Doctor: Doctor Rovinsky, we need this room stat! It's a teenage girl from the North Shore. Shark attack.
Dad: Who? Who is it?
David: I'll check it out, Tom. I'll check it out.
Holt: Stay with me, Bethany! Alana! Get over here!
Alana: I can't.
Noah: Morning, Mom.
Mom: When did you go night surfing?
Noah: Uh... Night surfing... All right.
Holt: All right, sweetheart. Ambulance is coming, all right?
Bethany: I want my mom.
Holt: I know. We're gonna get your mom. We're gonna get your mom.
Mom: Wait, wait, wait. What?
Noah: Mom?
Bylon: Dad! I called 911! I called her mom.
Holt: Okay, okay, okay. Grab the foot of the board. Okay? Grab it, on the count of three. Ready? One, two, three! Go, go, go, go, go! Take her up to the truck! Let's get her up there right now! Come on. Talk to me. Watch your step right here! Watch your step right there! Where's the ambulance, Dad? They're not here yet!
Holt: Don't worry about the ambulance! We'll meet it on the way!
Bylon: Alana, get the board!
Holt: Get her up! All right. Get up, get up there!
Alana: Bethany, can you hear me? Oh, my God.
Bylon: She's losing a lot of blood, Dad!
Holt: All right, I see the ambulance. Here it comes!
Worker: Who are you, sir?
Holt: Family friend.
Worker: Do you know if she hit her head or ever lost consciousness?
Holt: No, she never passed out, but she's lost a lot of blood.
Worker: Here we go! Careful! Easy. Okay, lock her in.
Alana: Please don't die.
Mom: Please don't take her! Please don't take her. Please don't take her.
David: Tom, it's Bethany.
Dad: No, no! No! Get me out of here! Get me out of here! Just let me get out of here!
David: No. Come on. You can't move! You can't walk!
Worker: Talk to me. Gotta stay with me. Keep looking at my eyes, okay?
Bethany: Where's my family?
Worker: They're on their way. They're gonna meet us at the hospital. She's going into hypovolemic shock. We're almost there. Breathe deep.
Noah: Mom, the car!
Mom: Stay with me.
Holt: Cheri, it happened so fast...
Doctor: Traumatic amputation. Severe loss of blood. Blood pressure 70 over 40 and dropping. Up, up! Get her in here. Move! Come on! Follow it back.
Mom: I'm here, baby, I'm right here. I'm right here.
Doctor: Let's go! Stay with us! Hang in there. Bethany, you'll be okay! What's happening? Get her in a bed. Move her into bay three!
Mom: Come on, Bethany. Stay with us, stay with us.
Bethany: Mom?
Mom: Hi, sweetheart. I'm right here.
Dad: Hey. We're all here.
Bethany: It hurts.
Mom: Okay.
Dad: Noah, get the doctor.
Noah: Yeah, I got it.
Bethany: I'm a little thirsty.
Timmy: Okay. Got it.
Bethany: Dad, please don't cry.
Dad: I'm not crying.
Bethany: I'm going to be okay.
Dad: I know.
Holt: Hey there, kiddo. How you holding up?
Bethany: Pretty good, thanks to you. I guess I ruined your surf shirt, huh?
Holt: Well, I never liked that one anyway. Why don't you just concentrate on getting better, okay?
Bethany: Thank you.
Holt: You were amazing out there. You were the one who kept me calm. You never... You never let go. You are incredibly brave, Bethany.
Bethany: Where's Alana?
Holt: She's... She's at home. With her mother. She's... She's still a little freaked out. But, you know, she'll be better knowing that you're going to be okay. So...
David: Hey. How's my favorite patient?
Bethany: You say that to everyone.
David: I mean it when I see you.
Holt: I'll wait outside. I'll see you later.
David: So, I understand you're feeling some discomfort.
Bethany: Yeah.
David: Well, that's normal. There's going to be a lot of pain because of the trauma that you endured. Not to mention the fact that you've lost over 60% of your blood. You're going to be feeling kind of lousy for the next few days, kid. Now here's the thing, Bethany. The things that you're going to have to learn to do differently is extensive. But the good news. Those things you're not gonna be able to do is small. I'm so proud of you. I'll tell you something. She is a living miracle.
Dad: Thanks, David.
1. foot: 最下部,最底部
例如:The village is at the foot of the mountain.(村子在山脚下。)
2. on the count of three: 我数到三
3. watch your step: 注意脚下。用于提醒地滑,看不清楚楼梯等场合。常用于公共告示。
4. lose consciousness: 失去意识
5. pass out: 昏倒
例如:Fifty people passed out from heat at the outdoor rock concert.(在那户外的摇滚音乐会中有五十人热得昏过去了。)
6. hypovolemic shock: 失血性休克
7. traumatic: 外伤的,创伤的
8. amputation: 截肢(术),切断,切除,也可以表示“删除”
9. bay: (建筑物的)隔间
例如:There is a storage bay in the house.(屋内有一隔开的储藏间。)
10.kiddo: (俚语)老兄,老姐(一种亲昵的称呼)
11.freak out:吓坏了,行为异常
例如:He totally freaked out when he saw the armed robbery.(他看到武装抢劫时完全吓坏了。)
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1. 她有撞击头部或失去意识吗?
2. 反正我也不喜欢那件。你就专心养病,好吗?
3. 她还惊魂未定,不过,她听到你没事,就好多了。
4. 我要告诉你们,她是个生命奇迹。
冲浪 surfing
冲浪(surfing)是以海浪为动力,利用自身的高超技巧和平衡能力,搏击海浪的一项运动。运动员站立在冲浪板上,或利用腹板、跪板、充气的橡皮 垫、划艇、皮艇等驾驭海浪的一项水上运动。不论采用哪种器材,运动员都要有很高的技巧和平衡能力,同时要善于在风浪中长距离游泳。
第二次世界大战后,塑料工业的诞生产生了轻便的塑料冲浪板,促进了冲浪运动的发展,由此,冲浪运动才真正在世界许多国家开展起来。随着冲浪运动逐渐 普及和提高,其运动便向着竞技方向发展了。澳大利亚经常举行冲浪比赛。冲浪运动首届世界锦标赛于1962年在澳大利亚的曼利举行,其后每两年举行一次比 赛。比赛主要根据冲浪者在规定时间内完成的冲浪数量和质量,采用20分制进行评分,如在30分钟内冲3个浪或45分钟内冲6个浪,再根据冲浪运动员冲浪的 起滑、转弯、滑行距离和选择浪的难易程度等进行评分。
冲浪运动曾创造了许多令人难以置信的奇迹,常使人惊讶不已。1986年初,两名法国运动员庇隆和皮夏凡,脚踩冲浪板,从非洲西部的塞内加尔出发,横渡大西洋(the Atlantic Ocean ),二月下旬到达中美洲的法属德罗普岛,历时24天12小时。