Guest: This is the most beautiful shower I have ever been to.
Guest: Yes, and Helen is giving out the cutest party favors. I know, I love their pink berets.
Waiter: Would you like some champagne?
Annie: Yes.
Waiter: It's French.
Lilian: Annie. Hey.
Annie: Hi.
Lilian: How are you doing? You're here.
Annie: Yeah, I'm here. I was invited. Sorry.
Lilian: Of course you were invited. I just meant you have arrived.
Annie: No, I was just joking.
Lilian: Okay. Can you believe this? Isn't it amazing?
Annie: Yep. Yeah. it's nice. Yeah. Pretty. Are we okay?
Lillian: Yes, I'm sorry I haven't called.
Annie: I just didn't want to bug you, but...
Lilian: Forgive me. It just got crazy. There has been lots of organizing, and... I have so much to tell you. I have to say hi to my aunt or she will get mad at my mom.
Annie: No, you gotta go do your party rounds. Yeah.
Lilian: I'll see you in a minute.
Annie: Yeah. Okay.
Lillian: Oh! Rita, you got all our towels.
Rita: Yes, I did. Because I love you, Kitten.
Megan: All right, let's see what's next. Another one, another one, another one.
Lillian: I know who this is from. I can tell by the wrapping. Is that you? Annie, you made this. Look.
Megan: Oh, man. Oh, my gosh.
Lillian: It's us, Annie. Oh, my God. This is all my favorite stuff from all the stores I love in Milwaukee. Annie! This is so unbelievable. Wilson Phillips.
Megan: Man, I love Wilson Phillips.
Lillian: We listened to Hold On probably 10,000 times when I got my driver's license. This is such an amazing gift. Thank you.
Annie: You're welcome.
Helen: I feel really bad, Lil, I didn't get a chance to actually get you a present because I have been so busy organizing the shower.
Lillian: Helen, please. It's more than enough.
Helen: Here is a card to say congratulations.
Lillian: Thank you. Gosh, you have really outdone yourself. Oh, my God, Helen.
Guest: Honey, what is it?
Lillian: Helen's taking me to Paris.
Helen: I got you. I fooled you. Look at your face. It's just a little pre-wedding vacation. And while we're there, we're gonna meet the designer of her dress and have a fitting.
Lillian: You are taking me to Paris? Oh, my God! This is the best present ever! Thank you so much.
Helen: A Paris!
Lillian: Oh, my God.
Annie: Are you fucking kidding me?
Annie's Mom: Annie!
Annie: No, Mom. Motherfucking Paris?
Lillian: Annie, what are you doing?
Annie: I told you about Paris, Helen. I told you about this whole idea!
Lillian: Annie, calm down.
Annie: No, Lillian! What, you're gonna go to Paris with Helen now? What, you guys are gonna ride around on bikes with berets and fucking baguettes in the basket of the front of your bikes? How romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right? Lesbian. We're all thinking it, aren't we?
Becca: I'm not.
Annie: Okay? Yes, we're all thinking it, right?
Megan: I was.
Lillian: Annie...
Annie: Lillian, this is not the "you" that I know. The "you" that I know would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and thought this was completely over-the-top, ridiculous and stupid. Look at this shower! Look at that fucking cookie! Did you really think that this group of women was going to finish that cookie? Really? You know what? That reminds me, actually. I never got a chance to try that fucking cookie! Stupid fucking cookie! Delicious! Stupid cookie. I think I'll... Maybe it's better if I dip it in the chocolate. is this what you want, Lillian?
Guest: This is so awesome.
Annie: All right, let's have some nice, hot, unsanitary chocolate! Ahh! It's hot! Jesus! God!
Lillian: Christ, Annie. Have you lost your fucking mind? What are you doing?
Annie: What am I doing? You wouldn't know, would you? Where have you been? You would have no idea. Let me fill you in, okay? Ever since you got engaged, everything has turned to shit!
Lillian: You know what? This is supposed to be about my time! You have managed to ruin every event in my wedding. Thank you very much.
Annie: Okay, well, thank you very much. It's all her fault. It is not mine! And you would know that, if you got your beautiful haired head out of your asshole. In fact, out of her asshole, which I'm sure is perfectly bleached.
