Blu: Excuse me. Please, I am trying to sleep.
Jewel: I'm sorry, sleepy-head, I'm trying to escape.
Blu: Escape? Why? This cage is awesome.
Jewel: This... (Laughs) Oh, what was I thinking? I wouldn't expect a pet to understand.
Blu: Pet? Did you just call me a pet? For the record, I am not a pet. I am a companion. And you know what? Do whatever you want, 'cause tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me and this whole nightmare will be over.
Jewel: Incredible! You would rather be with a human than with your own kind.
Blu: Well, that human has given me love and affection for the past 15 years whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after 15 seconds.
Jewel: Yeah, well, because of them, I've lost everything. You can't trust them.
Blu: Of course...you can trust humans.
(Jewel grunts)
Blu: Jewel? Jewel? Hi, there.
Tulio: It was nice of you to join me for dinner. I often eat alone. Because, of course, my work.
Linda: I thought I was the bird nut until I met you.
Tulio: Yes, right. Do you have a favorite bird?
Linda: Well, obviously, I'm a blue macaw kind of gal.
Tulio: That makes sense. They are very handsome birds.
Linda: Actually, it's the brains I'm more attracted to. I'm not so impressed by fancy feathers.
Tulio: I know exactly what you mean. My favorite bird is the spotted owl. I've always been mesmerized by those big...round, intelligent eyes.
(Laughing loudly)
Waiter: Chicken hearts?
Linda: Chicken eyes! Oh, gosh. (Exclaims) Oh...
(Rooster crowing)
Tulio: Oh. Hello?
(Chatter on police radio)
(Linda sobbing)
Linda: Oh, Blu. We should have never left Moose Lake. This is all my fault.
Tulio: No, no, Linda, Linda, please. This is not your fault.
Linda: You're right. It's not my fault. It's your fault!
Tulio: What?
Linda: With your little bird talk. And that whole "save the species." Well, you know what? Squawk, squawkity, squawk, squawk! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to curse.
Tulio: I don't understand. Sylvio is the best guard in the business.
Policeman: So, let me get this straight. You were attacked by a little white bird?
Sylvio: Yes, with this rag. He held it to my mouth like this.
Linda: We're doomed.
Blu: Okay, okay. There's no place like home, there's no place like home. How I wish I was back in my own cage with my mirror and my swing, and my little bell. How I miss my little bell.
Jewel: Shh. Play dead.
Blu: What? I don't need to play dead, I'm about to have a heart attack.
Jewel: Just do it!
Blu: Fine.
(Dramatic groan)
Jewel: Stop twitching.
Blu: Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.
(Knocking on door)
Armando: Come on in, kid.
Marcel: Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando. You see, boys? What did I tell you about this one?
Tipa: That you were going to pay him half as much as you said?
Marcel: No, you idiot. That he reminds me of myself when I was that age. Smart, resourceful. Here you go, kid.
Fernando: Hey. This is only half of what you promised me.
Marcel: Ah, shut up, kid. What the...I thought I told you I needed these birds alive. Tell me, Fernando...does this look alive to you?
Marcel: Get her!
Armando: Come over here!
Blu: Jewel!
Marcel: Come here!
Nigel: Hello...pretty bird. What's the matter? Cockatoo got your throat?
Marcel: Nigel! Alive.
Nigel: To be continued.
Blu: That was your plan? To take off and leave me? Gee, thanks.
Jewel: Well, why didn't you follow me?
Blu: Uh...
Marcel: Nice work, Nigel.
Tipa: Yeah, nice work, Nigel.
Marcel: The last blue macaws on earth. These are worth a fortune. Hey, Fernando, hang these up in the other room.
(Birds calling)
Bird A: Hey, birdie! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!
Bird B: Who's a pretty bird? I'm a pretty bird. Pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird. I'm a pretty bird.
Bird C: I was framed. They got the wrong guy.
Fernando: Sorry, guys. Nothing personal. So, what's going to happen to them?
Marcel: Don't worry, we're going to find good homes for them. Now go home to your mama.
Fernando: But I don't have a mama.
Marcel: Father?
Armando: Brother?
Tipa: Goldfish? Can we keep him, boss?
Marcel: No.
Tipa: So, Marcel, what's really going to happen to those birds?
Marcel: Plucked, stuffed, eaten, who cares? All I know is we're going to be rich.
Tipa: We're gonna be rich!
