英语听力汇总   |   我们所知道的生活 Life as We Know It 精讲之五








Messer: Hey, her temp's coming down.

Holly: Clothes, daycare, monthly food bill...and now a $1,200 bill from the emergency room. If something happens to the car, one of us is gonna have to sell a kidney.

Messer: Having a kid is expensive. We talked about that.

Holly: Having kids and an expanding shop, it's a bit much.

Messer: Where'd you get the flowers?

Holly: Oh. Sam sent them today. I haven't even called him back yet. I mean, how can I? I'm a disaster. I can't be this girl on the second date. This is what you save for marriage. Like 10 years in.

Messer: Don't stress about the money. We'll be fine.

Holly: I'll just call Lonnie and we'll patch up the wall...and maybe in a few years, we can revisit it or something.

Messer: Wait, so you're gonna pull the plug on the remodel?

Holly: I can't increase the construction loan. It's okay, you know? I'll just have a shop and not a restaurant. It's fine. It'll be okay.

Messer: You know, I can give you the money. I have savings.

Holly: No. No, I can't let you do that. I would never take your savings.

Messer: I want to. OK? We're raising a kid together. We have this house together. This is just part of it. Look, having somebody help you doesn't mean that you failed. It just means that you're not in it alone.

Holly: Um....Okay, but it can't be a gift. I won't take it unless it's an investment.

Messer: Fine. I'm an investor in Fraiche.

Holly: You're...You're an investor in "Fraiche."

Messer: "Fraiche." Sorry.

Holly: "Fraiche." And as an investor, that entitles you to 2 percent of profits.

Messer: Three percent.

Holly: Two percent. And, hey, a discount on food and wine.

Messer: What's the discount?

Holly: Ten percent.

Messer: Fifteen percent.

Holly: Ten percent. It's a great discount.

Messer: Then you throw in dinner.

Holly: Oh, deal.

Messer: All right.

Holly: Awesome. Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. That's huge. Okay, dinner, tonight, on me. You and me.


Amy: Hello. You look so pretty.

Holly: Oh, thank you.

Amy: Oh, my God.

Messer: Hey.

Holly: Hey. So here are all the numbers. My cell phone, his cell phone, the restaurant and the pediatrician.

Amy: Yep. You know you actually have to leave the house for me to do my job?

Holly: Yeah. Yes. Okay.

Messer: All right.

Holly: All right. Okay, have fun. Bye-bye.

Amy: Bye-bye.


Messer: This place is amazing, Holly. I can't believe I haven't been here before. Look at you. You're a kitchen ninja. You don't follow any kind of a recipe?

Holly: No. This is the only place in the whole world where I do not follow a plan.


Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五


[Speaking indistinctly]

Messer: Are you sure you wanna do this?

Holly: I got this. A bet's a bet. I can do this.

Messer: You don't have to do this.

Holly: You know what I'm not sure about? The helmet. It's lame. I want something with thunderbolts on it.

Messer: We're gonna pull out the choke, all right?

Holly: The what?

Messer: The choke.

Holly: Okay.

Messer: All right? Turn on the ignition, pull in the clutch. This is the clutch. Hold that in. Hold that in.

Holly: Okay.

Messer: Push the starter button. All right, there we go. All right, left hand is the clutch, right hand is the throttle. Okay?

Holly: Okay.

Messer: All right, let's get your kickstand up.

Holly: Oh, I'm on a freaking motorcycle!

Messer: Easy there, Rain Man. We're not done? Okay? All right. Now we're in first gear.

Holly: Okay.

Messer: Hold that. Don't let go of that clutch till I get on--

Holly: Let go?

[Holly yelps]

[Messer gasps]

Holly: Oh, my God.

Messer: No.

Holly: Oh, my God. Oh, Messer. Oh, Messer, I'm so sorry.

Messer: No, it's okay. Are you all right?

Holly: Yeah, yeah. (The bus crashes the motorcycle) Oh! Oh, no. Oh, no. Are you mad?

Messer: No, I'm just-- I'm gonna sit down.

Holly: I thought you said, "Let go." Do you want me to go talk to the bus driver maybe? God, I am so sorry, Messer.

Messer: Don’t worry about it. Don't worry.

Holly: I swear, I'm gonna pay for it, I promise.

Messer: I'm actually kind of in awe. You didn't even drive it a foot before you destroyed it.

Holly: I feel so bad. I'm really sorry.

Messer: It's fine. Okay? It's just a bike.

Holly: Do you really mean that, or are you just saying that because you think if I keep talking about it, you're gonna cry?

Messer: Get inside.

[Holly giggles]

Amy: Hi.

Holly: Hi.

Amy: I didn't wanna move her.

Holly: [Whispering] That's okay.

Messer: [Whispering] Amy, wait a second. Here you go. Now, come on, no backsies.

Holly: Thanks, Amy.

Messer: Thank you. Bye-bye. Have a good night.

Amy: I think you guys make a really cute couple.

[Door opens and closes]

Holly: She said the same thing about Taylor Swift and that Twilight kid.

