Thomas: Hey. They tried to eat you alive, but here you are. You did well.
Nina: Really?
Thomas: Mm-hmm. Where are you going?
Nina: Upper west side.
Thomas: Stop at my place for a drink. It's on the way.
Coach: Thomas, you need to say hello to Karen Holloway.
Thomas: A minute more of ass-kissing. I'll be back. Wait for me here, all right? Hello, Karen!
Nina: Beth! I'm so sorry to hear you're leaving the company.
Beth: What did you do to get this role? He always said you were such a frigid little girl. What did you do to make him change his mind? Did you suck his cock?
Nina: Not all of us have to.
Beth: You fucking whore! You're a fucking little whore!
Thomas: Whoa, what's going on here?
Beth: Hey, I need to talk to you.
Thomas: You're drunk. You should go home.
Beth: I need to talk to you. No! Don't you do that! Don't you dismiss me like that!
Thomas: My little princess, please. Pull it together. Come.
Beth: I'm coming by later. I have something for you. It's a token of my appreciation.
Thomas: Right.
Beth: You make the most of it, Nina.
Thomas: Don't worry. It's typical. Please. I thought it'd be good to talk about the role. Drown this a little. I don't want there to be any boundaries between us.
Nina: No, me neither.
Thomas: Good. So...You got a boyfriend?
Nina: No.
Thomas: Have you had many in the past?
Nina: A few. But no one serious.
Thomas: You're not a virgin are you?
Nina: No.
Thomas: So there's nothing to be embarrassed about. And you enjoy making love?
Nina: Excuse me?
Thomas: Come on, sex. Do you enjoy it? We need to be able to talk about this. I've got a little homework assignment for you. Go home and touch yourself. Live a little. Well it's late. Lots of work tomorrow. The doorman will find a cab for you.
Erica: Sounds like quite an evening. I wish I could have been there.
Nina: You know I asked.
Erica: I know you did. Susie told me. Guess he wanted you all to himself.
Nina: But why?
Erica: Don't blame him. Where'd you get these?
Nina: They're fake.
Erica: Fooled me.
Nina: I can do it.
Erica: He must have been by your side all night. Showing you off. Oh, Nina...
Nina: It's just a rash.
Erica: Rash? What are you talking about?
Nina: It was worse a few days ago. It's fine already.
Erica: You've been scratching yourself again.
Nina: No I haven't. Mom!
Erica: This disgusting habit...Jesus Christ, I thought you were done with this, Nina. Shrugs. You'll keep wearing the shrugs. Sit down. You have the white one, and the pink one. And that'll hide it. And then I'll dig out that expensive coverup. We still have some. No one will see it.
Nina: Mom, please.
Erica: It's the role, isn't it? It's all this pressure. I knew it'd be too much. I knew it. You're all right. You'll be all right.[page]
1. ass-kissing: 拍马屁。看一下例子:You want me to kiss his ass? Read my lips: No Way!(你要我拍他马屁?仔细听好:门儿都没有!)
2. frigid: 性冷淡的;冷淡的;死板的。请看例子:She returned his smile with a frigid glance.(对他的微笑她报以冷冷的一瞥。)
3. dismiss: 让……离开,打发走。
4. Pull it together: 振作起来。
5. come by: (走)过来。例如:He has just come by.(他刚走过去。)
6. make the most of something: 充分利用;尽情享受。影片中贝丝让妮娜趁着她拥有美丽的光环时好好享受,因为可能转眼间一切就会烟消云散,就像她的下场一样。看一下例子:We must make the most of the fine weather.(我们要充分利用这样的好天气。)
7. typical: 平常的,意料之中的。
8. rash: 皮疹。
9. shrugs: 女短套衫;女带袖短披肩。
10. coverup: 遮暇乳。[page]
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1. 他是个马屁精,只要能往上爬,他啥事都干。
2. 他那冷淡的目光让我害怕。
3. 咱们别想这些烦人的事了。
4. 随时来走走。
Black Swan《黑天鹅》精讲之三 参考答案
1. He is a skillful and effortless mechanic.
2. We were all enchanted by her performance.
3. She was transported with grief.
4. He was transported by the music, as if in another world.
5. It's an exquisite portrait.[page]
第一幕 王子齐格弗里德在生日前夕,他的母亲告诉他,已成年的齐格弗里德要在第二天选一位新娘。而到了晚上,王子去天鹅湖捕猎天鹅。
第二幕 齐格弗里德遇上被罗特巴特施咒的公主奥杰塔。她白天是天鹅,晚上却会化成一位少女。只有当某位男子真诚地爱上她时,她才能得救。齐格弗里德邀请她第二天晚上来参加舞会,并会向母亲表示,愿意娶奥杰塔为妻。
第三幕 各国的公主和使节都来出席齐格弗里德的生日宴会。罗特巴特也带着他的女儿奥吉莉亚来了。奥吉莉亚显示的是奥杰塔的形象,只是身着黑装。齐格弗里德被迷惑并与她缔结了婚约。当齐格弗里德意识到这一切的时候,大为震惊,并立即赶往天鹅湖。
第四幕 王子请求奥杰塔的宽恕,而奥杰塔也原谅了他。这时罗特巴特用魔法卷起大浪,要淹死齐格弗里德。奥杰塔为了救他纵身跃入湖内。根据导演编排的不同,结尾也不一样:或者是双双逝去形成悲剧式的结尾,或者是天鹅恢复人形,王子救起公主,爱情终于战胜了邪恶。中国的芭蕾舞团常用这一种结尾。