Linda: Enjoy the new book!
Customer: Thanks, Linda!
Linda: Bye, now. Yes, Mom, I'd love to visit, but who would take care of Blu? Mom! They don't have kennels for parrots. Here's your hot chocolate, Blu! Just how you like it. Plus, I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone. No, I don't have a bird-sitter.
Blu: (Sighing) This is the life. (Sniffs) The perfect marshmallow-to-cocoa ratio. One, two, three, four, five, six. Mmm.
Bird A: Well, well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird.
Blu: Very funny. Real mature.
Bird B: Hey, pet! Where you migrating to this year? Huh? The "Broad-First" nook? Ha ha ha ha...
Blu: Throw all the snowballs you want. I'm protected by this magical force-field called glass. It's what keeps us so toasty and warm in here while you guys are out there freezing your...
Bird A&B: La la la la la... (Scatting mockingly)
Blu: Classy.
(Tulio exclaiming)
(Speaking Portuguese)
Linda: Are you all right?
Tulio: I'm not really built for this weather.
Linda: Oh. Are you looking for some books?
Tulio: Books? No. No. I have come 6,000 miles looking for him.
Linda: Doctor of Ornithology?
Tulio: Ooh! He's magnificent. (Chirping)
Blu: Linda? Little help here. Linda!
Tulio: (Squawking)
Linda: Wow! You're actually communicating.
Tulio: Yes, yes! I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers counter-clockwise thus deferring to his dominance.
Blu: I did not get that at all.
Linda: So, Dr. Monteiro...
Tulio: No "Doctor," please, just call me Tulio. You know, your macaw is a very special bird. In fact, as far as we know, Blu is the last male of his kind!
Linda: Really?
Tulio: Yes, and recently, we found a female and our hope is to bring the two of them together to save their species.
Blu: (Gulps)
Linda: Oh. Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?
Tulio: Oh, no, no. She is in Brazil. Blu must come to Rio de Janeiro.
Linda: (Laughs) Rio? Brazil? No. No, no, no. I never let Blu out of my sight. He needs me.
Tulio: Oh no. You misunderstand. It's all arranged. You will be with him every step of the way. And I will be with you.
Linda: Look, I know you're doing your job, but I can't... Well, Blu is very particular. And we have our little routine here and we're not big on travel. Heck, he doesn't even fly!
Tulio: But of course he can fly! He's a perfect specimen.
Linda: What are you doing?
Tulio: Don't worry, their natural instincts always take over.
Linda: Wait, wait, wait! No, no!
Blu: (Squawking)
Tulio: Well, almost always.
Linda: Blu!
Blu: What kind of doctor are you?
Linda: Are you okay?
Tulio: Perhaps, he's too domesticated.
Linda: It was very nice of you to stop in and squawk around and throw my bird. But now it's time for you to go.
Tulio: I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry, but... Wait, wait, Linda. Linda! This could be our last chance.
Linda: Have a safe flight. (Sighing)
Tulio: Linda, please, listen to me. If we don't do this, his whole species will be gone! Just think about it.
Blu: Natural instincts! There is nothing natural about being thrown halfway across the room. Well, I'll show him. I can do this. I just have to work out the physics. I have quadrated my vector angles. I've adjusted for wind shear. Positive reinforcement. Good. Okay, let's see. Flaps open. Perfect. Landing gear. Check. Tail flaps. Operational. And, actually, not bad. This is it. Let's fly. Just keep it simple. Thrust, lift, drag and weight. Thrust, lift, drag, weight. Thrust, lift, drag, weight. Thrust, lift, drag... wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait! (Exclaiming) Ow!
Linda: Blu?
Blu: (Squawking)
Linda: I promised I would always look out for you, didn't I? And have I ever broken a promise? I'm scared, too but I wouldn't make you do this if it wasn't the right thing to do. What do you say, Blu?
(Both imitating explosion)
Linda: That's my big, brave boy. And we'll be back home before we even know it.