(Holly and Messer kisses)[page]



1. temp: temperature 温度

2. stress: 紧张;焦虑;担心。请看例子:Don't stress -- there's plenty of time to finish the job.(别担心,有足够的时间干完活。)

3. patch up: 修补。patch up也可以表示“平息,解决”。

4. pull the plug on something: 终止;取消;结束,叫停。例如:pull the plug on their account(取消他们的账号)。

5. remodel: 改建,改造。

6. entitle: 使享有权利;使符合资格。请看例句:This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.(凭这张票你可免费享用午餐。)

7. throw in: 外加,额外奉送。看一下例句:If you buy six bars of soap, you get another one thrown in.(买六块肥皂,再奉送一块。)

8. deal: 就这么说定了,一言为定。

9. pediatrician: 儿科医生。

10. ninja: 忍者(受专门训练充当间谍、刺客的日本武士)。

11. choke: (车辆发动机的)阻风门,阻塞门。

12. ignition: 点火装置;点火开关。

13. clutch: (汽车等起换挡功能的)离合器踏板。

14. throttle: 油门。

15. kickstand: (自行车或摩托车的)撑脚架,支架。

16. freaking: 在这里是起加强语气的作用。

17. Rain Man: 指的是美国一部经典电影,主人公是一个智力有问题的人。影片中梅塞尔是让霍莉淡定一些,不要那么激动。智障患者一般情绪不稳定,自控力差。

18. no backsies: 不可返还。[page]





1. 与其让他在这种折磨中苟且偷生,不如让他安乐死去。


2. 你有什么权力命令我们做事?


3. 我们度过了一个非常悠闲的假期,顺带还欣赏了一点风景。


4. 他试图平息他们之间的争吵。







Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五



Charlie Trotter's (芝加哥)

店主Charlie Trotter在大学期间向他的室友学习了一些烹饪方法之后便成为了一名“美食家”。他深深的着迷于烹饪艺术中,甚至休学一年,并在那期间阅读大量烹饪书籍。之后,他便开始涉足饮食业,并决定开一家自己的餐馆。

Trotter在1987年初的时候开了他的店,之后便吸引了他的父亲Bob成为了合伙人。在接下来的几年中,Charlie Trotter's成了全国最好的餐馆之一,他们与农场主们建立了良好的合作关系,以保证食材的充足与新鲜,菜单更是恨不得每天都更新。厨房与客人之间更是没有高墙相隔,让各位食客随时都觉得是在自己家里一样舒适。


Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五


Four Seasons(纽约)

很多餐馆都会随季节的变换而更换菜单,Four Seasons就是这样,甚至连整个餐厅的氛围都会随着季节改变。

Four Seasons1959年在曼哈顿中心城区开张,因其不规则的用餐区,大量的餐厅装饰和美味的食物而闻名,现在则有了一些小的改变:家具和吊灯变得更加富丽堂皇,房间的正中间还有个游泳池,用来提醒当时的季节。

一直到现在,Four Seasons都致力于为客人们提供当季最合适的食物,让食客们感受最真实的季节。


Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五


The French Laundry(加州,纳帕谷)

The French Laundry这家餐馆是不得不提的世界有名的顶级餐馆。

19世纪80年代后期,The French Laundry仅仅是一家很不起眼的沙龙,在禁酒令颁布之后,这栋建筑更是成为了一家妓院,在1920年的时候,真的变成了一家洗衣店。1974年的时候,这个小镇的镇长买下了那家洗衣店,并把它变成了餐馆,20年后它的主人就成了现在的主厨Thomas Keller。

Keller用了精力最旺盛的十年在世界闻名的餐馆中工作,比如Guy Savoy和巴黎的Taillevent,这些宝贵的经历使他有能力很好地经营自己的餐馆,并调配美味的菜单。

Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五



Masa既是餐馆名字又是老板名字,虽然Masa不是老板的本名。Masa Takayama出生在日本的枥木县,是家中的第七子,从小就学习烹饪,并且在父亲的鱼店中工作,高中之后,Masa在银座的一家寿司店中打工,成功地从一个普通的洗碗工变成了主厨,之后便在1980年的时候搬到了洛杉矶,开了属于自己的餐馆。

2004年,Masa卖掉了洛杉矶的那家餐厅,在纽约的时代华纳中心重新开了一家。Masa没有菜单,所有的菜品都是主厨的即兴产物。在正餐寿司上来之前,都会有五盘从日本直运过来的新鲜开胃菜让食客率先品尝。如果预算没有太多的话,可以选择紧邻着的Bar Masa,那里的餐费只有他邻居的四分之一。


Life as We Know It《我们所知道的生活》精讲之五


Restaurant Guy Savoy(洛杉矶)

1980年,Savoy在他27岁的时候在巴黎开了第一家餐馆,七年后便搬到了Rue Troyon,那时,Savoy已经成为了世界闻名的大厨,之后在2006年的时候,在洛杉矶开了现在的这家店。

洛杉矶的这家Guy Savoy的菜单中还包括了巴黎餐馆中的主厨招牌菜,比如黑松露汤。当然餐厅为不同的客人还提供不同菜单,比如90分钟菜单等等。更奢侈的体验可以在Krug Room享受到,在这里,客人们可以在完全私密的用餐环境中享受最极品的Krug香槟。