英语听力汇总   |   看电影学英语:伴娘我最大 Bridesmaids 精讲之二








Dad: And I really look forward to having Doug as part of our family. So much so that you two should get married right now and save me a shitload of money.

Lillian: Dad.

Dad: Everybody always laughs at that, but I'm not joking. I'm not joking. Anyway, I want to thank all of you for coming. And here's to Doug and my baby girl, Lillian.

Audience: Cheers! Cheers!

Lillian: I love you, Dad.

Dad: Enough of me. Let's get the maid of honor up here. All right. Annie?

Annie: Umm. Hi. I'm Annie Walker.

Lillian: Yay, Annie!

Annie: I'm not going to go on with a big speech, so I'll just say this. I'm so happy to be a part of this celebration. And you two deserve each other, as well as a lifetime of happiness. Thank you. Cheers. Love you guys.

Audience: Cheers. Thanks, Annie. Cheers.

Helen: Thank you, Annie. That was so sweet. Thank you. Lil, remember that trip we took to Miami with the boys? And they were working the entire weekend, and we just sat and drank wine and ate peanut brittle. And I shared things with you that I've never shared with anyone. And you made me realize how I can trust people again. So let me just say, Lillian, you are my best friend. And I'm so proud of you. Sorry. And, Dougly... I'm sorry, inside joke. You better not keep my Lil on a leash because I still need my drunken Saturday nights at Rockin' Sushi, okay? Everybody raise your glasses to the couple of the decade, Doug and Lillian. Have a great night. Dessert wine is out.

Annie: Dessert wine, yummy. Excuse me. Umm... I just wanted to say really quick that you are so special to me, because... Well, one of the reasons is because I've known you my whole entire life. And you've really helped shape who I am. I just want to thank you for carefully selecting me as your maid of honor. I know you had some other choices, but you are like my sister, and I love you. Well, that concludes the speeches for the night.

Helen: Thank you. One last thing. It's rare to meet someone as an adult who you really connect with, and that's you, Lil. I went to Thailand recently with my husband, Perry, and there is a beautiful saying that I learned there. It means, "You are a part of me, a part that I could never live without, and I hope and I pray that I never have to." And that's it for tonight. Thank you for coming. Really quick, Thank you all for coming.

Annie: I just wanted to say really quick...

Helen: Dessert wine is out. Consuelo? Really quick.

Annie: Speaking of Consuelo, Lillian and I took Spanish together in school. And so, I would just like to say to you, and to everyone here...

Helen: Thank you. I feel so close to you and can trust you. You are my angel and soul mate. And I feel I can communicate with you with simply a look. Thank you for coming.

Annie: Here, I'll take that. I'll take that. Yep, I got it. Lillian...

Keep smiling, keep shining. Knowing you can always count on me. For sure, That's what friends are for. In good times and bad times, I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for. That's what friends are for.



1. a load of: 一大批,一大笔

2. big speech: 长篇大论

3. peanut brittle: 花生糖

4. inside joke: 知情人才听得懂的笑话

5. leash:皮条,皮带,也指约束,控制。这里的意思是“别把我的莉莉安看得太紧啊。”

例如:He leashed his anger and did not say a harsh word.(他压住怒气,没有说一句难听的话。)

6. dessert wine: 甜酒

7. that concludes the speeches for the night: 今晚的发言就是这些了。

8. one last thing: 最后一件事

9. soul mate: 性情相投的人,灵魂伴侣

例如:I wouldn't marry anyone until I run into a soul mate of mine.(我碰不到性情相同的人,决不结婚。)



1. 我不想长篇大论,我只想说,我很开心能参与到这场盛会。
2. 别把我的莉莉看得太紧啊。
3. 今晚的发言就是这些了。
4. 你是我的天使,我的灵魂伴侣,我想只要一个眼神,我们便可心领神会。








美国人对伴郎与伴娘是很重视的,都是新郎与新娘慎重的选择,是他们最好的朋友,被选上的人也会视为荣耀,否则伴郎怎会是Best Man,伴娘怎会叫Maid of Honor呢?我却在没有弄清楚伴娘定义之前,就胡里胡涂地当了两次伴娘。


第一次当伴娘,我刚到中西部念书,在麦当劳吃午餐,隔几桌是我在团契认识的一个女孩L,与她并不熟,我是新生,她是老生,我们只偶尔在团契碰个面。 L正与朋友讨论她的婚礼,谈到伴娘时,L说她有位外甥女可以当她的伴娘,那时伴娘流行至少要有两位,L的朋友不是已婚就是当日不方便(其实结过婚的人也可 以,叫Matron of Honor,当时竟没有人知道!)正在烦恼不知找谁时,有人看到我,问她为什么不干脆请我呢?L大概也急了,饥不择食,问我那天是否有空,我一说有空,一 切便成定局了。


轮到我自己结婚时,我对伴娘的定义依旧没有什么概念。婚礼订在期末考后,地点是新郎念书的东部。新郎特地飞来中西部帮我打包行李,然后一起飞回东 岸,隔天便是婚礼。我俩都是学生,加上我这个新娘子除了要搭飞机赶婚礼外,就只有老哥一人来把我“给人”,于是婚礼由新郎的父母提前来美帮忙。我那好心的 婆家不只帮我准备新娘礼服,而且连伴娘都帮我选好了,伴娘是我未来嫂嫂的妹妹,那时,我与伴娘并不熟,但人家说结婚要有伴娘,我就入境随俗了,管她熟或不 熟。



