英语听力汇总   |   我们所知道的生活 Life as We Know It 精讲之六








Messer: You're selling the house? When were you gonna tell me about this?

Holly: After our meeting with CPS. It's just too big, Messer. The upkeep's a fortune. You know that.

Messer: I'm paying my half.

Holly: I appreciate that, but it's still not enough.

Messer: You should've asked me, Holly.

Holly: Oh, like you asked me about moving to Phoenix?

Messer: You're not selling the house.

Holly: Yes.

Messer: They wanted her to grow up here.

Holly: What they wanted was for you and I to raise her together, but you walked away from that obligation.

Messer: You sure didn't waste any time finding somebody else to hold her diaper back, did you?

Holly: Oh, Well. Are you gonna try to make me feel bad because you walked away?

Messer: You wanted to do it all on your own, but you never could've done it without me. That's why ten seconds after I was gone, you found yourself with Replacement Messer.

Holly: He is not Replacement Messer.

Woman: Sound really travels in here, don't you think?

Holly: You know what? He is nothing like you. Sam is nothing like you. He is warm and kind, and he doesn't run away at the first sign of something real.

Messer: Yeah, I ran. My best friend died, and overnight I had a house and a baby. I'm sorry if--

Holly: If what?

Messer: I was scared.

Holly: You don't think I was scared?

Messer: It was easier for you, Holly. You wanted this. You wanted the life that they had.

Holly: But not the way I got it. Jesus, not the way I got it. And certainly not with somebody who didn't love me back.

Messer: But I did. Holly, I still do.

Holly: No, you're right. We were just...We were just pretending to be them. Because we needed each other to get through everything. And now that's done, and we don't need to pretend anymore, Messer, okay? I don't wanna fight with you, please.

Messer: I'm gonna go back to Phoenix. You can handle Janine on your own. Looks like you got things covered here without me.

Holly: Oh, damn it.

Messer: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. It was great to see you all. If you're ever in Phoenix, don't be afraid to look me up. [Sophie crying] Shh, shh, shh.

Holly: Okay, dinner is served. You guys all should try the stuffing. Really, it's amazing. There's an andouille-sausage thing going on, so you'll love it. Go ahead and dig in. Come on, everybody, just....Eat, now.


Holly: Thanks for coming. Yeah, okay, that was bad.

Sam: Yeah, maybe we did go too fast. You clearly have unresolved feelings for him.

Holly: Messer and I barely got along under the best circumstances...and there weren't very many of those either.

Sam: If my wife and I fought like that...well, we'd still be married.

Holly: You know, before anything happened to Peter and Alison, you were exactly the guy I wanted to be with. I would lose time thinking about you, and I didn't even know your name yet.

Sam: I'll miss you guys.

Holly: "Leonardo was a terrible monster. He couldn't scare anyone. He didn't have 1642--"

Sophie: Mama.

Holly: No, Holly. No, I'm Holly.

Sophie: Mama.

Holly: Yeah, baby girl. I'm your mama.


Holly: The truth is, you know, sometimes it works better...with one person doing everything, you know? No charts, no arguments. I know it's not ideal. But since when do parents get the ideal, right? Right? Right, pretty girl? Huh? I know, I know. I'm sorry. I can't do this. This isn't right.

Janine: Is there a problem?

Holly: Yeah, I'm an idiot. I gotta reschedule. I'm sorry. I need to get to the airport.[page]



1. walk away from somebody/something: (从困难的处境或关系中)脱身,一走了之。也可以表示“从……平安地脱身”,例如:How could she walk away from a car crash like that without a mark on her?(她怎么能在那样的撞车事故中平安脱险,没有受一点伤?)

2. Looks like you got things covered here without me: 看起来没有我你也可以把事情处理得很好。cover有“处理”的意思,也可以表示“(暂时地)照看,料理”。看一下例子:Will you cover the switchboard while I'm at the clinic?(我去保健站看病,请你代管一下电话总机行不行?)

3. look somebody up: (尤指在久别之后)拜访,看望,接触。看一下例句:Do look me up next time you are in London.(你下次到伦敦时,请务必来看我。)

4. stuffing: (烹饪前塞入鸡等膛内的)填料。

5. andouille-sausage: 新奥良香肠,一种带有烟熏味和各种香料的美味香肠。

6. dig in: 开始吃吧。

7. unresolved feelings: 未了结的感情,未了情。[page]





1. 埋怨自怜的人,纵使四肢健全也跨不出内心的框框。


2. 一名推销员负责全州的生意。


3. 我们谈话时讨论了许多问题。


4. 食物看起来很美味,我们开始吃吧!







Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之六


Cornbread - 玉米面包,英国人和印第安人都喜欢的食物。
English Cheese Pie - 英国奶酪派,奶酪对英国人很重要。
Venison - 鹿肉,印第安人带来了5头鹿。
Ducks & Geese - 鸭和鹅,英国人捕的。
Wild Turkey - 野生火鸡。
Garlic and Onions - 大蒜和洋葱。
Pumpkin Pudding - 南瓜布丁。
Indian Pudding - 印地安布丁。
Salad - 沙拉。




火鸡的吃法也有一定讲究。它需要整只烤出,鸡皮烤成深棕色,肚子里还要塞上许多拌好的食物,如碎面包等。端上桌后,由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家。然后由各人自己浇上卤汁,洒上盐,味道十分鲜美。感恩节的食物除火鸡外,还有红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍、 南瓜饼、自己烘烤的面包及各种蔬菜和水果等。这些东西都是感恩节的传统食品。



传统的感恩节大餐包括了烤火鸡,有些家庭是以烤鹅来替代火鸡;还有塞在火鸡内部的填充佐料(Stuffing),是用撕成碎片的玉米面包(CornBread)、白面包和芹菜等等做成的;除此之外还有用火鸡内脏煮成的浓稠淋汁(Gravy)。另外还有一样特别的酱汁——小红莓调味酱汁(Cranberry Sauce),用的就是每年九月和十月时盛产的小红莓。   
