英语听力汇总   |   不求回报 No Strings Attached 精讲之三








Shira: You don't remember my name, do you? It's OK. It's Shira, and you look like you could use some coffee.

Adam: Yes. Coffee's good. I got...Where are my pants?

Shira: I don't know. They could be anywhere. Here's your coffee.

Adam: Thank you. Did you have a good time last night?

Shira: It was all right. Nothing special.

Adam: Listen, I want you to know that...I respect you.

Shira: Thank you.

Adam: Normally, I would remember the name of someone that I've...

Shira: What? Oh, my God. Did you think we had sex? Oh, my God, we did not have sex.

Boy: Hey, Adam. You left your socks in my room.

Adam: Did I?

Boy: You did.

Adam: Did I, by chance, leave my pants in your room?

Boy: No. When we met, you weren't wearing pants.

Patrice: Stop teasing him, you guys.

Adam: Patrice. Hey, I know you. What happened last night? Did we do it?

Patrice: We had sex. Yeah. I really liked it. I didn't know that my body could handle that much pain. And that I would like it.

Emma: You're up.

Adam: Emma. You live here?

Emma: Yep. You feeling any better?

Adam: Did I have sex with anyone in this apartment last night?

Emma: No, you didn't.

Patrice: No. Sorry. You didn't.

Adam: Thank you. Yeah, that's... that's funny. Let's make fun of the hung-over naked guy.

Emma: But I do have your pants, so if you want them, come with me.

Adam: Yes. Thank you.

Patrice: You don't have to feel embarrassed, because we're all doctors, so we see literally hundreds of penises a week.

Boy: I see thousands.

Shira: I just pulled a penis out of a VitaminWater yesterday. So, we are cool with penises here.

Patrice: We're professionals.

Adam: Well...It has been a pleasure. 

Patrice: Bravo. Nice. Bravo, bravo.

Boy: Yep, I'm definitely gay.

Adam: So, how did I get here?

Emma: You texted me that it was an emergency, and then I texted you my address, and then you came over. And I think you thought you were at home, because you started taking off all your clothes.

Adam: Oh, God.

Emma: Here are your pants.

Adam: Thank you. So... Did I just pass out on your couch?

Emma: No. No, then you did this thing. It was...like a dance?

Adam: Dance? 

Emma: Yeah, like...

Adam: I shook my dick at you? 

Emma: Yeah.

Adam: Oh, shit. I'm sorry.

Emma: No, no, it was... it was exciting. It was like you were cheering while you were doing it. You were like, "Look at my dick!"

Adam: Did you look at it?

Emma: Yeah, I looked. It was nice. You have a really nice penis.

Adam: Nice? 

Emma: It seems kind of like carefree.

Adam: Jesus. I don't know where to start. My dad's...My dad's dating my ex-girlfriend.

Emma: You told me about it last night.

Adam: Did I tell you like in a charming way? Was I like charming and funny when I told you?

Emma: Yeah. You were...naked and crying.

Adam: I'm a mess.

Emma: Hey. It's gonna be OK.

Adam: Thanks. Seriously. Thank you.

Emma: I should probably get ready now. I don't want to be late.

Adam: Yeah, it's... You don't want to be late.

Emma: No, that would be bad.[page]


1. by chance: 偶然

by any chance常用于问句,询问是否真实、可能等,可以翻译为“或许,可能”

例如:Would you by any chance have change for 5?(你能找换5元钱的零钱吗?)

2. tease: 取笑;戏弄,也可以做名词表示“揶揄者”

例如:Don't take it seriously - he's only teasing.(别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。)

3. He is a terrible tease. 他特别爱戏弄人。

4. You're up:你醒了

5. make fun of: 嘲弄,拿……开玩笑

6. hung-over: 宿醉,强调指余醉未醒而难受的。

例如:I feel a bit hung-over this morning.(今天早上我因宿醉而略感不适。)

7. be cool with: 觉得某事没问题。这里是让亚当不要尴尬。

也可以指“对某人冷冰冰的”。比如:You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life.(你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃。)

8. bravo:(喝彩声、叫好声)好哇

9. pass out:昏迷;失去知觉;醉倒。

例如:He would pass out if he took one more drink.(要是他再喝一杯酒的话,他就会醉倒了。)

10.carefree: 无忧无虑的;无牵挂的;不负责任的

例如:She daydreamed about a carefree holiday abroad.(她幻想到国外过一个无忧无虑的假期。)

11.I'm a mess:我糟透了。[page]





1. 我有没有顺便把裤子丢在你那儿?


