英语听力汇总   |   看电影学英语:另一个女人 The Other Woman 4








Emilia: Hello.

Carolyn: Yes.

Emilia: Carolyn, I don't know if you remember me.

Carolyn: I know who you are. Is Jack inside?

Emilia: Yeah, he'll be down in a minute.

Carolyn: All right. This is all your fault. Will has been so distracted and tense and emotional. I'm sure they sensed that in the interviews.

Emilia: What?

Carolyn: You just won't be happy until you've ruined everything. I don't know what the hell happened to you to make you so destructive. Jack. He didn't get in.

Jack: He didn't get in?

Carolyn: No, uh-uh. Not Collegiate, not even wait-listed.

Jack: All right, just calm down, Carolyn.

Carolyn: Oh, I'm calm. Would you like me to not care? Should I be more like you?

Jack: Well, he can always stay here. I mean, it's not the end of the world.

Carolyn: No, it's certainly not the end of your world. You don't give a shit. But it's a disaster for Will. He didn't get in anywhere. Not Collegiate, not Dalton, not Trinity.

Jack: You know what? This is not the time.

Carolyn: Not the U.N. international school. Do you know where he got in? Do you know who took him? West Side Prep.

Jack: That's a great school. Will, that's great, really.

Carolyn: It's his safety school, Jack. Do you know what a safety school is?

Jack: Yeah, I do.

Emilia: Jack, I'm gonna take William home. We'll meet you there. Should I go to the theater?

Jack: No. Home. I'll meet you at home. Don't worry, Will, okay?

Emilia: You're really too old for The Lion King, anyway. I mean, it's pretty unscientific. Talking lions? Talking lion puppets, actually. You dodged a bullet, my friend. You want something to drink? Hey, easy. We're walking through the park. Your mom hates the bathrooms there.

William: I can pee on a tree. I have a penis. You're the one who should be worried. You don't have one.

Emilia: Thank you for clearing that up. I can stop looking now. Hey, um, do you skate?

William: It's just wrong. We should rent helmets. Rollerbladers need helmets, and ice is just as hard as asphalt. Harder.

Emilia: Ice is not as hard as asphalt.

William: Yes, it is. Much harder. Actually, asphalt is quite soft. That's why my mom runs in the street and not the sidewalk. She knows that kind of thing. She's a doctor.

Emilia: Does she run with a helmet? You should mention that to her.

William: My pediatrician's office has a safety wall in it. It has a picture of children on their rollerblades. My picture is there too. I'm on my tricycle wearing my blue helmet. I also have a red helmet. If we really want to do this, we can go home and get one of my helmets.

Emilia: Oy, with the helmets.

William: It looks bigger than 33,000 square feet.

Emilia: How do you know how big Wollman Rink is?

William: It's in that book you gave me, you know, the Central Park book?

Emilia: Oh. I didn't know you read it. Pretty cool, huh? Come on. Hat.

Child: Watch out!

William: See?

Emilia: At the speed he's going, he needs one.

William: This is very scary.

Emilia: No, it's not.

William: Yes, it is. You can't say what's scary to me. Only I can. You're not scared, because you know how to skate. And that boy's not scared, because his mother brought his helmet.

Emilia: Which probably means he's scared of her. Here, give me your hand. Good. This isn't so awful, is it?

William: I just want to go back to the wall. That was much better.

Emilia: You just need to get used to it.

William: No, you just go skate. I do better if no one is watching.

Emilia: Okay, I'm gonna go around once, and you try and balance, okay?

William: Go on.

Emilia: Okay. William! William, just stay right there. I'll help you get up, okay?

William: I'm good.

Emilia: Shit. If you say "helmet," I'm gonna leave you here.

William: Wrist pad.

Emilia: Come on. Okay, let's go. Are you kidding me?

William: It's just, Collegiate was the best school.

Emilia: No, it isn't. It's snooty. Plus, Collegiate is all boys. Who wants to go to an all-boys school?

William: Well, if you go to Collegiate, you can go to Harvard.

Emilia: A: not guaranteed. B: West Side Prep sends tons of boys to Harvard. And C: you're eight. You don't have to think about Harvard. Harvard sucks.

William: You went to Harvard.

Emilia: Exactly.

William: Well, that's true. But still, I thought I'd get in.

Emilia: Dude, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter.

William: My mom is mad at me.

Emilia: She's mad, but not at you. She's mad at me and at your dad and everything, but it only feels like she's mad at you.

William: You don't understand. You don't understand about Collegiate or anything. You're from New Rochelle. You not sophisticated like me and my mom are.

Emilia: You're feeling better, huh? You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna stop at Fairway on the way home, and I'm going to make you a homemade stir-fry and Tofutti sundaes, and we're gonna watch a movie that will shrivel your young brain. How's that sound?

William: Only if I can let go of the wall down there.

Emilia: You don't have to.

William: Only if I can let go of the wall.

Emilia: Right on. One more try.




1. what the hell: 用以加强语气或咒骂,究竟,到底。

例如:What the hell did you hear?(你究竟听到了什么?)