1. kennel: 狗舍;养狗场。
2. bird-sitter: 临时照看鸟的人。
3. marshmallow: 棉花糖。
4. nerd: 呆子。
5. nook: 角落;隐蔽处。例如:rest a moment in a quiet nook(在安静的隐蔽地点休息一会儿)。
6. toasty: 温暖舒适的,暖烘烘的。看一下例子:feel snug and toasty by the fire(在炉火边感到暖融融的很舒服)。
7. classy: 漂亮的。影片中布鲁是冲着嘲笑他的两只鸟的屁股说的,显然是反语。
8. I'm not really built for this weather: 我的体质其实不适合这种天气。
9. ornithology: 鸟类学。
10. counter-clockwise: 逆时针方向地。
11. defer to: 听从,顺从。看一下例子:I will be happy to defer to your advice on these matters.(我很乐意听从您对这些事情的忠告。)
12. macaw: 金刚鹦鹉。
13. we're not big on travel: 我们不喜欢旅行。be big on意思是“喜欢,偏爱”,例如:be big on fish(爱吃鱼)。
14. too domesticated: 被过度驯化了。domesticate有“驯养,驯化”的意思。请看例子:Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk.(驯养奶牛是为了给我们提供牛奶。)domesticated也可以表示“恋家的,喜爱或适应家庭生活的”。domesticate a bachelor意思是“使单身汉适应家庭生活”。
15. stop in: 中途作短暂访问,顺便过访。例如:stop in at the flower shop(顺便去一趟花店)。
16. squawk: 发出(鸟类的)嘎嘎叫声。
17. quadrate: 使适合。
18. vector: 航向;航线。
19.wind shear:(飞机遭遇到的)乱流。
20. landing gear: (飞机的)起落架,起落装置,着陆装置。
21. thrust: 用力推。看一下例子:They thrust him into the back room and tied him up.(他们将他推入后房并把他捆了起来。)
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1. 这个地方的每一个角落都勾起许多回忆。
2. 我听从父母,因为他们年长见多识广。
3. 他很爱读杰克•伦敦的作品。
4. 虽然她想尽了办法,亨特仍不常在家住。
5. 她顺道来看望我。
布鲁是一只世界上极其稀少的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,当他还是雏鸟时,便被可鄙的偷猎者从里约的热带丛林中掳到美国。阴差阳错,他变成了小女孩琳达的宠物,从 此相伴多年。如今的布鲁俨然一个养尊处优的宅男,甚至忘记了如何飞行。有一天,一位名叫图里奥的鸟类学家来到琳达经营的书店,他希望能将布鲁带回里约,与 世上仅存的另外一只雌鸟繁衍后代。于是,琳达带着布鲁离开了美国明尼苏达州的小镇,到了热情奔放的巴西里约热内卢。一段充满异域风情的冒险之旅就这么开始 了。
来到里约的当天,布鲁遇到了友好的金丝雀迷你鸟尼科和红衣凤头的大肚鸟派卓。他俩听说布鲁是来相亲的,就很热心地向布鲁传授了追女秘籍。布鲁见到珠 儿的第一眼,就被珠儿的美貌震撼了,恍惚间还以为自己遇到了仙子。珠儿想让布鲁同她一起逃走,但布鲁会错了意,凑上去想亲她,结果被厉害的珠儿收拾了一 顿。
不料到了半夜珠儿和布鲁不幸落入了走私者手中,它们被用脚链拴在了一起,只好一起逃亡。逃亡过程中,珠儿才知道布鲁竟然不会飞! 不过,二鸟不打不相爱,加上巨嘴鸟拉斐尔,迷你鸟尼科与大肚鸟派卓敲边鼓,布鲁与珠儿终于开始彼此产生好感……
与此同时,图里奥与琳达混入巴西嘉年华会中,准备营救出再度落笼的布鲁与珠儿。只是,天不从鸟愿,他们还被拉上了飞机,布鲁眼见获救无望,急中生 智,将笼子扯了一个大口,将所有的鸟儿都救了出来,布鲁不会飞,迟疑的关头,奈杰一把抓住布鲁,珠儿反抗,不小心将自己的翅膀砸伤。布鲁急中生智,用灭火 器将奈杰消灭。要坠机了,珠儿从飞机上掉了下去,布鲁闭眼跳下去救珠儿,原本不会飞的布鲁竟然奇迹般地学会了飞行,并将受伤的珠儿带走。故事的结尾,布鲁 与珠儿在野外快乐地生活在一起,图里奥和琳达也结成了幸福的一对。