Emma: Dr. Metzner? Adam, what's going on? What happened?
Dr. Metzner: He sprained his wrist punching a wall.
Emma: You texted me that you were dying.
Adam: It really hurt.
Dr. Metzner: I gave him some hydrocodone for the night. It's a very strong painkiller. You might want to have Dr. Kurtzman here drive you home. And here is a prescription for an anti-inflammatory. Don't worry. You're in good hands. Your girlfriend here is a very talented doctor.
Emma: No. No, I'm... I'm not his girlfriend.
Adam: She is not my girlfriend.
Dr. Metzner: Oh, sorry. I saw that he listed you as an emergency contact. My mistake. Feel better. Oh, by the way, I enjoyed your dad's TV show. Great Scott. That's funny stuff.
Adam: I'll tell him you said that. My dad invited me to dinner, and he's bringing Vanessa. You have to come.
Emma: No, I don't. I just worked 14 hours. I'm not gonna meet your parents.
Adam: You know what? Just help me. These are really powerful painkillers. I can't feel anything.
Emma: Feel that?
Adam: Yeah. I felt that.
Dad: Happy birthday, Adam. I'm so glad you guys could join us for dinner.
Waitress: Cheers. I'll come right back to take your order.
Dad: So, how you doing there, kiddo?
Adam: Perfect, Dad. Thank you for asking.
Dad: How long have you two been together?
Emma: Oh, we're not.
Adam: We're sex friends.
Emma: Yeah. Yes, we are.
Adam: Yeah, friends with benefits? Fuck buddies?
Dad: Great Scott!
Vanessa: I know this might be hard, but just because I'm your ex-girlfriend doesn't mean that you can't look at me as a kind of... mum?
Emma: Oh, boy.
Vanessa: Especially because, well, Alvin and I have been talking about creating new life together.
Dad: You see, we were at Burning Man.
Vanessa: And we were dressed up.
Dad: Yeah. I was dressed as a fire bird.
Emma: And what were you dressed as?
Vanessa: I was naked. And we were just out there in the desert, and he was burying my bare body in the sand.
Dad: Yeah. Pecking at it with my... fire beak.
Vanessa: And then I just thought, you know, what if all these grains of sand, were actually babies?
Dad: And so we...
Vanessa: We had this wonderful idea.
Dad: And we... well, we'd like your blessing, Adam. How do you feel about the two of us having a baby together?
Emma: This isn't really my place. I mean, who am I? I just have sex with your son sometimes. But...
Adam: Yes, she does.
Emma: But... there is really no reason for you to bring a child into this world, since you're acting like children already.
Vanessa: That was reallymean.
Emma: I'm mean. But you're fucking crazy. 'Cause given the choice between Adam and his dad, given the choice between Adam and anyone, really, I'd choose Adam, every time. Do you want to get out of here?
Adam: Yep. Fuck this.
Emma: Oh, by the way...it's the best sex of my life.[page]
1. sprain: 扭伤
例如:His sprained ankle has puffed up.(他那扭伤的脚踝肿起来了。)
2. punch a wall: 这里指亚当用手锤墙
3. painkiller: 止痛药
4. anti-inflammatory: 消炎的,消炎药
5. in good hands: 得到很好的照顾,在可靠的人手里
例如:It should not take him long to recover from his illness, for he is in good hands.(他由水平高的医生治疗,不用多久就会痊愈的。)
The document it in good hands.(文件掌握在可靠人的手里。)
6. emergency contact: 紧急联络人
7. kiddo: 老兄、老姐(一种亲昵的称呼)
8. Burning Man: “火人节”(Burning Man Festival)是由一个名为“Black Rock City, LLC”的组织发起的反传统狂欢节,为期八天。自1986年开创以来,年年举行,举办地选在美国内华达州黑岩沙漠(Black Rock Desert)盆地。时间一般为八月底到九月初美国劳工节。参与者数量连年攀升。
9.dress up: 打扮,盛装
例如:Her maid helped her to dress up for the party.(她的女仆帮助她穿上参加晚会的礼服。)
10.fire bird: 火鸟
11.mean: 刻薄的[page]
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1. 他锤墙的时候把手腕扭了。
2. 抱歉,我看他把你列为紧急联系人。
3. Alvin和我一直在考虑创造个新生命。
4. 你们俩已经很孩子气了。
每年九月的第一个星期一是美国的劳动节,但是,有3.5万名美国人却与众不同,他们不过劳动节,而是齐聚在美国西部内华达州的布莱克罗克沙漠 (Black Rock Desert),热闹地庆祝一年一度的反传统节日—— “火人节”(Burning Man Festival)。“火人节”以集异想天开与荒诞之大成而著称,一切奇事都汇集到这个沙漠中的狂热节日中,每年都有大批标榜自由的年轻人到此以激进的方 式 “表现自己”。
“火人节”源自一段破裂的感情。一对离婚的夫妇,丈夫为了埋葬逝去的感情,用木头搭了个人,然后在旧金山的海滩上一把火把她烧掉。后来,他被警察驱 赶,于是就找了NEVADA黑石沙漠的一片干涸的湖床作为烧人的基地——火人节由此而来。再后来就发展成为一个世界性的艺术家,嬉皮士,雅皮士的聚点。每 年有超过3万人聚集到这里,来人均被称为Burner。
1、 考验生存
“火人节”的阵地不是山清水秀之所,而是寸草不生之地——黑岩沙漠,这里有着107华氏度(约合 41.6℃)的高温,以及变化无常的天气。在几乎没有任何外部供给的情况下,想要在这里生活8天,绝对是一次体能、智慧的考验。
2、 发挥创意
在黑岩城里,你可以带任意你想要带的东西进来,创建你的栖居之所、制作雕塑、进行艺术展示等。来自世界各地的朋友们展示了精彩纷呈的智慧和创意,因 此,如果你看到了一个蛋壳棚帐、一间由光线搭建的房子,或者一辆鱼翅状的汽车,请不要惊讶。你也可以在自身大做文章,奇装异服、古怪行为,在这里都是可以 接受的。因此,也有人把它看作一次大型的行为、雕塑、建筑艺术的聚会。
3、 释放自我
5、 瞬间幻灭
黑岩城是一个临时之城,它因活动开始而生,因活动结束而消失。于是,当活动结束时,黑岩城也人间蒸发,不留痕迹地恢复成荒无人烟的沙漠。8天在这里发生的一切都将随风而逝,化成你脑海里鲜活的回忆 。