英语听力汇总   |   大地惊雷 True Grit 精讲之六








Mattie Ross: Where is Mr. LeBoeuf?

Rooster Cogburn: Down by the creek performing his necessaries.

Mattie Ross: Well, Marshal Cogburn, I welcome the chance for a private parley. I gather that you and Mr. LeBoeuf have come to some...some sort of agreement and as your employer I believe I have a right to know the particulars.

Rooster Cogburn: The particulars is that we bring Chaney down to the magistrate in San Saba Texas where they have a considerable reward on offer. Which we split.

Mattie Ross: I did not want him brought to Texas, to have a Texas punishment administered for a Texas crime. That was not our agreement.

Rooster Cogburn: What you want is to have him caught and punished.

Mattie Ross: I want him to know that he is being punished for killing my father.

Rooster Cogburn: Oh, you can let him know that. You can tell him to his face. You can spit on him, make him eat sand out of the road. I'll hold him down. Well, if you want I will flay the flesh off the soles of his feet, find you an Indian pepper you can rub into the wound. Isn't that a hundred dollars' value?

Mattie Ross: No, it is not. When I have bought and paid for something I will have my way. Why do you think I am paying you if not to have my way?

Rooster Cogburn: It's time for you to learn you cannot have your way in every little particular. You find I fail to satisfy yourterms I will return your money at the end of this expedition.

Mattie Ross: Little Blackie and I are riding back to the U.S. marshals' office. This is fraud!

Rooster Cogburn: Oh, God damn it!

LeBoeuf: What's goin' on?

Rooster Cogburn: This is a business conversation.

LeBoeuf: Is that what you call it. It sounds to me like you are still being hoorawed by a little girl.

Rooster Cogburn: Did you say hoorawed?

LeBoeuf: That was the word.

Mattie Ross: There is no hoorawing in it. My agreement with the Marshal antedates yours. It has the force of law.

LeBoeuf: The force of law! This man is a notorious thumper! He rode by the light of the moon with Quantrill and Bloody Bill Anderson!

Rooster Cogburn: That men was patriots, Texas trash!

LeBoeuf: They murdered women and children in Lawrence, Kansas.

Rooster Cogburn: That's a God damned lie! What army was you in, mister?

LeBoeuf: I was at Shreveport first with Kirby-Smith, then...

Rooster Cogburn: Yeah? What side was you on?

LeBoeuf: I was in the army of Northern Virginia, Cogburn, and I don't have to hang my head when I say it!

Rooster Cogburn: If you had served with Captain Quantrill...

LeBoeuf: Captain? Captain Quantrill indeed!

Rooster Cogburn: Best let this go, LeBoeuf!

LeBoeuf: Captain of what?

Rooster Cogburn: Good, then! There are not sufficient dollars in the state of Texas to make it worth my while to listen to your opinions. Our agreement is nullified.

LeBoeuf: That suits me!

Rooster Cogburn: It's each man for himself!

LeBoeuf: Congratulations, Cogburn. You've graduated from marauder to wet nurse. Adios!

Mattie Ross: We don't need him, do we Marshall?

Rooster Cogburn: Gonna miss his sharp Carbine.[page]



1. parley:会谈,对话。arrange a parley with us就可以表示“安排和我们讲和”。

例如:The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered.(如果守军向敌人鸣鼓要求谈判,则意味着快投降了。)

2. magistrate: 文职官员,地方官员。

3. reward on offer: 悬赏,赏金。

4. terms: 条款,条件。鲁斯特这里的意思是“如果你发现我没让你满意,这次出行结束后我会把钱还给你。”

美国大学或学校的学期论文就可以称为term paper。

5. antedate: 提早,居先。例如:The cold weather antedated their departure.(寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。)

6. thumper: 重击者,捶击者,在口语中表示巨人,庞然大物。

7. make it worth my while: 酬谢某人。

8. That suits me: 正合我意。

9. marauder: 掠夺者。

10.wet nurse:奶妈。

11.Adios: 再见,一路平安。

12.Carbine: 原为骑兵用的卡宾枪,也指美军的轻型半自动或自动步枪。[page]





1. 德州那边还有个高价悬赏,我们会把他带到德州。



2. 如果你发现我没让你满意,这次出行结束后我会把钱还给你。



3. 我们的协议作废吧。



4. 德州的赏金或许还不够让我听你摆布。







优胜美地(Yosemite National Park)

优胜美地国家公园是美国国家公园内极耀眼的一颗明珠,优胜美地占地1100平方英里,园内高度落差极大。冰河将前更新世(pre-Pleistocene)优胜美地的蜿蜒的小河及起伏的小丘转变成目前雄伟壮观的地形。为了要保护公园的原貌,美国总统林肯于1864年6月30日将优胜美地谷蝴蝶林内(Mariposa)林内的美洲衫巨木林设为美国国家的第一个州立公园,36年后,优胜美地成为国家公园。这里平均每年吸引三百万以上的游客来此观光,并且在1984年被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产(World Heritage)名单。优胜美地风景如画,身处都市中的人更希望能够亲近自然,感受大自然给我们带来的清新。

太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)

太浩湖是位于美国加州与内华达州之间的高山湖泊,四周由山峰环抱,湖水澄净湛蓝,冬天降雪期长达8 个月,路面经常积雪盈尺,但湖底异常的深,最深处达1645尺,湖水却不会结冰。

True Grit《大地惊雷》精讲之六



大提顿国家公园 (Grand Teton National Park)




黄石国家公园 (Yellowstone National Park) 



盐湖城(Salt Lake city)



大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park)

大峡谷国家公园位于亚利桑那州北边,占地1904平方英里,成立于1919年。大峡谷在1979年纳入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产(World Heritage)名单。
