Captain Stevens: Goodwin, you out there?
Dr. Rutledge: Goodwin, who is Goodwin.
Captain Stevens: This is Captain Stevens, do you copy?
Dr. Rutledge: Captain Stevens?
Captain Stevens: The capsule lost power.
Dr. Rutledge: The capsule? Is that where you are now, Captain, in a capsule?
Captain Stevens: You should know, who are you?
Dr. Rutledge: Let me get Captain Goodwin, get to it!
Captain Stevens: You invented this thing, right?
Dr. Rutledge: I did.
Captain Stevens: Are you in command here?
Dr. Rutledge: I am. Were you able to locate the information we need, Captain?
Captain Stevens: That's a negative Sir. I was unable to find the bomber, but I did save her. A passenger on the train. I got her off safely, a woman.
Goodwin: Captain, it's gonna be counterproductive for you to try to save anyone on that train. They're outside the mission.
Captain Stevens: Well, but she survived. And maybe the rest could too.
Dr. Rutledge: She survived, but only inside the Source Code. None of them will be safe.
Captain Stevens: What is this Source Code?
Dr. Rutledge: It's quantum mechanics parable calculus. It's very complicated.
Captain Stevens: Try me!
Dr. Rutledge: Fine. When a light bulb's turned off, there is an afterglow, a lingering halo-like effect. You seen it?
Captain Stevens: Yes.
Dr. Rutledge: Of course. The brain is like that, its electromagnetic field remains charged, just briefly even after death. Circuits remain open. Now there is another peculiarity about the brain. It contains a short-term memory track that's approximately 8 minutes long like a convenience store's security camera that only records the last portion of the day's activity on its hard drive. Now combining these two phenomena, circuitry that remains viable postmortem and a memory bank that goes back 8 Minutes Source Code enables us to capitalize on the overlap. Shawn Fentress died on that train, of all the passengers aboard he was your best link. You two share the compatibility in terms of gender, body size and your synaptic maps.
Captain Stevens: What happens after the 8 minutes?
Dr. Rutledge: After? Nothing. You cease to exist on the train. You cannot exist inside the Source Code, beyond Fentress' 8 minutes. Source Code is not time travel. Rather, Source Code is time reassignment. It gives us access to a parallel reality. Now the deaths on the train were a tragedy but Source Code empowers us...
Captain Stevens: No, but I saved...one person, that girl, that's always sitting across from me. I pulled her off the train.
Goodwin: Give me her name.
Captain Stevens: Christina, I don't remember her last name.
Goodwin: Her name was Christina Warren.
Captain Stevens: Yes!
Goodwin: She was 28.
Captain Stevens: That's her!
Goodwin: ...born in Moline, Illinois. Died this morning on the train.
Captain Stevens: No, no, I pulled her off. She's fine.
Dr. Rutledge: No, she isn't.
Captain Stevens: Believe me, she is.
Dr. Rutledge: Believe me.
Captain Stevens: She saw me get hit by the express train.
Goodwin: This isn't us getting anywhere.
Captain Stevens: No, no, no, wait, wait....
Goodwin: We have to send him in. A second attack is imminent, Dr. Rutledge.
Captain Stevens: What second attack?
Dr. Rutledge: The train was just the beginning. A letter of intent.
Captain Stevens: I am sorry, what are you telling me here?
Goodwin: We have information that Downtown Chicago is the next target. And they're planning to detonate a dirty bomb.
Dr. Rutledge: You have any idea how many people would die if an explosion of that magnitude were to occur in the city? We're evacuating as we speak. We've to stop it before it happens, do you understand?
Goodwin: If you find the bomber, his second attack, the real attack, we think, can be prevented. We have very little time left. Out here the clocks only move in one direction.
Dr. Rutledge: Charge the drivers.
Goodwin: On the upper deck of the next carriage there is a conductor's compartment. It's a small office containing a strongbox. Inside is a loaded handgun. Get to it. You are authorized to use whatever force necessary.
(Captain Stevens is sending back to the eight minutes)
Christina: I took your advice...It was very good advice...
1. locate: 查明,探明;找到。例如:He could not locate his lost watch.(他找不到丢失的表。)
2. counterproductive: 产生不良后果的;起反作用的。
3. quantum mechanics: 量子力学。
4. parable: 寓言。
5. calculus: 微积分。
6. afterglow: 余辉。也可以表示“事后愉快的回忆”,例如:bask in the afterglow of one's triumph(获胜后沾沾自喜)。
7. halo: 光晕。
8. convenience store: 便利店。
9. postmortem: 死后的。
10. capitalize on: 利用。看一下例子:She capitalized on his mistake and won the game.(她利用他的失误赢得比赛。)
11. overlap: 重叠部分。
12. express train: 特快列车。
13. imminent: 即将来临的,逼近的。例如:War seems imminent.(看来战争迫在眉睫。)
14. letter of intent: 意向书。影片中Rutledge博士指这次爆炸只是个开头,罪犯不过是借此来表明他的犯罪意向。
15. dirty bomb: 脏弹。脏弹又称放射性炸弹,是通过引爆传统的爆炸物如黄色炸药等,通过巨大的爆炸力,将内含的放射性物质,主要是放射性颗粒,抛射散布到空气中,造成相当于核放射性尘埃的污染,形成灾难性生态破坏的“辐射散布”炸弹。
16. strongbox: 保险柜,保险箱。
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1. 我们应该充分利用一切机会来提高英语水平。
2. 那个士兵害怕即将来临的死亡。
3. 您能为我们找一位口译员吗?
