Mattie: How much are you paying for cotton?
Trader: Nine and a half, for low and middlin' and ten for ordinary.
Mattie: Think I'm surprise of that, really. I sold to the Wizten brothers in Little Rock for eleven cents.
Trader: Then I suggest you take the balance of it to the Witzen brothers.
Mattie: I take the balance to Witzen. At ten and a half.
Trader: Why'd you come here to tell me this?
Mattie: I thought I might shop around a place. I'm doing alright in Little Rock. I'm Mattie Ross. Daughter of Frank Ross.
Trader: Aw, tragic thing. May I say, your father impressed me. With his manly qualities. He was a close trader, but he acted a gentleman.
Mattie: My post was to sell those ponies back to you, that my father brought.
Trader: Well that I fear, is out of the question. Well, we'll see that they are shipped to you, at my earliest convenience.
Mattie: We don't want the ponies now, we don't need them.
Trader: Well that hardly concerns me. Your father brought the ponies, and paid for them. And there's an end to it. I have the bill of sale.
Mattie: And I want $300 for Papa's saddle horse that was stolen from your stable.
Trader: You'll have to take that up with the man who stole the horse.
Mattie: Tom Chaney stole the horse while it was in your care. You were responsible.
Trader: Yeah, I admire your sin. But I believe you'll find I'm not liable for such claims.
Mattie: You were the custodian. If you were a bank that were robbed. You could not simply tell your depositors to go hang.
Trader: I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world as it is vexing enough. Secondly your evaluation of the horse is high. By about two hundred dollars. How old are you?
Mattie: If anything, my purse is low. My Judy was a fine racing mare. I've seen her jump a eight rung fence with a rider at fourteen.
Trader: Oh, it's all very interesting. The ponies are yours, take them. Your father horse was stolen by a murderous criminal. I have provided reasonable protection for the creature as per our implicit agreement. My watchmen had his teeth knocked out, you can take on his suit.
Mattie: That would take to long.
Trader: You have no case.
Mattie: Courage would make the dartmore to long. This is by a jury. Petitioned by a widow and three small children.
Trader: I will pay two hundred dollars to your fathers estate. When I have in my hand a letter from your lawyer, absolving me of all liability from the beginning of the world to today.
Mattie: I'll take two hundred dollars for Judy, plus one hundred for the ponies. And twenty five dollars for the grey horse that Tom Chaney left. He was easily worth, forty. That is three hundred and twenty five dollars, sold.
Trader: The ponies have no part in it. I will not buy them.
Mattie: And the price for Judy is three hundred and twenty five dollars.
Trader: I would not pay three hundred and twenty five dollars for winged Pegasus. As for the grey horse, it does not belong to you.
Mattie: The grey horse was lent to Tom Chaney by my father. Chaney only had the use of him.
Mattie: I would pay two hundred and twenty five dollars. And keep the grey horse. And I want the ponies.
Mattie: Then it's settled, then. There will be no settlement after I leave this office and go to the court of law.
Trader: All right, this is my last offer. Two hundred and fifty dollars. For that I get the release, previously discussed. And I keep your father's saddle. The grey horse is not yours to sell.
Mattie: The saddle is not for sale. I will keep it. Glory Daniel will approve of the grey horse. He will come after you with a great vengeance.
Trader: What? All right, now look, listen very carefully. As I will not bargain further. I'll will take the ponies back, and the grey horse. Which is mine. And settle... For three hundred dollars. Now you must take that or leave it. And I do not much care which it is.
Mattie: My Lawyer Decker would not wish me to consider anything under three hundred and twenty five dollars. But I will settle for three hundred and twenty. If I am given twenty in advance. Now here's what I have to say about that saddle.
