英语听力汇总   |   社交网络 The Social Network 精讲之四








Mark: Your date looks so familiar to me.

Sean: She looks familiar to a lot of people.

Mark: What do you mean?

Sean: A Stanford MBA named Roy Raymond wants to buy his wife some lingerie, but he's too embarrassed to shop for it in a department store. He comes up with an idea for a high-end place that doesn't make you feel like a pervert. He gets a $40,000 bank loan, borrows another 40,000 from his in-laws, opens a store and calls it Victoria's Secret. Makes a half million dollars his first year. Starts a catalog, opens three more stores, and after five years, he sells the company to Leslie Wexner and The Limited for $4 million. Happy ending, right? Except two years later, the company's worth $500 million, and Roy Raymond jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge. Poor guy just wanted to buy his wife a pair of thigh-highs, you know?

Mark: Was that a parable?

Sean: My date's a Victoria's Secret model. That's why she looks familiar to you.

Mark: God.

Sean: Don't be impressed by all this. I read your blog.

Mark: You know, no, that was for web cretins.

Sean: You know why I started Napster? The girl I loved in high school was with the co-captain of the varsity lacrosse team, and I wanted to take her from him. So I decided to come up with the next big thing.

Mark: I didn't know that.

Sean: Napster wasn't a failure. I changed the music industry for better and for always. It may not have been good business, but it pissed a lot of people off. And isn't that what your Facemash was about? They're scared of me, pal, and they're gonna be scared of you. What the VCs want is to say, "Good idea, kid, the grown-ups will take it from here." But not this time. This is our time. This time, you're gonna hand them a business card that says, "I'm CEO, bitch." That's what I want for you. So where the hell is Eduardo?

Mark: He's in New York.

Sean: Sucking up to ad execs.

Mark: He's got an...An internship.

Sean: The company's here. A billion-dollar company's here. Do you live and breathe Facebook?

Mark: Yes.

Sean: I know you do. Wardo wants to be a businessman and for all I know he's gonna be a good one, but he shouldn't be in New York kissing Madison Avenue's ass. This is a once-in-a-generation, "holy shit" idea. And the water under the Golden Gate is freezing cold. Look at my face and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

Mark: Do you ever think about that girl?

Sean: What girl?

Mark: The girl from high school with the lacrosse thing.

Sean: No.

Girl: If you guys are gonna talk about bandwidth, we need shots.

Sean: A hundred schools by the end of the summer?

Mark: Yeah.

Sean: Tell you what. Gesture of good faith. While you're getting into 100 schools, I'll put you on two continents.[page]


1. lingerie: 女内衣。

2. department store: 百货公司;大百货商店。

3. high-end: 高档的;高端的;价高质优的。

4. pervert: 性变态者。

5. catalog: 商品目录。

6. thigh-high: 长筒袜。

7. parable: 寓言故事。

8. cretin: 笨蛋;傻瓜;白痴。

9. co-captain: 副队长。

10. varsity: 大学的。varsity也可以作名词用,意思是“(体育比赛中大中学校的)代表队,校队”。

11. lacrosse: 长曲棍球(两队各十名队员,用带网兜的球棒接球、带球和传球)。

12. piss (somebody) off: 使生气;使厌烦。例如:What did he say to piss you off?(他说什么惹恼了你?)

13. VCs: 风险投资家。VC指的是Venture Capital。

14. suck up (to somebody): 奉承;巴结。看一下例子:She sucks up to him by agree with everything he say.(她巴结他,他说什么话她都同意。)

15. kiss somebody's ass: 谄媚巴结某人;拍某人马屁;奉承某人。看一下例子:You want me to kiss his ass? Read my lips: No Way!(你要我拍他马屁?仔细听好:门儿都没有!)

16. shot: 少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒。

17. good faith: 真诚;善意。in good faith指的是“诚心诚意地”。请看例子:He did that in token of good faith.(他那样做是为了表示诚意。)[page]





1. 你把我惹毛了。


2. 他讨厌别人奉承他。


3. 你是好意,我并不怀疑。


4. 他出于善意将房子借给了他们。



The Social Network《社交网络》精讲之三   参考答案

1. She had adequate grounds for a divorce.

2. His counter arguments sound lame.

3. Stop leading us on and tell us what you are going to do.

4. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.[page]




美国的橄榄球迷永远不会忘记1999年的美国超级杯职业橄榄球赛。令人难忘的是,在中场休息时,一家内衣商把她们的穿着甚少的模特儿在跑道上走猫步的情景进行网络直播,结果引爆了网络直播的灾难——有150万人蜂拥上网争睹美女风采,相反,承接比赛直播的网络没有足够的能力来应付成千上万的网民,而影响到了超级杯的直播。到底是谁的魅力大到可以影响到美国第一大体育盛事——超级杯的比赛进程直播呢?这就是美国最著名的内衣及成衣品牌Victoria's Secret。自成立那天起,公司的名字就一直成为了魅力、浪漫、纵容及女式内衣的代名词,它不仅是全美国,更是全世界内衣界的龙头。

维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)的产品种类包括了女士内衣、文胸、内裤、泳装、休闲女装、女鞋、化妆品及各种配套服装、豪华短裤、香水化妆品以及相关书籍等,是全球最著名的性感内衣品牌之一。2002年她推出的镶嵌宝石、价值1000万美元的乳罩更是轰动世界。

1977年,毕业于斯坦福经济学院的罗伊·雷蒙德在加州旧金山创办了“维多利亚的秘密”(以下简称“维密”)。他觉得在大庭广众下为妻子选购内衣颇为尴尬。于是他在斯坦福购物中心开办了第一家商店,并迅速增加邮购目录和3家商店。该商店旨在为男性创造一种舒适的选购环境。木质的墙面,充满维多利亚时代气息,还有乐于助人的导购员。不同于架子上挂满各种码数的文胸和内裤的普通内衣店,该商店将各种款式风格、成套搭配的内衣,点缀在墙面上。男士只需根据款式选购,然后由导购员帮忙选择合适的尺码,在后台存货中取成品即可。1982年,经过5年的经营,罗伊·雷蒙德将公司出售给The Limited公司。   

The Limited公司完整地保持了维密的个性化形象。维密在80年代迅速扩展到全美各大商城。The Limited公司更将经营范围拓展到鞋子、晚装、香水等其他产品,每年8次发行邮购目录。   


