Facebook lawyer: Mr. Saverin. Hey. Right over here.
Eduardo: Hey, man. How are you?
Facebook lawyer: Good. How are you?
Eduardo: Good, good, good, good, good. Good to see you.
(Back to the deposition) Eduardo: At first I thought he was joking. Giving me more contracts to sign. But then I started reading.
Eduardo: Wait, what is this?
Facebook lawyer: Well, as you know, we had some new investors that have come in.
Eduardo: What is this?
Facebook lawyer: Mr. Saverin.
Eduardo: Mark! Mark?
Sean: He's wired in.
Eduardo: Sorry?
Sean: He's wired in.
Eduardo: Is he?
Sean: Yes.
Eduardo: How about now? Are you still wired in?
Sean: Call security.
Eduardo: You issued 24 million new shares of stock!
Mark: You were told that if new investors came along...
Eduardo: How much were your shares diluted? How much were his?
(Back to the deposition)
Eduardo’s lawyer: What was Mr. Zuckerberg's ownership share diluted down to?
Eduardo: It wasn't.
Eduardo’s lawyer: What was Mr. Moskovitz's ownership share diluted down to?
Eduardo: It wasn't.
Eduardo’s lawyer: What was Sean Parker's ownership share diluted down to?
Eduardo: It wasn't.
Eduardo’s lawyer: What was Peter Thiel's ownership share diluted down to?
Eduardo: It wasn't.
Eduardo’s lawyer: And what was your ownership share diluted down to?
Eduardo: 0.03%.
Mark: You signed the papers.
Eduardo: You set me up.
Mark: You're gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company, and you made a bad business deal with your own company?
Eduardo: It's gonna be like I'm not a part of Facebook.
Sean: It won't be like you're not a part of Facebook. You're not a part of Facebook.
Eduardo: My name's on the masthead.
Sean: You might wanna check again.
Eduardo: This because I froze the account?
Sean: You think we'd let you parade around in your ridiculous suits, pretending you were running this company?
Eduardo: Sorry, my Prada's at the cleaner's! Along with my hoodie and my fuck-you flip-flops, you pretentious douche bag!
Sean: Security's here. You'll be leaving now.
Eduardo: I'm not signing those papers.
Sean: We will get the signature.
Eduardo: Tell me this isn't about me getting into the Phoenix. You... You did it. I knew you did it. You planted that story about the chicken!
Mark: I didn't plant that story about the chicken.
Sean: What's he talking about?
Eduardo: You had me accused of animal cruelty.
Sean: Seriously. What the hell's the chicken?
Eduardo: And I'll bet what you hated the most is that they identified me as a co-founder of Facebook. Which I am. You better lawyer up, asshole. 'Cause I'm not coming back for 30%. I'm coming back for everything.
Sean: Get him out of here.
Eduardo: It's okay, I'm going.
Sean: Hang on. Almost forgot. Here's your $19,000. I wouldn't cash it, though. I drew it on the account you froze.
Eduardo: I like standing next to you, Sean. It makes me look so tough.
Sean: Well...That's it, that's our show for tonight, people. And look, I wanna see everyone here geared up for a party. We're gonna walk into that club like it's the Macy's Parade. Mackey, put it up on the big screen. We've gotta almost be there. You all right?
Mark: Yeah. You were kind of rough on him.
Sean: That's life in the NFL.
Mark: You know you didn't have to be that rough on him.
Sean: Listen, I put him...
Mark: Sean! You didn't have to be that rough on him.
Sean: He almost killed it. I'll send flowers. Speaking of flowers, I'm putting together a party after the party at Kappa Eta Sigma. Ashleigh's a sister.
Mark: Ashleigh?
Sean: The intern.
Mark: Yeah. I know who she is. Are you guys...
Sean: Ashleigh? Me? No. Well, a little bit. Why?
Mark: No. Nothing, I just...
Ashleigh: Excuse me. Mark?
Sean: We were just talking about you.
Mark: Just that you're doing a really good job.
Ashleigh: Thanks. I appreciate that. These came in for you.
Mark: Put them on my desk.
Sean: What's the package?
Mark: Nothing.
Sean: Mackey.
Mackey: Yes, sir.
Sean: Refresh. Sweet! And you're not a hugger. I know. One million! Who's got champagne? Huh?
Woman: I've got champagne.[page]
1. be wired in: (编程人员)正处于十分专注、不能分心的状态。编程时为了避免分心,会带上耳机,以隔离外界的噪音。影片中的马克也是。
2. set somebody up: 设计陷害某人。例如:I'm not to blame: I've been set up.(我没有过错,是人家设计陷害我。)
3. masthead: 刊头,报头,位于首页顶端的名字。
4. parade: 夸示;炫耀。
5. hoodie: 连帽上衣。
6. flip-flop: 人字拖鞋; 夹脚拖鞋。
7. douche bag: 蠢人,笨蛋;恶棍。
8. plant: 发布(散布)(新闻等)以影响舆论。例如:plant false evidence(制造假证据)。
9. cash: 兑现支票。
10. geared up for something: 为……做好准备。看一下例子:He geared himself up for the job.(他已经为做这项工作作好了准备。)
11. Macy's Parade: 梅西大游行。梅西感恩节大游行始于1924年,是全美最盛大的感恩节庆典,每年都会吸引数百万人沿途观看。从1940年开始,游行中首次出现了大气球,以后每届游行中都有根据各种卡通人物和动物制作的大气球。
12. be rough on somebody: 对某人粗暴苛刻;欺侮某人。例如:The teacher was rough on him.(老师待他很苛刻。)
13. NFL: National Football League,(美国)全国橄榄球联盟
14. you're not a hugger: 你不喜欢拥抱。[page]
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1. 他刻意散布谣言。
2. 你能为我兑现这张支票吗?
3. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
4. 他星期天还要工作,真是不幸。
The Social Network《社交网络》精讲之五 参考答案
1. She was prey to irrational fears.
2. The teacher froze the noisy class with a single look.
3. Being late so often will jeopardize your chances for promotion.
4. The weather's so fickle in summer.[page]