2. wait-list: 待批名单,候选名单。

3. the end of the world: 世界末日

4. safety school: 安全学校,这些学校的入学条件低于学生的条件,应该是稳进的,所以用来当“保底”。

5. dodge a bullet: 躲过一劫

6. rollerblade: 滚轮冰刀鞋,直排轮鞋

7. asphalt: 沥青

8. pediatrician: 儿科医生

9. wrist pad: 护腕

10.all-boys school:全男生的学校,男校

11.stir-fry: 翻炒;炒;煸

12.shrivel: (使)枯萎,干枯,皱缩,也可以表示使束手无策。

例如:As house prices plunge and savings shrivel, divorcing couples are fighting over a shrinking cake.(随着房价跳水,积蓄萎缩,离婚夫妇现在争夺的蛋糕正在变小。)

13.let go of:放开,释放

例如:Let go of me, you vicious monster!(放开我,你这可恶的家伙!)



1. 我意思是,这也没什么大不了的,又不是世界末日。
2. 老兄,你刚躲过一劫诶。
3. 你没有我和我老妈见得世面多。
4. 这将会使你脑子放松一下。







女儿今年暑假结束就要升入初中了。从小学二年级下学期移民美国,她开始入读美国公立小学到今天,我亲眼见证了女儿的成长和进步。她从刚来时候26个 英文字母都不会背诵,到今天英文听、说、读、写能力在加利福尼亚州同年级测试中都位于非常高的水平。她的老师给我们的概念是,她的成绩属于整个加州10% 尖子生的范围内。


美国有的小学是六年制K-6,而有的是五年制K-5。K是指Kindergarten(幼儿园),美国的幼儿园也纳入了正规的教育轨道。六年制的小 学升入初中,初中是两年,五年制的小学生要读三年初中,高中都是四年。女儿现在所在的班级是我们通常说的资优班GATE(Gifted and Talented Education),7年级开设英文/历史和数学Honor Class,是否符合条件还是要进行测试,以及结合平时的成绩决定的。8年级增设科学Honor Class。

美国的公立小学、初中、高中都是免费入读的。所谓的“免费”是指不需要交学费,但学校的经费都是从学生家庭所交的房地产税中获得,所以小学就读的学 校根据学区确定,如果跨区需要填写申请表格,每个学校每年会有限定的名额可以接收跨区的学生。小学升入初中也是根据学区对口升入的,同样有选择的权利和机 会。

我们在今年初的时候就收到了学校的择校信,除了女儿自动升入的初中外,还有另外四个学校可供选择。我和老公在网络上反复查看比较了,其他四所学校离 我们家都比较远,它们的评分跟女儿直接升入的这所没有太大区别,而有的学校7年级没有开设Honor class(优等班课程),我们听说女儿直接升入的这所学校的Honor class非常好,而且我们对女儿能够被纳入Honor class也很有信心,所以就放弃了择校权。



初中总共两年,每学年分三个学期(trimester),7年级在开学前有一次选择机会,到8年级还有一次重新选择的机会。从每一个大类的三项里面 最多选择两项,选择的课程有:Technology:电脑认知、网页设计、多媒体、Practical Arts:木工、美食、服装、Performing/Fine Art:戏剧、公开演讲和美术。


从候选的九项里面学生可以选择六个课目,按喜爱程度高低用数字表示,第一选择当然是最优先考虑的。每个人一年可以选择三堂课。但为了防止有的课程选 择的人数太多,或者跟其他课程时间表冲突,还有另外三个选择,所以总共六个选择。女儿告诉我们她的第一选择是美术,第二选择是多媒体,第三选择是戏剧,第 四选择是美食,第五选择是服装,第六选择是网页设计。

当我听到她罗列出自己的这些选择的时候,我非常失望。我对女儿说:你现在有这样的选择机会,不能一切都从fun(好玩,有意思,有趣)的角度来考 虑,美国的小学已经有太多的fun了,你要是看看中国现在升初中的孩子都在学什么,会吓死你的。看你倒好,要上初中了,还是什么都要fun。女儿听我这么 说很不高兴,说她选择这些课以后每天都要上,当然一定是要她自己喜欢的,她不要拿中国的标准来比较。

老公在仔细阅读女儿拿回来的所有课程介绍,告诉我们不要争论了,再争的话第三次世界大战就要爆发了。他不紧不慢的让女儿挨个说说她选择这些课程的理 由。一边听着女儿的理由,我一边用手指着单子上的Computer Awareness(电脑认知)给老公看,然后伸出一根手指,老公心领神会的点点头,我们的共同目标就是说服女儿把“电脑认知”作为她的第一选择。


女儿听爹地说的很有道理,想了想,把电脑认知的这张单子放到了最前面,然后说:“那我的第二选择是美术!”老公说我注意到你的六个选择里面也没有 “公开演讲”,为什么呢?女儿说她不喜欢在公众面前演讲,让她很紧张。老公说这堂课就是给你创造这样的机会来锻炼自己,让你有足够的信心和能力站在大家面 前演讲。你不是很感兴趣想在八年级的时候参加“早安××”吗?如果你7年级的时候有机会锻炼一下,到时候你不知会表现的多出色呢!


我很佩服老公能这么成功的说服女儿,说他是一个优秀的persuader(说客)。结果女儿反驳道:不是爹地说服我的,是我自己改变主意的。我私下 里对老公说:“我真是太崇拜你了,说服了别人还让对方认为是自己改变了主意!”老公很得意,他说其实他也很担心要费些力气说服女儿改变主意,但没想到是女儿这么信任他。(来源:新浪博客)