英语听力汇总   |   看电影学英语:里约大冒险 Rio 精讲之二











Blu: Wait. Yeah. Ah... I am not from here.

Pedro: Hey, Nico, he's a tourist!

Nico: Funny, you don't look like one.

Blu: Really? I don't?

Pedro: Except you got pigeon doo-doo on your nose.

Blu: Oh, no, this is just SPF 3000.

Nico: So, are you here for Carnaval?

Blu: Actually, I'm just here to meet a girl.

Nico: Oh...A girl!

Blu: Yes!

Nico: Little word of advice, you make the first move. Brazilian ladies respond to confidence.

Blu: Oh, right.

Pedro: Yeah, it's all about swagger. You got to puff out that chest! Swing that tail! Eyes narrow, like some kind of crazy love-hawk!

Nico: But first we got to bust you out.

Blu: What?

Pedro: Yeah! I'm gonna pop that cage open like a soda can!

Blu: No, no. Wait! No, no, no, that's okay.

Nico: You call that popping?

Pedro: This thing is robust.

Blu: No, no, guys, really, I'm fine. The cage is great. Love the cage!

Nico: Suit yourself!

Pedro: Don't forget, love-hawk!


Blu: Yes, yes, Bem... And to you, as well.

Song: Let me take you to Rio, Rio

Fly over the ocean like an eagle, eagle

So we can chill in my gazebo, gazebo...

Tulio: This is the heart and soul of our aviary. Our treatment room. (Mimicking birds)

Linda: They really like you. (Exclaims) A lot.

Tulio: Yes. I'm their great, big mama bird.

Blu: Eww.

Linda: Wow!

Tulio: Want some?

Linda: Oh, I'm good.


Tulio: Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers.

Linda: Smugglers?

Tulio: Yes! And unfortunately, the poor birds are often hurt or even killed in the process. But with proper care, they can be saved. Look here. This poor guy was found last night.

(Squawking weakly)

Tulio: Hey, buddy! You're looking great today. Much better, much better!

Blu: Get well soon! Oh!

Linda: So, where is Jewel?

Tulio: We have a special place for Jewel. She's a very spirited bird.

Man: I'll say.

Blu: She did that? Charming. Okay, I want to go home now.

Tulio: No, no. Don't worry. I'm going to make you look irresistible.

Blu: Help! Help! Let me out of here! (Exclaims) Linda!

Linda: Maybe I should...

Tulio: No, no. Give it a chance.

Blu: (Gulps) Hello? Hello? I come in peace. Whoa. She's beautiful. What were they talking about? She's like an angel. An angel who's getting really close...

Jewel: (Speaking Portuguese)

Blu: (Muffled) You're standing on my throat.

Jewel: Oh, you're an American.

Blu: Thanks. I need my throat for talking. So, thank you.



Jewel: You look like me.

Blu: (High-pitched) Hi. (Clearing throat) Hi, my name is Blu. Like the cheese with the mold on it. You know, that smells really bad. That's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Jewel: Come on. We don't have much time.

Blu: (Exclaiming) Wait, wait, wait.

Jewel: Are you ready?

Blu: For what? Oh! Oh. Wow. Okay. Confidence. Crazy love-hawk.

Jewel: All right. Whoa, hi, what are you doing?

Blu: What? What you wanted me to. But just for argument's sake, what are you doing?

Jewel: I am trying to escape.

Blu: Yeah, escape, that's where I was going with that thing I just did.

Jewel: Wait wait... wait. Did you actually think we were going to kiss?

Blu: No! No no no no no.

Jewel: We just met!

Blu: It's not what you think.

Jewel: Oh, my.

Tulio: I think they need a little help.

Blu: I mean, I know how my feathers look, but I am not that kind of bird.

Music: Say you, say me...

Blu: Okay, I had nothing to do with that. But, you have to admit it's actually a pretty good song. (Sing) Naturally... Yeah, sing it, Lionel.

(Blu exclaiming)

Linda: Wow. That was fast.

Tulio: Lionel Richie works every time. We should probably give them some privacy.

Linda: I'm not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.

Tulio: No, don't worry. Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night. Besides, he's got Jewel.

(Blu squawking)

Blu: Help me!



1. doo-doo: <儿语> 大便。

2. SPF: Sun Protection Factor(防晒霜等的)防晒系数。

3. Carnaval: <法> 嘉年华会;狂欢节。

4. swagger: 昂首阔步。

5. pop: 使砰(或啪)的一声爆裂。

6. robust: 结实的,坚固耐用的。robust也可以表示“强壮的,粗壮的”或“需要体力的”。例如:a robust constitution(强壮的体格);robust labor(强体力劳动);robust exercise(大运动量训练)。

7. Suit yourself!: 随你便。

8. gazebo: 眺望台;露台。

9. aviary: 鸟舍;禽舍;鸟类饲养场。

10. treatment room: 治疗室。

11. smuggler: 走私者。

12. spirited: 活泼的;生气勃勃的。请看例子:Vincent is a spirited fellow.(文森特是个精力充沛的小伙子。)

13. mold: 霉菌。

14. keep an eye on: 照看。例如:Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while?(请你照看一下我的婴儿好吗?)



1. 他的笑声又响又粗野。
2. 我们旅行中谈笑风生,过得很愉快。
3. 运动使我们健壮。
4. 他沿着街昂首阔步地走着。








紫蓝金刚鹦鹉是鹦鹉家族中个头最大的成员,体长可达1米,体重超过1.5公斤,寿命60年。鲜艳的蓝色羽毛和弯钩一样的巨大鸟喙使得它们格外惹人注 目。紫蓝金刚鹦鹉擅长交际、顽皮而又聪明。然而人类的猎捕和对自然环境的破坏,使得野生鹦鹉的数量在持续减少。野生紫蓝金刚鹦鹉的故乡是巴西。全球95% 的野生紫蓝金刚鹦鹉栖息在此。紫蓝金刚鹦鹉是世界上最珍稀的生物,由于身价昂贵,它们一直是逐猎的对象,如今这种珍稀的生物正面临着生存的危机。




紫蓝金刚鹦鹉配偶间对彼此非常忠实,约于7月或12月时进入繁殖季节,通常一窝有2颗蛋,但通常只有一只会存活,原因在于亲鸟只尽力照顾第一只孵出 的幼鸟,后来孵出的小紫蓝金刚鹦鹉无法和自己的兄弟或姊妹争食物,所以常死于脱水、体重下降等因素,而且有百分之四十的蛋会被乌鸦、犀鸟(巨嘴鸟)和一些 森林中的哺乳动物所吃掉,更使它们的数量无法上升,幼鸟约与父母亲生活半年至一年后会离开亲鸟,紫蓝金刚鹦鹉约于7岁时会组成家庭,然后繁殖。   野外的紫蓝金刚鹦鹉繁殖相当缓慢,通常3、4年只成功抚养一只后代长大。

农业、畜牧业的过度开发严重破坏了栖息地,盗捕鹦鹉的人觊觎它们的高价位,每年造成许多的紫蓝金刚鹦鹉不幸死亡。1986年估计野生紫蓝金刚鹦鹉个 体是1000到1500只。种种的因素使得野生紫蓝金刚鹦鹉面临绝种的危机,现今有许多国际性的组织都致力于紫蓝金刚鹦鹉的保育工作,由于野生动物保护组 织的介入,在2003年估计总数上升至6500只左右。