Mattie Ross: Dearest Mother. I am about to embark on a great adventure. I have learned that Tom Chaney has fled into the wild and I shall assist the authorities in pursuit. You know that Papa would want me to be firm in the right as he always was, so do not fear on my account. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. The author of all things watches over me. And I have a fine horse. Kiss little Frankie for me and pinch Violet's cheek. My Papa's death will soon be avenged. I am off for the Choctaw Nation. Where is Marshal Cogburn?
Mr. Lee: Went away. Left this.
Here inside is a train ticket for your return home. Use it. By the time you read this I will be across the river in the Indian nation. Pursuit would be futile. I will return with your man Chaney. Leave me to my work. Reuben Cogburn.
Mattie Ross: Is that Rooster Cogburn?
Mr. Lee: Rider is in there.
Mattie Ross: Who's he with?
Mr. Lee: I do not know.
Mattie Ross: Well take me across.
Mr. Lee: So, you're the runaway. Marshall told me you'd show up. I'm going to present you to the Sheriff.
Mattie Ross: That is a story, let go of my horse. I have business across the river. If you don't turn around and take me across, You'll find yourself incorporated on the B. I have a good lawyer. Go, Little Blackie. Come on.
Rooster Cogburn: That is quite a horse. I will give you ten dollars for him.
Mattie Ross: From the money you stole from me?
Rooster Cogburn: That was not stolen. I’m out for your man.
Mattie Ross: I was to accompany you. If I do not, there is no agreement and my money was stolen.
LeBoeuf: Marshal, put this child back on the ferry. We have a long road, and time is a-wasting.
Mattie Ross: If I go back and it's to the office of the U.S. marshals to report the theft of my money. And futile, Marshal Cogburn "Pursuit would be futile"? It's not spelt f-u-d-e-l.
LeBoeuf: It is time for your spanking. Now you will do as the grown-ups say! Or I will get myself a birch switch and stripe your leg!
Mattie Ross: Are you going to let him do this, Marshal?
Rooster Cogburn: No, I don’t believe I will. Put your switch away, LeBoeuf.
LeBoeuf: I aim to finish what I started.
Rooster Cogburn: That will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush-popper!
LeBoeuf: Hoorawed by a little girl.[page]
1. embark on: 从事,着手。例如:Quitting is a bad way to embark on life, and that young person really ought to snap out of it.(走上生活道路放弃斗争,这是很糟糕的,那个年轻人确实该好好振作起来才行。)
2. the wild: 荒野,户外。
beyond your wildest dreams: 做梦都没想到;远远出乎所料;大大超出希望。
run wild: 任其发展,恣意妄为。
3. on one’s account: 为了某人。
例如:You don't have to stop singing on my account.(你不用顾虑我,继续唱。)
4. Indian nation: 印第安领地。
5. runaway: 逃跑者。
6. quite a horse: 这匹马真有两下子。
7. spanking: 打屁股,尤指打小孩。
例如:The boy got a sound spanking.(那男孩的屁股着实挨了一顿巴掌。)
用作副词也可以指“非常、十足”,例如: We had a spanking good time at his country house.(我们在他的乡间别墅玩得非常高兴。)[page]
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1. 我要开始一场历险。
2. 不要担心我,虽然我可能面临死亡的威胁。
3. 这匹马真有两下子。
4. 我真要打你屁股了。
十九世纪初期,美国还是这个新大陆上的一个新兴国家,日新月异,每天都有新的变化。从1830年到1840年的这十年间,从南到北,尤其在广阔辽远的西部,发生了许许多多的事情。 随着大批欧洲移民的涌入,开发较早经济比较发达的东部地区面对着剧烈增加的人口压力。人口越来越多,可供开发种植的土地越来越少,大量的东部农民无法承受猛涨的地价。
1830年,当时的美国第七任总统安德鲁杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)促使国会通过一项法令:The Indians Removal Act。这项法令授权美国政府和东部的印第安各部落酋长谈判签定条约,购买他们在东部的土地,把印第安人移居密西西比河以西,落基山脉以东的大平原地区,由美国政府负责移民的费用并每年向印第安人提供食物和必要的武器。要远离自己祖祖辈辈生活的家园的印第安人当然是反对这些条约,但美国政府通过大量贿赂部落酋长的手段,使得这些条约得以通过。
1833年第一批Choctaw印第安人在美国军队的武装押送下被迫离开了东部故土,到了印第安领地(Indian Territory) 。印第安领地是从南边和德克萨斯边界开始一直延伸到密苏里河中游的大平原南部,美国政府原先保证这片地区是印第安人的永久居住地,并禁止白人移民这里。当然后来这些保证都成了空头支票,这里也都成了白人定居者的地盘。一个部落接着一个部落,东部的Delaware部落,Ottawa部落,Miami部落等等都陆续移居到了印第安领地。
1838年最后一批乔治亚州的Cherokee人也在士兵的枪口和刺刀下含泪离开家乡来到西部,他们移民所经过的路线就是美国西部开发史上著名的“血泪之路”(Trail of Tears) 。这六年间一共有9万印第安人被迫移居到西部,其中有很多人死在了“血泪之路” 中途。