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Sarah: You guys are usually the first ones in here, let's go. Let's finish up Rad Night with a game. Can anyone tell me what he or she thinks this is?

Alana: Easy, it's a dodge ball.

Sarah: No.

Bethany: Or Mars? Mmm-mmm.

Timmy: A blob in a lava lamp?

Sarah: Very creative, but no. It's a fly's eye.

Boy: Weird.

Sarah: How about this one?

Boy: A brain.

Alana: Aren't brains supposed to be pink?

Boy: A dead, rotting brain?

Sarah: That is gross, and that is a walnut. So, you see how hard it can be to make sense of things when you're looking at them really close? The same thing's true in life. So, if you guys are dealing with anything, that's just too hard to handle or doesn't seem to make much sense, get a new perspective. I want to share with you guys something that has really made an impact on my life. That's Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans that I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. "Plans to give you hope and a future." That's all the time we have tonight, guys. If you are going on the mission trip, please don't forget to give me your permission slips. Hey, what's up? What's this?

Bethany: Well, it looks like I'm not going to be able to go to Mexico, so I brought some things for the orphanage. I made the bracelets. Noah donated the shoes and the Spam's from Timmy.

Sarah: Are you sure you can't come?

Bethany: Yeah, I've got to stay and train now that I'm sponsored. I was really looking forward to it.

Sarah: You're going to miss out.

Bethany: Well, have a good trip. Sarah's really bumming me out.

Mom: Any particular reason?

Bethany: Yeah. So, I told her I'm not coming to Mexico. I mean, she knows that I have two important competitions coming up, right? I mean, she knows how much I've put into this, you know? How much you and the whole family has put into this.

Mom: So what's her angle?

Bethany: That going to Mexico to help kids is really important. And I know it is. I mean, I really, really wish I could go. It's just, I've got to stay and train for regionals.

Mom: Did you say you'd go?

Bethany: Well, yeah, but that was before I got sponsored. I mean, it's like she's counting on me now, like I'm the only person in the entire world who can do this. I mean, I'm not going. I mean, I can't, right?

Mom: It's your call.

Bethany: Great. Now I feel even worse.

Mom: That's good. A small step in a good direction.

Dad: The girls are all tucked in. How's it look tomorrow?

Mom: Pretty decent, actually.

Dad: Well.

Mom: No, no, no, you can't.

Dad: What?

Mom: You have your surgery tomorrow. The doctor said no food after 10:00.

Dad: This is like juice.

Mom: Give it to me.

Dad: No. No, no.

Alana: You need to relax, they'll never know the difference.

Bethany: Maybe we shouldn't. I mean, we have to get up super early for dawn patrol. I mean, what happens if my mom comes in?

Alana: Bethany, it'll be worth it. The moon's full. The waves are perfect. I mean, come on, it's almost Halloween. Even Noah's done it.

Bethany: He has?

Alana: Yeah.

Bethany: I really wanted to go.

Alana: Shh! Okay, come on, let's go.

Bethany: Keoki. I knew it was you!

Keoki: No way!

Bethany: Yeah, you surf like a skater. Hey! You're toast, Keoki. Okay, truce. Truce.

Keoki: Okay, deal.

Alana: Bethy, it's almost midnight.

Betyhany: What happens at midnight?

Alana: You'll see.

Bethany: What? Later skater. How lucky are we? Awesome!



1.dodge ball: 躲避球

2. gross: 粗俗的,下流的,令人恶心的


例如:He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it.(他犯了严重的错误却不肯承认。)

I made a gross judgment of the distance between the two cities.(我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。)

3. permission slip: 在这里指许可证

4. orphanage: 孤儿院,或者指孤儿的总称

5. bum out: 令某人觉得很厌烦,使不愉快,恼怒

He's been really bummed out since his girlfriend moved to California.(女友搬去加州后,他很不高兴。)

6. what's her angle: 她是什么立场/态度?

7. It's your call: 你的使命。Call在这里指“必要,需要”,比如:You have no call to do that.(你没有必要那样做。)

8. truce: 休战,休止,也可以指休战协定

例如:The two armies agreed to a truce.(两支军队同意停火。)

Truce也可以指(烦恼、争吵等的)中止,暂停,例如:The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.(热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦。)



1. 请别忘了给我你的许可证。
2. 那她的立场呢?
3. 贝瑟妮,很值得的。
4. 好了,休战。







潮汐是沿海地区的一种自然现象,在中国古代称白天的潮汐为“潮”,晚上的称为“汐”,合称为“潮汐”,它的发生和太阳、月球的引力都有关系,也和中 国传统农历对应。在农历每月的初一即朔点时刻处太阳和月球在地球的一侧,所以就有了最大的引潮力,所以会引起“大潮”,在农历每月的十五或十六附近,太阳 和月亮在地球的两侧,太阳和月球的引潮力你推我拉也会引起“大潮”;在月相为上弦和下弦时,即农历的初八和二十三时,太阳引潮力和月球引潮力互相抵消了一 部分所以就发生了“小潮”,故农谚中有“初一十五涨大潮,初八二十三到处见海滩”之说。

Soul Surfer《灵魂冲浪》精讲之二

潮汐是一种世界性的海平面周期性变化的现象,由于受月亮和太阳这两个万有引力源的作用,海平面每昼夜有两次涨落。潮汐作为一种自然现象,为人类的航 海、捕捞和晒盐提供了方便,更值得指出的是,它还可以转变成电能,给人带来光明和动力。潮汐发电是一项潜力巨大的事业,经过多年来的实践,在工作原理和总 体构造上基本成型,可以进入大规模开发利用阶段。潮汐发电的前景是广阔的。

20世纪初,欧、美一些国家开始研究潮汐发电。第一座具有商业实用价值的潮汐电站是1967年建成的法国郎斯电站。该电站位于法国圣马洛湾郎斯河 口。郎斯河口最大潮差13-14米,平均潮差8米。一道750米长的大坝横跨郎斯河。坝上是通行车辆的公路桥,坝下设置船闸、泄水闸和发电机房。郎斯潮汐 电站机房中安装有24台双向涡轮发电机,涨潮、落潮都能发电。总装机容量24万千瓦,年发电量5亿多度,输入国家电网。


