英语听力汇总   |   看电影学英语:里约大冒险 Rio 精讲之四










Nigel: I know I'm not a pretty birdie...but I used to be quite a looker. A star. Lights, camera, action. I was striking, suave, ambitious. Feet to beak...so birdie-licious. Now I'm vile, I am villainous, and vicious. Oh, and malicious. I had it all. A TV show, women, too. I was tall. Over one-foot-two. Then they got a pretty parakeet to fill my shoes. That's why I am so evil, why I do what I do.

Chorus: He was a super star.

Nigel: So young and vital.

Chorus: He's nasty.

Nigel: A South American Idol.

Chorus: He's a suspicious bird.

Nigel: Who said that about me?

Chorus: A very vicious bird.

Nigel: I'll have you rotisseried. I'm a feathery freak. With a beak. A bird murderer. You think you're badder than me? I never heard of ya. I'm evil, I'll fill your cheese balls with weevils. I poop on people and I blame it on seagulls. It was him.

Chorus: He's a nasty bird.

Nigel: I'm invincible.

Chorus: He's ghastly.

Nigel: I'm un-mince-able. I'm unwashable, unrinseable. Like an abandoned school I have no principle. All of you Brazilian birds, all 18 million birds, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to make you...

(Birds vocalizing)

Nigel: Shut up, now. Shut up!


Nigel: It's just me. I will make you ugly...too.

Blu: Hey!

Nigel: Sweet nightmares. (Laughing maniacally)

Blu: Not cool, man! Scary, but not cool! Hey, are you okay?

Jewel: No, I am definitely not okay!

Blu: Wait. What are you doing?

Jewel: Getting out of here. Are you going to help me or what?

Blu: Actually, all the survival guides say to sit and wait, and help will come.

Jewel: No one is coming! We are on our own and if we just sit here, we're going to die!

(Metal clanking)

Tipa & Armando: Yes! Yes! Yes! No!!

Armando: Nigel! Get out of the way! Hold on!

Blu: Stop! Stop! Why don't you just open the door?

Jewel: Are you kidding me?

Blu: What? It's just a standard flip slide bolt.

Jewel: Come on! Let's fly! What are you doing?

Blu: I can't.

Jewel: What? You can't what?

(Blu gasps)

Blu: I can't fly!

(Jewel screaming)

Jewel: You couldn't tell me this before now?

Blu: It didn't matter before now!

Jewel: I hate you.


Jewel: Is there anything else I need to know?

Blu: Yes, I can't fly, I pick my beak, and once in a while I pee in the bird-bath. Happy?

Armando: There they are!

Jewel: We got to get out of here! Just move! Move!

Blu: Wait, wait. Listen to me. Flying may not be my thing, but walking is. Follow my lead. Inside leg, outside leg.

Jewel: Yeah, okay, I got it.

Blu: Inside, outside, inside, outside!

Crowds: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Tipa: Yes. Yes!

Armando: Come on!

(Mimicking dog)

(Cat screeching)

Blu: See? I'm bilingual, too!

(Nigel squawking harshly)

Jewel: This is great! I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly!

Blu: Actually, there are about 40 species of flightless birds.

Jewel: Duck!

Blu: No, ducks can fly.

Jewel: No! Duck!

(Both exclaiming)

Jewel: Yay!

(Both screaming)

Kid: Yes!

(Commentator speaking Portuguese)

People watching games: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Blu: Hold on!

Nigel: No!

(The whole city black out)

People watching games: No! No! ...


Nigel: (Groaning) Get out of here, you putrid poultry!


(Chain clinking)

(Twig snapping)

Blu: What was that?

Jewel: A stick.

Blu: And that?

Jewel: It's just a rock.

Blu: Right. Yeah. (Shuddering) Is that a spider on my back?

Jewel: Will you quit it? It's just a leaf. Turn around. Leaf. Told you. Now, just come on, we need to find a safe place to spend the night.

Blu: Safe? Safe? We are in the jungle. You know when people say, "It's a jungle out there"? Well, I'm pretty sure they don't mean it as a good thing.

Jewel: Look, I hate to break it to you, but this is where our kind naturally lives.

Blu: Hey, hey, don't talk to me about nature. I watch Animal Planet. I know all about the food chain. You see? You see? Out here, I'm just an hors d'oeuvre. Nothing more than a featheryspring roll.

Jewel: That is why we stay in the trees and not on the ground. After you.

Blu: Oh no, I don't think so. Nuh-uh. No. I would feel much more comfortable in something man-made. Hey, how about up there?

Jewel: I can't believe I have to drag your clumsy butt up there.

Blu: Drag me? (Scoffs) Watch and learn.

Jewel: Oh! Blu! Just wait one... Blu?

Blu: Who's dragging whose butt now? Huh?

Jewel: Ha ha. Very funny. (Laughing)

Blu: You see? Who needs flying?

Jewel: Birds. Birds need flying. Flying is... It's freedom and not having to rely on anyone. Don't you want that?

Blu: I don't know. It sounds a little lonely.

Jewel: Let's get some sleep.

Blu: I'm probably going to be up for a little while. Because I'm still on Minnesota time.

Jewel: Good night.

Blu: Good night, Jewel. Good night, Linda.



