叶。最初,狂欢节的规模不大,仅限于贵族举行的一些室内化妆舞会,人们戴上从巴黎购买的面具,尽情地欢乐。 1852年,葡萄牙人阿泽维多指挥的乐队走上了街头。随着节奏明快的乐曲,不管是黑人还是白人,也不管是穷人还是富人,男女老少都跳起来了,整个城市欢腾 起来了。阿泽维多的这一行动获得了巨大的成功,成为里约热内卢狂欢节发展史上的一个里程碑,标志着狂欢节成了大众的节日。
里约热内卢狂欢节最早并没有固定的场所,全市各主要大街上都是桑巴舞表演的舞台。由于狂欢节时值盛夏,天气炎热,游行活动都在夜晚进行。从20世纪 70年代起,各桑巴舞学校建议在市内修建一座桑巴舞赛场,用于狂欢节活动。1983年,曾设计巴西新首都巴西利亚等工程的著名工程师奥斯卡·涅梅耶尔亲自 设计,6万名建设者齐心协力,仅用了117天,就建成了一座能容纳数万观众的桑巴舞赛场。从此,里约热内卢狂欢节就有了固定的场所。
桑巴舞大赛是里约热内卢狂欢节的-项重大活动。赛场占地8.5万平方米,两侧是看台,中间是桑巴舞队伍行进的通道。每年狂欢节期间,要在这个赛场举 行5场桑巴舞活动,其中以第三天和第四天的活动最为精彩。在这两天中,全市名列前茅的14个桑巴舞学校要在这里一决雌雄,评出当年的名次,名列前五名的还 要再进行一场表演。