Eric: You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?
Bella: I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type.
Eric: Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page.
Bella: No, I'm not. (Stutters) You...Please don't have any sort of...
Eric: Chillax. No feature.
Bella: Okay, thanks.
Eric: Cool?
Girl: All right. Okay. Yeah.
(Girls Chattering)
Girl: Get it! Get it! Get it!
(Bella Grunts)
Girl 1: To you!
Mike: Whoa!
Bella: I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play.
Mike: No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't...You're Isabella, right?
Bella: Just Bella.
Mike: Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton.
Bella: Nice to meet you.
Mike: Yeah, yeah.
Jessica: She's got a great spike, huh?
Mike: (Chuckles) Yeah, it's...
Jessica: I'm Jessica, by the way. Hey, you're from Arizona, right?
Bella: Yeah.
Jessica: Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan?
Bella: Yeah. Maybe that's why they kicked me out.
(Mike and Jessica Laughing)
Mike: You're good.
Jessica: That's so funny.
Girl: Back in, Jess.
Boy: Down here.
Eric: Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, and then you guys can...
Mike: It's my pleasure, Madame.
Eric: You guys can give each other high fives.
Mike: Burrito, my friend?
Eric: Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella?
Mike: Hey. Your home girl?
Eric: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah?
Tyler: That's...My girl. Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike!
Eric: Tyler.
(All laughing)
Tyler: Yes!
Jessica: Oh, my God. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy.
Angela: Smile.
Bella: Okay.
Angela: Sorry.I needed a candid for the feature.
Eric: The feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again.
Bella: It's okay, I just...
Eric: I got your back, baby.[page]
1. the eyes and ears of this place: 这个地方的万事通。Eric指他对学校里的大小事务都很熟悉。
例如:Louis called himself eyes and ears of the school.
2. chillax: chill和relax的结合,意思是让某人放松冷静。
例如:Dude, just chillax, just because it's not your birthday doesn't mean that you won't have fun.
3. high five: 举手击掌(用来招呼,表示狂喜或庆祝胜利)。请看例子:
He always gives me a high-five when I win the game.
4. burrito: 墨西哥料理的一种(以肉、乳酪、豆泥做馅的面饼卷)
5. home girl: 同乡的女孩。Eric的老家也在亚利桑那州。
6. mess up: 弄糟。影片中Bella因为把球打到Mike的头觉得很抱歉。请看例子:
He got another chance and didn't want to mess up again.
7. candid: 乘人不备时拍下的照片,快照。影片中Angela趁Bella没注意时给她拍了一张照片,想作为这期校报的特写照片,但是被Eric阻止了。candid也可以作形容词用,candid camera是“(用来拍快照和偷拍照片的)快拍照相机”,candid photo是“快照,(乘人不备时摄下的)照片”。
8. bring up: 提起,谈到。影片中Eric知道Bella不喜欢上校报,所以叫Angela别再提上报的事了。请看例子:bring up old scores again(翻老帐)。
9. got one's back:支持某人,挺某人。[page]
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1. 她的期终考试考砸了。
2. 嘿,伙计,别激动,一切都很好。
3. 他们相互击掌打过招呼后,便继续各行其事。
4. 有客人在座,她没好意思说。
Bella Swan has always been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about fitting in with the trendy, plastic girls at her Phoenix, Arizona high school. When her mother remarried and Bella chooses to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she didn't expect much of anything to change. But things do change when she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen. For Edward is nothing like any boy she's ever met. He's intelligent and witty, and he seems to see straight into her soul. In no time at all, they are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance - unorthodox because Edward really isn't like the other boys. He can run faster than a mountain lion. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands, and he hasn't aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he's immortal. That's right - vampire. But he doesn't have fangs - that's just in the movies. And he doesn't drink human blood, though Edward and his family are unique among vampires in that lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Somehow or other, they will have to manage their unmanageable love. But when unexpected visitors come to town and realize that there is a human among them Edward must fight to save Bella. A modern, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal.
Seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan moves to Forks, a small town near Washington state's rugged coast, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. He later refuses to explain this act to Bella and warns her against befriending him.
After much research, Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood. The pair fall in love and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon after, three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and his family risk their lives to protect her, but James tracks Bella to Phoenix where she is hiding and lures her into a trap by claiming he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella and bites her wrist, but Edward, along with the other Cullen family members, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire. A severely injured Bella is taken to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom. While there, Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses. The film ends with Victoria secretly watching the pair dancing, plotting revenge for her lover James' murder.