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Greg’s mother: Hey, Rodrick, could you come here, please? What happened to the lock?

Rodrick: I don't know what you are talking about?

Greg’s mother: There was a lock on this door.

Rodrick: I don't think so.

Greg’s mother: Rodrick, I have lived in this house for ten years and I've locked that door ten thousands times, because sometimes it's my only moment for privacy of the day. And there was a lock on the door.

Rodrick: There wasn't. Trust me. Greg has walked in on me like a million times, and if there was a lock, I would use it. In fact, maybe you should put one on.

Greg’s mother: So that's your story? There was never a lock and you have no idea what I'm talking about?

Rodrick: Yes.

Greg’s mother: Fine. I will just go ask your brother the same thing. Greg, two words: Bathroom! Door!

Greg: It was Rodrick. He held a party. Someone ruined the door, so we had to change it.

Greg’s mother: I knew it. I knew it.

Greg: No, Mom, wait, I was exaggerating a little bit. It wasn't a party. It was a band rehearsal, for the talent show. That’s all it was.

Greg’s mother: We said nobody could come over. He knew the rules.

Greg: But Mom, if you punish him, Rodrick can know I told on him. We really had a good time this weekend but if you do this, Rodrick and I will never, ever be friends again. The idea that one day my kids won't get to know Uncle Rodrick? Or any family holidays.

Greg’s mother: You two really have been getting better along this weekend, haven't you?

Greg: Yeah, we really have.

Greg’s mother: Ok, if, if I let this slide and be our little secret, for the sake of family and for your relationship with your brother. Do you swear to be on your best behavior and to get better along?

Greg: I swear. I swear.

Greg’s mother: OK. OK.

Rodrick: You didn't back off?

Greg: Deny. Deny. Deny. Right?

Rodrick: You know...you may not be half dumb as I thought you were.

Greg: I couldn't believe it. Rodrick was actually trying to be nice to me. Wow. You're a Mum Bucks millionaire. Where did you get this?

Rodrick: Thrift Shops. There is enough in here to last me until I'm 30. It is now time, little bro, that you understand the secrets to an easy life. Rule No. One: Don't be good at something you don't want to do.


Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日记2》精讲之四

Greg’s father: Guys, use clean rags, not ... Give me that, I'll do that myself.

Rodrick: Rule No. Two: Always lower Mom and Dad's expectation.

Greg: Hey, I took a math test today, you know, pretty sure, I've flunked it.

Greg’s father: Oh, Greg!

Greg: But I got it back. And look, I got a C-.

Greg’s father: Well, at least you didn't fail.

Rodrick: Rule No. Three: Never do something when someone else can do it for you.

Rodrick: “A Hundred Year Ago”. I remember that assignment. Why write a new one when there is a perfect little paper already written by your brother?

Greg: Isn't that cheating?

Rodrick: Isn't Mr. Draybrick cheating by hanging up the same assignment every year? New binder. Teachers dig binders.

Greg: The thing was, Rodrick had managed to get my Dad to do all of his homework for the past five years.

Rodrick: Which one is the space part again?

Greg’s father: Oh, just let me do it. Ok? Ok?

Greg: I would never actually hand in a paper Rodrick wrote. But my Dad? That is a different story. So that's just the three things Rodrick has taught me. He has a lot of cool tips.

Rowley: I'm not sure Rodrick’s tips are really that cool.

Greg: OK. So the invisible Chirag joke is still going. The whole school is on it, but it looks like Chirag discovered our weakness.

Chirag: Hello, Greg, Rowley. Still pretending that I'm invisible, I presume?

Rowley: I wonder if I can do this.

Greg: Stay strong.

Chirag: What is this? A Corn Dog. Rowley's all-time favorite lunch delicacy. If you say you can see me, Rowley, it is all yours. Hmm. Smell the fragrance of butter.

Kids: Do not, Rowley. Resist it!

Greg: Hey, everyone. Look, there is a floating Corn Dog. I don't want to get ahead of myself for anything, but I think I may have class crown in the back for dreaming this one up.