Lillian: You know what? It is! And you know how I know? Because I went to the fucking salon with her and I got my asshole bleached, too! And I love my new asshole! You know what? Why can't you just be happy for me and then go home and talk behind my back later, like a normal person?
Annie: I am happy for you, Lillian. I am very happy for you. I wish you well. I won't bother you any more.
Lillian: Are you kidding me? Annie!
Megan: Go, go, go, go, go!
Lillian: Get back here! Stop. No, no! She does not get a party favor. She does not get a dog! And if you are going to act like this, then don't even bother coming to my wedding!
1. shower:(为新娘或即将分娩的妇女等举行的)送礼会,婚前单身派对
例如:The neighbors held a shower for the girl.(邻居们为姑娘举行了一个送礼会。)
2.party favor: 派对礼物,favor在这里指宴会上赠予客人的小礼物
3. beret: 贝雷帽
4. bug: 打扰
例如:Don't bug me with petty details.(不要讲那些琐碎的细节来烦我。)
在口语里,我们常说某个系统有bug,指的是故障,毛病,例如:There might be some bugs in the machine.(机器里面可能有些毛病。)
5. more than enough: 够多,十二分
例如:You have done more than enough.(你已经做得够多了。)
6. outdo: 胜过,超越
例如:She outdid him in mathematics.(她数学比他强。)
7. baguette: 法国棍子面包
8. over-the-top: far more than usual or expected,过多的
9. behind one’s back: 背着某人,在某人背后
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1. 这是我参加过的最美妙的贺礼会。
2. 海伦,别这么说,你做得够多了。
3. 我认识的那个人,走进这里来,只会翻翻白眼儿,觉得这一切都好夸张,好荒谬,好愚蠢。
4. 你能不能,就像个正常人一样只是为我高兴高兴,然后回家,在背后再说我的坏话?
美国人在结婚前有个习俗,要为准新娘和准新郎各举办一次庆祝活动 ,准新郎的叫“bachelor party”,是男性朋友为“哀悼”他告别单身而开的,喝酒作乐免不了,通常还会去脱衣舞厅看脱衣舞或者请脱衣舞娘来聚会现场表演,目的是让新郎在进入婚 姻城堡之前,来一次最后的疯狂,从此收心规规矩矩守着老婆过日子。
为准新娘举行的庆祝活动叫“bridal shower”。这个活动只有女性才可以参加,比如准新娘的母亲、未来的婆婆大人以及女亲戚、女朋友、女同事等等。大家一起吃吃喝喝做游戏,送给准新娘婚后用得上的礼物当然还有浓浓的祝福。
我有个女友去年订婚了,打算今年六月结婚。前些日子她妈妈和一些女友为她组织了一个“bridal shower”,事先没有告诉她,给了她一个惊喜。
有一道题没有答对,很出人意料,问的是对方最喜欢吃的食物是什么。女的答是比萨,男的答案是一种炸鸡,这时候女的嘴巴里因为含了太多的口香糖已经呈 鸭子嘴状了,腮帮子鼓的如同得了腮腺炎。这一块糖进嘴之后,嘴已经闭不上了。她“偷偷”瞪了未婚夫一眼,他特无辜地耸耸肩,大家爆笑不已。
大家大多送厨具床上用品等新房需要的东西。美国人送新人礼物一般不是盲目地送,准新人会在当地一个大商场里选好了各种价位的东西,列出一个清单,然 后告诉大家他们的礼品商店是哪一家。客人们到那个商店根据自己的预算在单子里选择礼物。这样送的东西肯定是对方需要的并且是喜欢的。
准新娘的母亲送的礼物是极性感的内衣一套,准新娘打开来之后变得扭扭捏捏的,不想拿起来比量。大家一起起哄,她很不好意思地放在身前晃了晃。据说这 也是传统,母亲送女儿新婚之夜里的衣物,都是很新潮性感的婚前肯定不会让女儿穿的那种类型的内衣。这个传统也有深意在里面,和中国的母亲在女儿出嫁前向她 讲解夫妻生活有异曲同工之妙:结了婚的女人既要下得厨房也要入得卧房,要让自己展现出女人原始的魅力。