1. sleepy-head: 贪睡者;懒鬼。
2. awesome: <主美口> 顶呱呱的。也可以表示“令人敬畏的;可怕的”,例如:awesome consequences(种种可怕的后果)。
3. strangle: 扼死;勒死。
4. bird nut: 鸟迷。nut在这里的意思是“狂热的人,入迷的人”,例如:a movie nut(电影迷);a camera nut(摄影迷)。
5. spotted owl: 斑点猫头鹰。
6. mesmerize: 迷惑,迷住。看一下例子:She followed every word of her lover with mesmerized fascination.(她着了迷似地倾听她情人的每一句话。)
7. doomed: 注定失败的。
8. swing: 秋千。
9. twitch: 抽搐,痉挛。看一下例子:Ralph felt his lips twitch.(拉尔夫感到他的嘴唇在抽搐。)
10. sell: 使人相信。也可以表示“欺骗”,例如:She was sold again.(她又上当了。)
11. resourceful: 足智多谋的。
12. cockatoo: 凤头鹦鹉。
13. framed: 被陷害,受诬陷。请看例子:The accused man said he had been framed.(被告人说他受了诬陷。)
14. Plucked, stuffed, eaten, who cares?: 被拔毛、填满作料、吃掉,管它呢。
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1. 太阳下山时的美丽景色令人叹为观止。
2. 创造力被经济上的重重压力抑制住了。
3. 他是个哈代迷;哈代的小说他都看过。
4. 他为网络所迷。
巴西菜口味很重,巴伊亚的料理以麻辣出名。大多数巴西人都爱吃红辣椒(Pimenta),放多了的话可能辣得令人吃不消,放得适量的话,可能辣得非 常过瘾。不过辣椒酱多半另外备置,随客人喜好自行取用。大多数餐厅供应独家调制的辣椒酱,有时还小心翼翼地谨访调制秘方为人所悉。
巴西的招牌菜是feijoada,是将黑豆与各式各样的烟熏干肉,以小火炖煮而成。起初做这道菜时,用的尽是厨房切下不要的材料,因为那是给奴隶吃 的。而今,猪尾巴、猪耳朵、猪脚等都成了慢熬煨煮的材料。在里约热内卢,周末午餐吃feijoada已成了当地人的习惯,全餐(Completa)包括米 饭、切得细碎的甘蓝(Coure)、奶油树薯粉(farofa),和切片的柳橙。
巴西菜里口味最特别的,首推巴伊亚菜。仅从其中的dende棕榈油和椰奶,就不难发现受非洲的影响。巴伊亚人喜欢吃辣椒,许多菜里都采用花生、腰 果、虾米为配料。巴伊亚最著名的菜有:Vatapa(用鲜虾、虾米、鲜鱼、花生、椰奶、dende油、佐料和面包熬成的浓汤);moqueca(用鲜鱼、 鲜虾、螃蟹或什锦海鲜加dende油、椰奶酱熬煮而成);xinxim de galnha(鸡丁加dende油、虾米和花生快炒而成);caruru(鲜虾加秋葵荚与dende油拌抄而成);bobo de Camarao(作料是树薯泥、鲜虾、dende油和椰奶);acaraje(一种小薄饼,用dende油炸过的花生加入Vatapa、虾米和红辣椒而 成)。这些名菜虽然美味可口,然而油腻的棕榈和椰奶可能使有些人的肠胃不易消化。
巴西的菜肴受葡萄牙人和非洲后裔的影响,主食是米、黑豆和树薯粉,搭配牛、鸡或鱼肉,以巴西传统的地方菜肴为例,即以牛肉干、香肠、卤猪肉和黑豆加 上一些香料调味,入锅烹饪熟了之后,撒上树薯粉,拌入包心菜食用;而国人熟知的巴西炭烤,也是当地人喜欢的食物之一,通常会配上豆类、米饭及蔬菜一起食 用。另外,巴西也是世界最大的咖啡生产国,出产的咖啡多属于大众口味的平价咖啡。
“Feijoada”是巴西的国菜,它是用黑豆和熏肉炖成的丰盛大餐。它通常在周末时才食用。巴西人说,吃完这道菜后就没法再回去上班了,原因很简 单,就是吃得太饱。如果说“Feijoada”是巴西的国菜,那么巴西烤全牲就毫无疑问是巴西的大众消费菜肴了。从巴西牛仔那儿得到了灵感,巴西烤全牲是 在一堆旺火上烤大块大块的肉和鱼。巴西烤全牲通常和一种辛辣的沙司一起食用。里约热内卢的餐厅则更进一步。伴着鼓乐,侍者将一大块嗞嗞冒油的烤肉送到客人 桌前,客人可以挑选自己喜爱的部分,侍者再将其割下放到客人的餐盘中。关于甜点,巴西人喜爱用芒果、椰子、菠萝等水果制成的夏季点心。