Thomas: Yes, Nina?
Nina: Do you have a minute? Now's not a good time. I get it.
Thomas: Now is perfect. So...
Nina: I just wanted to tell you that I practiced the coda last night and I finished. I thought you should know.
Thomas: Okay, Nina, listen. Honestly, I don't care about your technique. You should know that by now.
Nina: Yeah, but yesterday...
Thomas: No. Anyway...I've already chosen Veronica. So...Sorry.
Nina: Okay, thank you.
Thomas: That's it? You're not going to try and change my mind? You must have thought it was possible. Otherwise, what are you doing here all dolled up?
Nina: I came to ask for the part.
Thomas: Well...The truth is...When I look at you, all I see is the White Swan. Yes, you're beautiful, fearful, fragile. Ideal casting. But the Black Swan? It's a hard fucking job to dance both.
Nina: I can dance the Black Swan, too.
Thomas: Really? In four years, every time you dance, I see you obsess getting each and every move perfectly right, but I never see you lose yourself. Ever. All that discipline for what?
Nina: I just want to be perfect.
Thomas: You what?
Nina: I want to be perfect.
Thomas: Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence. And very few have it in them.
Nina: I think I do have it in me.
Thomas: You bit me? I can't believe you bit me!
Nina: I'm sorry.
Thomas: Man, that fucking hurt!
Veronica: What? Why's she always staring at me?
Girl: Hey, it's been posted. Hey, it's out!
Nina: Veronica. Congratulations.
Veronica: Hey! Why would you say that? Your idea of some sick joke?
Nina: What?
Veronica: Fuck you.
Girl 1: Hey, Nina! Congratulations!
Girl 2: Congratulations.
Girl 3: Congratulations. You're so beautiful.
Girl 4: Congratulations.
Erica: Hello?
Nina: Hi.
Erica: What is it? What's wrong?
Nina: I'm fine. He picked me, Mummy. Do you hear me?
Erica: For Swan Lake?
Nina: I'm going to be Swan Queen! Mom! I'll be home soon. I just wanted to let you know.
Erica: I love you.
Nina: I love you, too.[page]
1. coda: (乐曲的)后奏,尾声;结尾乐段。影片中妮娜之前在选拔中跳到黑天鹅舞段的尾声时被打断,没有跳完。
2. dolled up: 打扮得漂漂亮亮。doll up意思是“(把……)打扮得花枝招展,装点得漂漂亮亮”。例如:The old woman dolls herself up like a young lady.(老妇人把自己打扮得像个少女。)
3. fearful: 胆怯的。fearful也可以表示“可怕的,吓人的,极糟的”,例如:What a fearful waste of time!(简直太浪费时间了!)
4. let go: 放开,不拘束,洒脱。看一下例子:He can let go in private.(他在无旁人的情况下会很轻松自然。)
5. transcendence: 超越。[page]
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1. 她打扮得花枝招展却无处可去。
2. 他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。
3. 你抓紧,我要放手了。
4. 他想要做些可怕的事情。
Black Swan《黑天鹅》精讲之一 参考答案
1. The magazines looked fresh and virginal.
2. The prince fell under the spell of her beauty.
3. He granted me my request.
4. The noodles are done to death.[page]
·影片最初的剧本叫做《替补演员》(The Understudy),故事全部发生在纽约大剧院内。阿罗诺夫斯基很喜欢这个剧本,但是建议要把故事改成芭蕾舞演员的生活。