Waiter: Dekko?
Declan: Uh-huh!
Waiter: A customer said the chicken's dry.
Declan: The what's what?
Waiter: The chicken. It's dry.
Declan: It's a pie. It's delicious. Alex, you'rein charge. Don't blow anything up. All right, which one of you bollockses thinks my chicken's dry? You? You?
Anna: Me.
Declan: What the hell are you doing here?
Anna: Could you maybe be nice for just a second? I did fly 3,000 miles to get here.
Declan: Is Jeremy with you?
Anna: What? No! No. Jeremy and I...It didn't work out.
Declan: Sorry.
Anna: Well, when my 60 seconds came around, I realized I had everything I ever wanted but nothing I really needed. And I think that what I need is here. And I came all this way to see if maybe you might think so, too. And if you do...Well, I don't really have any plans past that, which is new for me. So, Declan O'Callaghan, and I should probably learn your middle name, here is my proposal. I propose we not make plans. I propose we give this thing a chance and let it work out how it works out. So what do you say? Do you want to not make plans with me?
(Door closes)
Anna: I guess that's an Irish no.
Declan: Mrs. O'Bradycallaghan. Where the hell are you going?
Anna: You said no.
Declan: I didn't say no. I didn't say anything.
Anna: You walked away.
Declan: I was getting something.
Anna: Really? That was a good time to go get something?
Declan: Well, yeah, it was, actually. I was getting this. You big idiot. I wouldn't be holding this ring if it weren't for you. I reject your proposal. I don't want to not make plans with you. I want to make plans with you.
Anna: You do?
Declan: Yeah. I do. Will you marry me?
Anna: In all my life, I never thought I'd see you down on one knee.
Declan: Yeah, it's getting a bit damp down here, so...What's it to be, Anna from Boston?
Anna: Yes. Yes, I will. I'm so relieved. For a minute there, I thought I wasn't gonna have a place to stay tonight.
Declan: What? You think you're staying with me? This might cost you.
Anna: Put it on my bill.
Man 1: Would you look at that!
Man 2: On a Sunday, no less. It's good luck to get engaged on a Sunday.
Man 1: And end a journey.
Man 2: Aye, and dig a well.
Man 1: Idiot! Do they look like they're digging a well?
Man 2: You know what I'm talking about.
Man 1: I never know what you're talking about.
(Car engine faltering)
Anna: Are you sure she's gonna make it?
Declan: Remember, she's a classic. And she's good as new, even after some crazy woman tried to push her off the road.
Anna: I didn't try to push her off the road! I was scraping cow poo off my shoe 'Cause some rude man wouldn't help me with the cows.
Declan: Only because someone was being pigheaded and couldn't wait.
Anna: Shut up.
(Car engine starts)
Declan: There you are. Right. Where to?
Anna: Just drive.
Declan: You got it, Bob.
Anna: Wait a minute. Where's Louis?
Declan: Louis? He's fine. Strapped him to the roof.
Anna: You strapped him to the roof? He'll get filthy up there.
Declan: Don't worry. We'll throw him in the wash. He'll be grand.[page]
1. in charge: 负责。看一下例子:The first mate will be in charge when the captain is away.(船长不在时将由大副负责。)
2. work out: 成功地发展。例如:Everything will work out.(一切会好起来的。)
3. pigheaded: 顽固的;执拗的;死脑筋。看一下例子:That pigheaded old man refused to cooperate with the neighbors.(那个固执的老头拒绝和邻居合作。)
4. strap: 用带捆绑(或束住)。
5. filthy: 肮脏的;污秽的。例如:The kitchen is absolutely filthy.(厨房肮脏不堪。)
6. wash: 肥皂液。眼药水就是eye wash。[page]
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1. 这里谁负责?
2. 我希望这项计划将是切实可行的。
3. 他总是这么固执!
4. 你怎么浑身是汗,还脏兮兮的?
Leap Year《败犬求婚日》精讲之五 参考答案
1. She was far from hilarious.
2. Let me have a go at it, all right?
3. It's wonderful to let your hair down at the weekend after you've been working hard all week.
4. You can let your hair down in front of me.[page]
柬埔寨奇怪风俗 少女婚前必须会吸烟
土耳其男女共浴 浴池里选新娘