Annie: What's so funny?
Megan: I put a loaded gun in Dougie's carry-on. The TSA is going to just rip his ass apart.
Helen: Annie?
Annie: Oh. Hey.
Helen: Did you have a nice evening?
Annie: It was beautiful. Yeah.
Helen: What did you think of the wedding?
Annie: It was...It was great.
Helen: It was great, right? Yeah.
Annie: It was perfect. It was great.
Helen: Yeah, it was great. It was really nice meeting you.
Annie: Yeah, it was... Helen, it was really nice meeting you, too. Hey, you know, maybe sometime the three of us could go to Rockin' Sushi together.
Helen: Thank you, Annie. I would love that. Your ride is here.
Rhodes: Hey, how did everything go?
Annie: Strangely well.
Rhodes: Good. So, I ate your cake that you left.
Annie: You did?
Rhodes: Yeah. I mean, I had to fight some raccoons off. But that's okay. I'm pretty strong and tough, so it wasn't much of a contest. So that might have been... I'm just going to kiss you now rather than just...
Call: Officer Rhodes, please report to...
Rhodes: Oh! I'm on duty. And I need to put my uniform on. If I drive like this, they're gonna think I just stole a car, which wouldn't be great. You could ride with me if you want.You want to come?
Annie: Yeah, I do.
Rhodes: Come on.
Annie: All right.
Rhodes: Whoa! Whoa! Where are you going?
Annie: I'm getting in the car.
Rhodes: No, no, no, you got to get in the back.
Annie: What?
Rhodes: You can't sit in the front, it's against regulations. Come on. Come on.
Annie: You're going to make me sit in the back seat?
Rhodes: Yeah, come on. Sorry. Habit.
Annie: All right.
Rhodes: It's a force of habit.
Annie: Can I please get in the front seat?
Rhodes: Actually, no, I'm afraid there's a warrant out for your arrest.
Annie: What? why?
Rhodes: Reckless driving, littering, texting, consuming alcohol while operating a vehicle. You didn't think I was going to let you get away with that, did you?
Annie: Could we put the siren on? Please? Thank you.
1. loaded: 装满东西(或人)的,这里指装满子弹的
例如:The truck was heavily loaded.(这辆卡车装载很重。)
2. carry-on: 手提行李,比如:Any carry-on baggage?(有随身行李吗?)
3.Your ride is here: 有人来接你了
4. strangely well: 出奇地好
5. force of habit: 习惯的力量,由于习惯做某事
6. reckless driving: 鲁莽驾驶
reckless attitude (轻率的态度)
reckless provocation(猖狂的挑衅)
be reckless of expenditure(乱花钱)
7. siren:汽笛,警报
siren在希腊神话中指半人半鸟的女海妖,以歌声吸引水手并使船只遇难。后引申为迷人的女人,妖妇。例如:It is said that she is a siren.(据说她是个妖艳女人。)
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1. 我偷偷给道吉放了把带子弹的枪。
2. 有人接你来了。
3. 不行的,我拿着你的逮捕令呢。
4. 你不会以为我会让你逍遥法外吧?嗯?
塞壬(Siren)又译作西壬,她们是河神埃克罗厄斯的女儿,是从他的血液中诞生的美丽妖精。因与缪斯比 赛音乐落败而被缪斯拔去双翅,使之无法飞翔。失去翅膀后的塞壬只好在小亚细亚(Asia Minor)和巴尔干半岛(Balkan Pen.)一带的海岸线附近游弋,有时会变幻为美人鱼,用自己的音乐天赋吸引过往的水手使他们遭遇灭顶之灾。也正是如此,那一带海域早已堆满了受害者的白 骨。墨西拿海峡附近的小岛上,就居住着唱魔歌的海妖塞壬三姐妹。
在希腊神话中关于塞壬最著名的故事,就是奥德修斯航海记。英雄奥德修斯率领船队经过墨西拿海峡的时候事先得知塞壬那令凡人无法抗拒的致命歌声。奥德 修斯遵循女神喀耳斯的忠告。为了对付塞壬姐妹,他采取了谨慎的防备措施。船只还没驶到能听到歌声的地方,奥德修斯就令人把他拴在桅杆上,并吩咐手下的水手 们用蜡把耳朵塞住。他还告诫他们通过死亡岛时不要理会他的命令和手势。
不久小岛就进入了他们的视线。奥德修斯听到了迷人的歌声。歌声如此令人神往,他绝望地挣扎着要解除束缚,并向随从叫喊着要他们驶向正在繁花茂盛的草 地上唱歌的海妖姐妹,但没人理他。海员们驾驶船只一直向前,直到最后再也听不到歌声。这时他们才给奥德修斯松绑,并取出他们耳朵中的蜡。这次塞壬海妖们算 是白唱了歌。三姐妹中的老大帕耳塞洛珀深深地爱慕着奥德修斯。当他的船只走过后,她就投海自尽了。