1. walk in on (somebody/something): 冷不丁进屋撞见。walk out on somebody则是“遗弃,抛弃,舍弃,离开某人”。看一下例子:He just walked out on his wife and family without saying a word.(他一句话也没说就遗弃了妻子和儿女。)

2. tell on somebody: 告发;打某人的小报告;告某人的状。请看例子:He had promised not to tell on us.(他曾答应不告发我们。)

3. back off: 放弃(别人强烈反对的要求、主张等);认输。

4. thrift shop: 旧货店。

5. flunk: 通不过(考试等)。看一下例子:She flunked the physics examination.(她物理考试挂科了。)

6. binder: 活页夹。

7. dig: <美俚> 看;注意。例如:Dig that fancy hat.(瞧那顶花里胡哨的帽子!)

8. delicacy: 美味,佳肴。

9. get ahead of oneself: 超前。



1. 他的妻子抛弃了他, 而后有人在邻近的一个城市看到她和另一个男人在一起。
2. 海伦打妹妹玛丽的小报告。
3. 他们不愿让步。
4. 她匆匆翻阅那本大活页夹。







热狗(hot dog)是香肠的一种吃法。夹有热狗的整个面包三明治也可以直接称作热狗。吃热狗的时候可以配上很多种类的配料,比如番茄酱、美乃滋、芥末、渍包心菜、渍 白萝卜、洋葱屑、生菜屑、番茄(切片、切屑或切块)和辣椒等等。热狗还有其他种的变化。加起司的叫做“起司热狗”,或是直接叫“起司狗”。加了辣肉酱 (chili)的叫做“辣狗”。前面两种全加的就叫“辣起司狗”。裹了玉米浆的油炸热狗,而且插了根小竹棒的叫做玉米狗(corn dog)。玉米狗可以直接吃,或是沾了芥末或是番茄酱之后吃。


Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日记2》精讲之四

受各地方不同饮食习惯的影响,热狗会使用不同的材料,传统上使用法兰克福肠,而一般则以猪肉或牛肉为主,但也有使用牛肉及猪肉的混合馅料,或是甚至 使用火鸡肉、鸡肉或蔬菜类等不同材料制作,再经过调味,入味,有时会用烟薰,然后烹煮。在出货前一般会先把包覆热狗的覆膜先去掉。一般尺寸的热狗长度是6 寸(15厘米)。在某些地方则是长度12寸(30厘米)的热狗比较受到欢迎。

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日记2》精讲之四

热狗是美国最普通的一种食品。在剖开的长形小面包中夹一条香肠,食用前先烤热。在美国,热狗到处有卖,不但一般的食店里有卖,各单位食堂、博物馆的 餐厅或大门前、公园门口、学校门口、海滨游乐场,以至街头巷尾的食品流动车上都有卖。据某些调查,美国一年之中所吃掉的热狗至少有一百多亿条。

Hot dog一词来源于一张漫画上的讹写。1906年时,细长流线型的香肠,在美国仍是一种新奇的食物,有各种各样的叫法,如“法兰克福香肠”、“法兰克香 肠”、“维也纳香肠”、“小红肠”,还有叫“德希臣狗香肠”的。德希臣狗是指长体短腿棕毛狗,由于香肠的形状颇似这个品种的狗而得名。 在这期间,获得点心注册经营权的哈里·史蒂文斯,把他制作的德希臣狗香肠面包推销到纽约的棒球赛场中,成了风行一时的食品。在纽约巨人队的基地“波洛”运 动场内,史蒂文斯雇用的小贩们,在看台上叫卖:“快来买热的德希臣狗香肠!”这年夏天,《赫斯特报》的漫画家塔德.多尔根在看台上,见那狗型的香肠和听到 小贩们犬吠般的叫卖声,灵感顿生,即兴画了一幅漫画:一个小圆面包里夹一节“德希臣狗”香肠,上边抹了一些芥末。多尔根回到办公室,把漫画润饰了一下,但 写说明时不知为何突然想不起来如何拼写dachshund(德希臣),只好写个狗字,结果漫画中小贩的喊声就被写成了“快来买热狗”。有趣的是, 这一讹写居然大受欢迎,立刻传开了,不仅站住了脚,而且还把其它叫法都送进了历史博物馆。