2. 你们别调戏他了。


3. 你们真会开玩笑,调戏一个宿醉的裸男。


4. 你的裤子在我这儿,想要的话跟我来。







美国风景:非婚同居 孩子成问题

非婚同居不再只是好莱坞电影明星家庭的专利。在1990年,全美未婚同居家庭仅为300万。根据美国人口普查局2002年统计显示,在异性未婚同居 家庭中,41%的有18岁以下的少年儿童,总数为290万,占美国儿童比例的4%。因此,社会学家苏珊·布朗(SusanBrown)说,“我们这些社会 工作者从过去关心离婚、再婚对孩子的影响被迫转移到研究同居对孩子的影响了。”



No Strings Attached《不求回报》精讲之三

不过,一些专家对这种以传统道德为基础的家庭模式表示质疑。麦吉·哥拉格赫,纽约一个非赢利性机构—婚姻政策研究所主席,说:“婚姻给孩子传递的信 息往往是婚姻并不真是那么回事情(很多父母轻易就离婚了)。如果父母与他(她)所钟爱的异性住在一起,给孩子传递的信息是对爱情本身的重视。当然对儿童这 个信息传递未必有效。”

威斯康星大学人口学家拉里·布帕斯(Larry Bumpass)称1/9的美国孩子现在都在未婚同居的环境中成长。很多和孩子住在一起的同居者说他们的状态和过去没有什么区别。琳希·卡罗尔说她不相信 自己是一个坏典型,人们对许多对未婚人士常常秉有非常错误的观念。卡罗尔,24岁,住在西雅图。目前她与25岁的本杰明·林德森同居三年了,此外还有他7 岁的儿子尼威克。“我们不过是给孩子提供的另外一种家庭。唯一的区别是我们不靠法律关系维护。”林德森说:“我17岁就结婚了,采取同居是因为不愿意再冒 一次风险离婚了。我的母亲不同意我们非法同居,经常给我施加压力。但是这不再是18世纪了。结婚并不会改变我们的关系。”

卡罗尔和林德森也许只是同居家庭中幸运的一部分。布伦达·沃西布尔,28岁,在纳什维尔和她的情人以及他的5岁女儿住在一起。小女孩平时和他们住, 周末和亲身母亲住。沃西布尔不无苦恼地抱怨道:“我认为小女孩总想我该下地狱。”由于缺乏法定父母的权威感,像沃西布尔这样的父母大都有此尴尬的情形。


孩子在同居关系的家庭中成长往往会增加了双重危险。专家认为同居关系非常不稳定。据统计,即使同居双方将要结婚,在5年内,50%的人将分手,相对 于结婚人的离婚比例只有20%。同居分手往往比离婚更少顾忌,多公开自己分手的企图。如果一旦分手,另外一方可能带着自己的孩子进入各种各样的同居关系。 特别是一方没有经济来源、教育程度不高和缺少做父母的技能,更容易发生这样的情况;孩子经历贫穷的可能性往往是正常婚姻的孩子的七倍,靠社会福利生活的更 可能高达17倍。此外,社会学家帕梅拉·斯末克(Pamela Smock)认为任何分手都容易诱发孩子出现感情脆弱、纪律性差,或早期性行为和滥用药物等问题。

儿童心理专家比尔·麦勒(BillMaier)说,“人们不愿意谈起同居是对还是错的问题。在基督团体里面,我们认为性是上帝的礼物,圣约告诉我们 正确的婚姻。”多里安·萨罗特(Dorian Solot)和马歇尔·米勒(Marshall Miller)是一个非赢利性结构的创始人,是《不结婚的双方:对同居者有益的建议》的作者。他们认为,如果一个成年人要与一个有孩子的人同居,必须先考 虑好自己是否能够肯定双方能够相处得很好。此外,经济和道德的考虑也是需要的。特别是通过律师解决好经济问题,因为同居的双方在得到孩子的紧急医疗费用上 会经常碰到麻烦。