1. looker: <口> 好看的人。

2. striking: 惹人注目的;容貌出众的。请看例子:His striking good looks and charm made him very popular.(他那出众的美貌和魅力使他很受欢迎。)

3. suave: 文雅的。

4. villainous: 卑鄙可耻的,凶恶的。

5. malicious: 恶毒的。

6. parakeet: 长尾小鹦鹉。

7. vital: 充满活力的,生气勃勃的。

8. nasty: 卑鄙的,下流的。

9. rotisserie: 烤(肉)。

10. weevil: 象鼻虫。

11. poop: 排便,拉屎。

12. invincible: 不可征服的,无敌的。看一下例句:This is an invincible army.(这是一支无往不胜的军队。)

13. ghastly: 可怕的,恐怖的。例如:The scene after the battle was ghastly.(战争过后景象十分恐怖。)

14. duck: 迅速低头。影片中布鲁把珠儿的Duck理解为“鸭子”的意思,其实珠儿是让他快速低头以闪避前方的障碍物。请看例子:She ducked her head to avoid being hit.(她迅速低下头避免被击中。)duck还可以表示“回避,躲避”,例如:He ducked a question with a joke.(他用笑话回避问题。)

15. putrid: 放出恶臭的。

16. Will you quit it?: 你有完没完?相似的表达有Will you cut it out?

17. jungle: 可以表示“生存竞争激烈残酷之处”。例如:He's from Chicago; he grew up in a real jungle.(他是从芝加哥来的;他从小生长在生存竞争激烈的地方。)

18. hors d'oeuvre: <法>(主菜前的)开胃小菜。

19. spring roll: 春卷。



1. 那个女招待长得不错,真是一个美人儿。
2. 人们都痛恨恶毒的告密者。
3. 只要工人团结一致,他们就是不可战胜的。
4. 他回避记者,从后门溜出去了。









凤头鹦鹉是唯一具有头冠的鹦鹉。头冠可以用来展现他们的思考跟与他们同伴的沟通。健康的凤头鹦鹉的皮肤应有粉末,是一种类似白色滑石粉的粉末,主要 由钙组成,所以常会黏在地上或主人的衣服上。这种粉尘有时会引起人类的过敏。凤头鹦鹉咬人据说是最痛的。因为他们的下颚有两个尖起的部份,再加上上嘴喙的 一个钩,如果真的被咬到,会造成三个点的伤口。

凤头鹦鹉的叫声是非常大的,要确定你的家人能够容忍平均一天两次的大叫声,因为这种长距离且刺耳的叫声很容易吵到邻居,所以他们并不被认为是适合养 在公寓的鸟儿。如果一只凤头鹦鹉愿意和你一起笑或唱歌是再好不过的,因为即便你不在的时候,他们也会这样做。当他们在展现他们的快乐时,声音是非常大的。

凤头鹦鹉是不会非常顺从人的命令的。“不行”对他们而言就表示“等下再试试”。凤头鹦鹉是很聪明的。他们会想出最好的方法,让你同意他们去做他们想 做的某件事。凤头鹦鹉的性情是无法预期的。他们可能前一分钟保持沉默,后一分钟马上就会快乐地大叫。他们的心情常会快速的改变。

因为凤头鹦鹉将东西咬坏的案例不胜枚举,他们往往是被视为很有破坏性的鸟类。他们会持续地需要新的木头,将这些木头咬成细丝。绝对不要间断提供这些 木头,否则他们会自己找东西来咬,譬如你最珍爱的中国橱箱。凤头比任何其他的鹦鹉更具有机械方面的天份。他们也会将许多的东西如玩具、摇控器、甚至是他们 的笼子给解体,他们几乎能将各种型态的锁解开并顺利脱逃,等你发现他时,他可能已经将家里的不少东西弄坏了。

凤头鹦鹉在整个鹦鹉种类中不算是最会说话的一种,很多的凤头鹦鹉只会讲很少的字词,或者是当他们在讲话的时候发音并不清晰。但是他们被认为是最会学 习技巧的鹦鹉。你常常可以看到一只凤头鹦鹉表演各式各样的花招。这似乎是与生俱来的特性。绝对不要虐待一只凤头鹦鹉,因为他们将会永远记得。当他们心情不 好的时候,他们会闹别扭或者是变得很有侵略性。凤头鹦鹉很需要别人的关怀。他们如果没有得到一个拥抱的话还会要求喔!


当脱离雏鸟的阶段后,凤头鹦鹉被视为会最快展现侵略性的鸟儿,且不会如南美洲的鸟儿有预先警告的行为。凤头鹦鹉很爱他们的主人,并且乐意为了主人付 出的爱去回馈,所以在他们接受一些基本训练时并不需要给与太多物质上的奖赏,只要主人对他们付出爱心,他们都会愿意去做的。基于这种人鸟之间的爱,他们往 往会在主人回家时马上跟主人打招呼或叫喊,就算你只是去对面的杂货店几分钟也一样。


1. 孵育   


2. 筑巢   


3. 繁殖


有些凤头鹦鹉繁殖难度较大,如米切氏凤头鹦鹉配对较不易,公鸟在繁殖期间侵略性很强,对任何人都可能有攻击性,通常一窝产2-3颗蛋,很少有4颗, 公鸟母鸟轮流孵雏,孵化期约需28天,幼鸟在7至8星期时羽毛长成, 他们约3、4岁时有繁殖能力,但通常5、6岁时才会繁殖,繁殖寿命长,可持续育雏超过37年。


凤头鹦鹉在森林地区时只在树上觅食,喝水时才会到地面上,在开阔地区或农作物区域,则经常在地面上觅食,栖息与筑巢都爱在靠近水源地的树林中,尤其 是尤佳利树林。在傍晚入夜时分常大叫,特别是在有月光的夜晚。有时凤头鹦鹉一起在农作物园区内觅食,造成严重的农业损失,尤其是花生田与玉米田,当地政府 有限制地允许农民射杀或是捕捉贩卖。