1. manly qualities: 男子气概,阳刚之气。这里也可以翻译为“是条汉子”。
比如:He looks very manly in his uniform.(他穿着制服十分精神。)
2. pony: 小型马,矮马。
3. out of the question:不可能的。
类似的说法还有stand no chance of,比如:This team stands no chance of winning the match.(这个队不可能在比赛中获胜。)
4. saddle horse: 驯马,鞍马。
5. go hang: 任其自然,忘却,一般用let things go hang来表示。
比如:Mr Johnson let his business go hang after his wife died.(太太死后,约翰逊先生对自己的事业再也无兴趣了。)
6. The world as it is vexing enough: 烦人的事多着呢,本来已经够烦人的了。Vex表示“使烦恼,恼怒”。
7. if anything: 怎么说,如果有什么区别的话。这里玛蒂是说,怎么说我的报价也已经很低了。
8. racing mare: 赛马。Mare一般指母马。
9. as per: 按照。
例如:As per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way. 根据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。
10.winged Pegasus: 有翼的马,神马,这里指已经丢了的马。
11.take that or leave it: 要么接受,要么就算了。这里是卖主在威胁玛蒂接受自己的出价。
1. 我要说的是,你父亲的阳刚之气给我印象很深。
2. 别跟我打比方,烦人的事多着呢。
3. 怎么说我的要价都已经很低了。
4. 我才不会花325美元来买一匹丢了的马。
1. May I say, your father impressed me. With his manly qualities.
2. I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world as it is vexing enough.
3. If anything, my purse is low.
4. I would not pay three hundred and twenty five dollars for winged Pegasus.
荒凉的西部小镇,在空旷的街道上两个牛仔面对面的站着,间隔三十步。相互凝视很久后,两人几乎同时拔枪。“呯”“呯”两声过后,一个牛仔摇晃了几下,扑倒在地。胜者把左轮手枪在手中转几个圈后插回枪套,转身上马向远方缓缓走去……THE END……一幕典型的西部片结束了。

《关山飞渡》把两个对西部片有重大贡献的人物联系在一起,约翰·福特和 约翰·韦恩,从此两人携手西部,演绎了一部又一部的经典。《关山飞渡》也引领了西部片的复兴,一直到五十年代末,西部片又在银幕上盛行起来。进入了它的黄金时代。而且渐渐有了一套相对固定的格局:开始常常是善良的白种移民受到迫害,然后一个(或几个)英雄出现了,经过殊死搏斗,将歹徒消灭。中间还常常穿插着英雄救美的爱情故事。英雄可以是居无定所的游侠,也可以是初来乍到的牛仔,反面角色不是称霸一方的恶棍就是野蛮的印第安人。片中人物善恶分明,结尾总是正义战胜邪恶。
1964年意大利人 赛尔乔·莱翁带来了意大利式西部片(而且外景地在西班牙)。在他的西部片中人物已不再善恶分明,而是沾染了“黑色电影”的脾性,反英雄,非主流,反乌托邦,颠覆传统。每个人都不是传统上的正面角色。他的金钱三部曲获得了成功,把“通心粉西部片”和克林特·伊斯特伍德一起带给美国观众。美国本土的西部片的主角也不再是无畏的英雄,换成了从强盗到小混混等各种各样的反英雄人物。进入七十年代,越南战争的失败和越来越多的社会问题让美国人不再相信西部神话,西部片开始走向衰落。阿瑟·潘恩的《小巨人》通过一位120岁的老牛仔对一生的回忆,象是给西部片画了一个句号。
七十年代以后,西部片似乎被人们遗忘了,不多的几部也不再引起人们的注意。1990年,凯文·科斯特纳 和他的《与狼共舞》夺得奥斯卡最佳影片,西部片有了重新振作之意。1993年,又一部西部片——老牛仔 克林特·伊斯特伍德 的《不可饶恕》夺得奥斯卡最佳影片大奖,又给西部片的复兴打了一针强心剂。但现代电脑技术对电影的影响使观众对电影的喜好和以前大不相同。西部片这种老古董只能成为怀旧的主题,慢慢消逝在角落里。