英语听力汇总   |   暮光之城 Twilight 精讲之五








Bella: Hey, sorry I'm late. Biology project.

Bella’s father: I ordered you the spinach salad. I hope that's okay.

Bella: You should order one for yourself next time. Cut back on the steak.

Bella’s father: Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse.

Cora: Say, Chief, boys want to know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?

Bella’s father: Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed east, so Kitsap County sheriff is gonna take over from here. Okay?

Cora: I just hope they catch him fast.

Bella’s father: Looks like your friends are flagging you. It's okay if you wanna go join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway.

Bella: Me, too.

Bella’s father: Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you.

Bella: Yeah, he's a good buddy.

Bella’s father: What about any of these other yahoos in town? Anybody interest you?

Bella: Dad, we gonna talk about boys?

Bella’s father: Yeah, I guess not. I just feel like I leave you alone too much. You should be around people.

Bella: I don't really mind being alone. I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way.


Bella: So, how's all the baseball stuff going?

Bella’s mother: Phil's working so hard. You know, spring training. We're looking for a house to rent in case things become more permanent. You'd like Jacksonville, baby.

Bella: Yeah? I'm really liking Forks.

Bella’s mother: What?

Bella: Forks is growing on me.

Bella’s mother: Could a guy have anything to do with that?

Bella: Well, yeah.

Bella’s mother: I knew it. Tell me everything. What is he? Jock? Indie? I bet he's smart. Is he smart?

Bella: Mom, can I talk to you later?

Bella’s mother: Come on, we gotta talk boys. Are you being safe?

Bella: How did you get in here?

Edward: The window.

Bella: Do you do that a lot?

Edward: Well, just the past couple of months. I like watching you sleep. It's kind of fascinating to me. I always want to try one thing. Just stay very still. Don't move.[page]



1. spinach: 菠菜。Bella认为父亲应该也给自己点一盘菠菜沙拉,这样对他的身体比较有好处,牛排的脂肪高,多吃对中年人的健康不利。

2. cut back on: 减少,削减,缩减。Bella让她父亲少吃点牛排。请看例子:

We shall have to cut back on our spending.(我们将不得不削减我们的经费。)

3. as healthy as a horse: 英语中常用的比喻词组,像马一样健康,也可以说as strong as a horse(像马一样强壮)。类似的和动物相关的比喻词组还有:free as a bird;gentle as a lamb;mute as a fish;stupid as a donkey;proud as a peacock等。

4. Chief: 长官。影片中是用来称呼警察,也就是Bella的父亲。Chief也可以用来称呼主任、酋长和其他首领。

5.take over: 接管。例如:The new department head took over yesterday.(新的系主任昨天接任。)

6. flag: 引起注意。影片中Bella的同学在窗外做动作,设法引起Bella的注意。此外,flag也指打旗号或用其他信号使人或车等停下或过来,例如:flag a waitress(招呼女服务员),又如:He flagged me a taxi.(他为我招来一辆出租汽车。)

7. turn in: <口>上床睡觉。看一下例子:

I usually turn in at about 11 o'clock. 我通常11点左右睡觉。

8. got a big smile for you: Bella的父亲是指他觉得Mike Newton对Bella很有意思。

9.yahoo: 乡下人。这里Bella的父亲是用调侃的语气,因为他居住的地方是个小镇。

10. grow on: 越来越被……喜爱。例如:Modern music starts to grow on people.(现代音乐已越来越被人喜欢。)在影片中Bella告诉母亲说她喜欢上了福克斯这个小镇。

11. Jock: <口>赛马的骑师。

12. Indie: (唱片、电影的)独立制片人。[page]





1. 财政压力迫使公司减少开支。


2. 火车在桥头被招呼停了下来。


3. 她昨晚直到半夜才睡觉的。


4. 我越来越喜欢这个安静的小镇了。







In the United States a high school is an upper secondary school which educates children from grade nine or ten through grade twelve, in other words, from the age of 14 or 15 to 17 or 18 (in some states, such as California, many students begin the ninth grade at age 13). Prior to attending high school, many children in the United States attend a middle school or a junior high school (usually grades 5-8, 6-8, 6-9, 7-8, 7-9 or 8-9).

Individual states, counties, and school districts have considerable leeway in how they choose to divide their school levels. Students will generally graduate from high school in the year of their 18th birthday if they were born between January 1 and August 31, but this varies by state depending on the kindergarten cut-off date, which ranges from August 1 in Missouri to January 1 in Connecticut and December 1 in California. A few American schools still incorporate grades 7 through 12, but it is usually either grades 9-12 or grades 10-12 although some states split grades 9-10 and 11-12 into a high school and senior high school. For purposes of the Grade Point Average (GPA) and subject requirements used for college admission, grade 9 is usually considered the first year of high school regardless of whether the student is in the last year of a 7-9 junior high program, or the first year of a 9-12 high school program. While high school is generally defined as being grades 9-12, there are some senior high schools that cover only grades 10-12, and typically accept students from a junior high school that includes grades 7-9. Some states consider grades 7-12 to be secondary education, while others consider grades 6-12 to be secondary education.

As a practical matter, while laws in most states mandate school attendance at least until graduation or age 16, many require attendance until age 17 or 18 (unless the student earns a diploma earlier, usually around age 16). Conversely, students who have failed a grade may remain in high school past the age of 18. In general, students over 19 attend remedial classes to receive a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) certificate. State laws vary on the cut-off age for students to receive free public education services. Many states have adult high schools for people generally 18 and over. Students can stay in high school past the age of 18 if it is deemed appropriate. They cannot stay past a certain age depending on the state. On average 71% of American students graduate from high school. A high school diploma or GED certificate is usually required for entrance into a two or four-year college or university and to other post-secondary education programs.