Bethany: Hey, I'm home!
Noah: Hey, there she is.
Timmy: How was your trip?
Bethany: Great. What's all this stuff?
Noah: Oh, you know, just a little fan mail. Went ahead and sorted it out by country.
Bethany: Are you serious?
Timmy: Yup. And apparently, you are very popular in Madagascar.
Bethany: No way.
Noah: "Dear Bethany. My name is Stephanie Bolt, I'm 11 years old and I go to Northcross Intermediate School in New Zealand."
Bethany: People are so amazing. There's an eighth grader from North Carolina, who lost his arm. Logan, and he says he's gonna try out for his school soccer team because of me. And he's rooting for me in my next competition. I mean, I don't understand, I totally blew it at regionals. Why would they want me to compete?
Mom: You tried. And apparently, Dylan and Stephanie like that.
Bethany: Hey, Dad. I need your help.
Dad: Name it.
Bethany: I think I want to compete.
Dad: You sure? You don't have to.
Bethany: I'll take it heat by heat.
Dad: Okay.
Bethany: So we need to figure out something. Some way so when I duck dive, I don't get pounded.
Dad: Yeah. You mean something like this?
Bethany: Yeah.
Mom: You sure she can use it in competition?
Dad: Sure. Judges don't score on how you get out to the waves. They only care what you do when you catch one. Go ahead, say it. I'm a genius.
Mom: You are...
Dad: Come on, say it.
Dad: Tom, you're a genius!
Noah: Genius.
Mom: You're very smart.
Dad: Genius. Come on, you know it.
Mom: You're cute. You're very cute.
Dad: Genius. Genius.
Alana: Hey. Hey. Remember me?
Bethany: No.
Alana: That's really nice.
Bethany: Best friends since birth, nothing. No. Nothing. Good. Good sign. Hey, thanks for coming.
Alana: Thanks for calling. I'm sorry I snapped at you at regionals.
Bethany: Me, too.
Alana: I miss you.
Bethany: Me, too.
Alana: Friends?
Bethany: Of course.
Keoki: Hey, Bethany! I saw you surfing out there this morning. You were amazing.
Bethany: Maybe for a girl with one arm.
Keoki: By any standard. As for one arm, that just levels the playing field.
Bethany: All right, all right. What do you want?
Keoki: I want you to dominate at nationals.
Bethany: Hey, Keoki, thanks.
Keoki: For what?
Bethany: Just for always showing up for me, no matter what.
Keoki: Well, it's because I care about you. I mean, even if you did miss my last competition and all.
Bethany: I was in the hospital you psycho.
Keoki: Excuses, excuses. Bethany, I'm sorry. I wasn't even...
Bethany: Gotcha. Sucker!
1. fan mail: 粉丝邮件,一般是影迷(或球迷)写给明星的信
2. no way: 不会吧
no way一般表示“决不,不可能”,例如:I am in no way to blame.(我一点也没错。)
3. root for: 支持,赞助
例如:John was rooting for the Scottish football team in the World Cup.(约翰在世界杯比赛中为苏格兰足球队喝彩。)
类似的说法还有thump for,thump在此处表示“竭力支持”。
例如:All her classmates thumped for her.(她的同班同学都全力支持她。)
4. Name it: 讲出来
例如:She can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards you name it.(她什么都会做: 椅子、桌子、 柜橱——你说出什么她都会做。)
5. snap at: 厉声说,急促地说
例如:The mother snapped at the noisy children. (母亲厉声斥责吵吵闹闹的孩子。)
6. playing field: 运动场
7. psycho: 精神病患者,也可以表示精神分析,心理分析
8. gotcha: I’ve got you. 常用于口语。在这里贝瑟妮的意思是“你被骗了”。
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1. 噢,就是一些粉丝的信。
2. 那,我们得解决一件事,让我可以潜越时不受大浪搅乱。
3. 很抱歉在区赛对你发飙。
4. 不管我怎么样,你总是为我出面。
如果冷不丁听到陌生人这样的问话,多多少少会在心里暗想,这个人有什么目的?到底是什么意思?其实,这只是沙发客最最平常的一种旅游交换方式。通过 “交换”沙发,住到陌生人家里,感受彼此生活细节的冲撞、用直觉相处、试图寻找在不同族群之间,那些人类所共有的情感。这是《沙发旅行》的作者momo告 诉大家的,她觉得沙发冲浪最迷人的地方就是分享,食物、电影、浴室,甚至马桶……
Couch surfing,意即“沙发冲浪”,这个全世界已经有超过百万自助旅行者的网站,是跨国沙发客的交流平台,所以你是否是一名真正的沙发客,甚至会以你是否 在这个网站上注册过为标准。这个在国外非常流行的旅游方式,最近随着国内第一个沙发客网站的上线和豆瓣上的异常活跃的中国沙发客小组,在国内作为一种新观 念旅游方式,越来越被广泛的人接受认可。但如果追究沙发冲浪为什么会被大众喜爱和痴迷,想必绝不仅仅是免费二字,分享和赢得信任的尊重感,才是吸引沙发客 们的原因。网上有大把关于沙发客的文字介绍,在这里我们只想通过体验过交换“沙发”的旅行者,跟大家随意聊聊沙发所代表的不只是一个沙发,它更多的是一种 文化,一种态度,和一份信任。
沙发客不仅仅是一个沙发,是一个分享的文化。 即使没有沙发,同城的沙发客也可以一起分享,一起交流,一起聚会,一起欢乐。沙发客在我的定义里,他她至少应该在沙发冲浪上注册过。
如果把中国式沙发冲浪定义为一种冒险行为,很多沙发客都不太认同。在沙发冲浪的过程中,旅行者睡到当地陌生人家的客厅沙发中,真正与当地人的生活融 合在一起,分享对方的生活、文化、食物、见地,这一切都要在彼此尊重、信任的前提下完成。看似完全免费的沙发冲浪,绝不仅仅只是一次交换旅游中为了省钱的 行为,而且并不疯狂。在一次沙发冲浪中,更多的体验词是信任、孤独、温情、立场、差异等等。为什么要提供给陌生人一张沙发,又如何感受身为沙发客的特别, 在沙发客自己的叙述中,我们会找到答案。