Jamie: Dr. Knight.
Knight: Hey, I'm very late.
Jamie: One thousand dollars.
Knight: Excuse me?
Jamie: It's a check for $1,000.
Knight: For what?
Jamie: For a special Pfizer preceptorship. For me to shadow you, learn your practice, and better serve the needs of doctors.
Knight: Are you bribing me?
Jamie: No, Doctor, no. It's a special Pfizer preceptorship for me to shadow you.
Knight: Is this a joke?
Jamie: If you think $1,000 is a joke. That's 33% fewer phone calls at 4:00 a.m...
Knight: I'd write a lot more of your scrip if I were a regularly paid consultant.
Jamie: Well, you know, we can talk to them about that.
Knight: They spend $5 billion a year on marketing, right? Instead of flying me to Cancun and making me sit through some bullshit, nonsense, peer-to-peer conference, just give me half that money in cash.
Jamie: Yeah, but Cancun...
Cindy: Dr. Knight, Mrs. Putney's on the phone. Excuse me.
Jamie: Sorry.
Cindy: Her daughter has to sing on Friday. They're doing Bye Bye Birdie, and she's playing Kim, and she wondered if you could call in an antibiotic?
Knight: Sure. Why not?
Cindy: Okay, thanks.
Knight: This can't be right. Janice? Janice? A 26-year-old needs Parkinson's medication?
Janice: Beth wrote that one up.
Knight: All right, look, if a patient asks, you're an intern, okay?
Jamie: Yeah. Can I take notes?
Knight: Sure. Why not?
Jamie: All right.
Knight: Hey. I'm Dr. Knight.
Maggie: Maggie Murdock.
Knight: So your file says, "Kind of an emergency."
Maggie: Yeah. My apartment was burgled yesterday, and they took my Parkinson's meds. But my symptoms are pretty good today, so it's "kind of an emergency." I know your Lilly rep, Trey Hannigan? He asked Cindy to squeeze me in, so...
Knight: Yeah, Trey's a great guy.
Maggie: Oh. Well, I wouldn't say that.
Knight: So, monotherapy?
Maggie: Yep. Sinemet CR, 50 milligrams, two times a day, plus Domperidone to cut the nausea, 10 milligrams, three times a day. Artane for the tremor, two milligrams, a whole tablet, three times a day. And Prozac, so that I'm not too bummed about having a major degenerative disorder at 26. Forty milligrams, once, in the morning.
Jamie: Zoloft has fewer side effects.
Maggie: I'm sorry, who are you?
Jamie: Jamie Randall. Intern.
Knight: So, early-onset Parkinson's. That's pretty rare.
Maggie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. First they thought it was essential tremor, then Wilson's disease, then Huntington's. Then, they tested for MAS, PSP, syphilis. I was very glad for a negative on that one. I didn't really relish the thought of feeling like a 19th century slut. Let's see. Then, there was brain tumor week, which was very scary. And then six months chasing obscure dystonias, but, no, it just turned out to be good, old-fashioned Parkinson's.
Knight: Right. And... Don't you have a neurologist?
Maggie: We broke up.
Knight: And do you have insurance?
Maggie: Do I have insurance.
Knight: Okay. Well, sure. Why not?
Maggie: Great.
Knight: Is there anything else I can do for you?
Maggie: Nope. Oh! Um... Actually, yeah. I have a weird blotch on my breast. I don't know, I'm trying not to freak out about it.
Knight: Well, let's have a look.
Maggie: Great. Here you go. Do you see that?
Knight: That's a spider bite.
Maggie: Is it?
Knight: Yeah, that's a spider bite.
Maggie: Great!
Knight: All right. There you are.
Maggie: Thank you, Dr. Knight.
Knight: Sure. You're welcome.[page]
2. shadow: 跟随……实地学习(或参观),也可以指“跟踪、如影随形”。
He felt he was being shadowed, but he couldn't see anyone behind him.(他感觉到有人在跟踪他,但他看不见身后的人。)
3. peer-to-peer: 对等的。这里的peer-to-peer conference是指“面对面的会议”。
4. antibiotic: 抗生素,抗菌素,可以做形容词或名词。
例如:She was injected with an antibiotic.(医生给她注射了抗生素。)
5. burgle: 偷窃,入室盗窃。Burgle alarm就是指“防盗报警器”。
例如:Our house has been burgled.(我们的房间失窃了。)
6. monotherapy: 单一治疗。Mono做前缀表示“单、单一”,单独使用时可以表示(唱片)单声道的。
例如:Mix the 2 channels into one mono track.(将两条声道混合至一条单声道音轨。)
7. degenerative disorder: 退行障碍。Degenerative表示(疾病随着时间的推移)变性的
8. early-onset: (疾病)早期的,早发性的
9. blotch: (皮肤上的)红斑、疹块儿。也可以指大片的(墨水或颜色的)污渍。
例如:His face was covered in ugly red blotches.(他脸上有许多难看的红色大斑点。)
10.freak out: 极度兴奋,行为异常。
例如:We freaked out when we won the lottery.(中了奖券,我们兴奋极了。)[page]
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1. 让我尾随你,学习你的经验,更好为医生的需求而服务。
2. 好了,听着,如果有病人问到你就说你是实习生。
3. 不过今天我的症状还不错,所以是“有那么点”紧急。
4. 早期帕金森,真的很罕见。
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