4. 不知道这附近有没有便利商店?
为了解释著名的“祖母悖论”,提出“平行宇宙”的概念,这就是霍金的“平行空间理论”: 时间旅行者回到过去改变历史后,时间线便出现分杈,分杈的时间线展开的是另一段历史。然而,如果我们能够回到过去,就可能破坏因果规律。
这个悖论是建立在爱因斯坦的广义相对论的基础上。广义相对论认为我们的宇宙是平行相通的,可以通过虫洞回到过去。正如所设想的一样,如果回到过去成 立,就必然产生上述的悖论。在爱因斯坦的狭义相对论中,我们又被告知时间和空间是彼此联系的,由于光速恒定,所有运动,甚至时间本身都必须与之相对应,由 此时间也是相对的。于是,人们为解释上述悖论,提出“平行宇宙”的概念,这就是霍金的“平行空间理论”。
事实上可以明确说明一件事:即使你回到了过去你也杀不死你外祖母,只能让她受伤,而且她年轻的时候身上有块伤痕而己。时间与空间与命运之链让你杀不 死祖母老人家的,会因种种原因而让你倍加痛苦。你花半年时间穿越上千个空间用刀具或杀伤武器无论是怎样,你都杀不死历史注定的命迹。过去的已经成了历史, 你可以通过负历史伤害到亲人,但正历史却无法杀死。等到你回到原来空间时你才发现外祖母事实年轻时所受的痛苦都是一人造成的,不要穿越,也不要想改变历 史。
是否有另一个你正在阅读和本文完全一样的一篇文章?那个家伙并非你自己,却生活在一个有着云雾缭绕的高山、一望无际的原野、喧嚣嘈杂的城市,和其它 7颗行星一同围绕一颗恒星旋转,并且也叫做“地球”的行星上?他(她)一生的经历和你每秒钟都相同。然而也许她此刻正准备放下这篇文章而你却打算看下去。
这种“分身”的想法听起来奇怪而又难以置信,但似乎我们不得不接受它,因为它已为各种天文观测的结果所支持。如今最流行同时也最简单的宇宙模型指 出,离我们大约10^(10^28)米外之处存在一个和我们的银河一模一样的星系,而那其中正有个一模一样的你。虽然这距离大得超乎人们的想象,却毫不影 响你的“分身”存在的真实性。该想法最初起源于很简单的“自然可能性”而非现代物理所假设:宇宙在尺寸上无限大(或者至少足够大),并且象天文观测指出的 那样均匀的分布着物质。既然如此,按照统计学规律便可以断定,所有的事件(无论多么相似或者相同)都会发生无数次:会有无数个孕育人类的星球,它们之中会 有和你一摸一样的人——一模一样的长相、名字、记忆甚至和你一模一样的动作、选择——这样的人还不止一个,确切的说,是无穷多个。
你很可能永远见不到你的“影子”们,但科学告诉我们:他们是存在的。你能观测到的最远距离也就是自大爆炸以来光所行进的最远距离:大约140亿光 年,即4X10^26米——定义了我们可观测视界的大小,或者简单地说,宇宙的大小,又叫做哈勃体积。同样的,另一个你所在的宇宙也是个同样大小的球体。 以上便是对“平行宇宙”最直观的解释。每个宇宙都是更大的“多重宇宙”的一小部分。
《传道书》 1: 9 已有的事,后必再有。已行的事,后必再行。日光之下并无新事。
《传道书》 1:10 岂有一件事人能指着说,这是新的。哪知,在我们以前的世代,早已有了。
《传道书》 3:15 现今的事早先就有了。将来的事早也已有了。并且神使已过的事重新再来。
霍金解释,时间旅行者回到过去改变历史后,时间线便出现分杈,分杈的时间线展开的是另一段历史。然而,如果我们能够回到过去,就可能破坏因果规律。 于是,祖母悖论也被这样解释:由于时间与空间相关,因此祖母被害,世界因历史的改变被一分为二,从而产生时空的分支,那么在这个空间里的我就不存在了,但 另一个空间的祖母仍然存在,也便还有我存在。