Tulsi: It is most commendable that you ended your marriage. You seem like such a happy, free person now.
Liz: I think my ex-husband would describe me as selfish.
Tulsi: You mustn't be angry with yourself or disappointed. You don't have to make children or be married to have a family.
Richard: Oh, man. They got mosquitoes here big enough...to stand flat-footed and screw a chicken. I love you.
Tulsi: Liz, have you met...Richard from Texas?
Liz: Hello, Richard from Texas.
Richard: Nice to meet you, Groceries.
Liz: Groceries?
Richard: Yeah. Yeah, I heard you eating before I saw you. I never seen anybody eat so much at one time. You sure do enjoy your groceries.
Liz: You know, it's been a rough day, and if no one takes it personally...I'm going to take my large meal someplace else to eat it in silence.
Tulsi: Oh, no, stay. I'm done.
Richard: Looked like you were working through some...pretty rough stuff this morning. Stuff with your ex-husband? I got an ex-wife. She thinks l changed my name to "Motherfucker."
Liz: I-- I just spent some time in Rome and I came here feeling so great. And now here l am, at the source...and l feel more disconnected than ever.
Richard: Why'd you come here?
Liz: I just want some peace.
Richard: Peace? You wanna get to the castle, Groceries...you got to swim the moat. Here, you can finish that. I know you can.
Liz: Okay. Simply empty your mind. Breathe. What am I going to do when this year is over? Where am I going to live? Well, maybe Chicago. Oh, my God. I could build a meditation room-- No. Stop thinking. Why is this so hard? Screw you, Corella. How the hell does she do this? She looks like frigging Mother Teresa. Oh, my God, kill me.
Richard: Who's in the moat today?
Liz: Shut up.
Richard: Sounds like you wrestled some big-ass crocs.
Liz: You know what? lf you're so goddamn smart, what are you doing here?
Richard: If you're here, it makes you smart already. Do you wanna talk about what--?
Liz: No, not to you. Thank you.
Richard: I'm the only one here. You're gonna talk about it sooner or later.
Liz: I cannot focus in there. All I think about is my meditation room and how to decorate.
Richard: Are you shitting me?
Liz: Are you kidding me?
Richard: The meditation room is within, Groceries. Decorate that.
Liz: Do you always talk in bumper sticker?
Richard: I do, and here's another one. You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you select...your clothes every day. That's a power you can cultivate. You wanna come here and control your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should control. If you can't master your thoughts, you're in trouble.
Liz: I am trying.
Richard: Yeah, hello, that's the damn problem. Stop trying. Surrender. Go out into the garden and just sit there and still your mind...and you watch what happens. Why don't you just let it be?
Liz: Has anyone ever told you you look like James Taylor?
Richard: Every day.
Liz: God, he really does.[page]
1. flat-footed:这里理查德是说“这里的蚊子个头真大,直接就伏在上面,把鸡肉给干掉了。”
flat-footed一般用来指“扁平足的”或者“无准备的,措手不及”。在美语中,come out flat-footed就是说“打开天窗说亮话”。
2. rough day:难熬的一天,经历太糟了。Rough在这里表示“讨厌的,令人不快的”。
3. disconnected: 隔绝,隔离。也可以指不连贯的,无条理的,或者电话断线。
例如:I felt disconnected from the world around me.(我感到已与周围世界隔绝。)
4. empty your mind: 清空杂念。
5. meditation room: 冥想室。Be deep in meditation就是指“陷入沉思”。
6. screw you: 去你的,见鬼吧。骂人的话。
7. frigging: 要命的,可恨的。用于加强语气,也属于粗话。
8. Mother Teresa:特雷莎修女。世界著名的天主教慈善工作者,主要替印度加尔各答的穷人服务。
9. bumper sticker:汽车保险杆上的贴纸,上面常会写些有个人风格的俏皮话,好给后方来车看。
10.let it be:顺其自然,随它去。
let it be known则相当于make it known that…(尤指通过他人传达而)使人知晓,让人知道。例如:Let it be known that I took this course of action against my will. (让大家知道我采取这种行动违反我的愿望。)[page]
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Eat Pray Love《美食,祈祷和恋爱》精讲之三 参考答案
1. His cousin got mugged here in a museum.
2. Right here. What's it called? What's the word? A muffin top.
3. Put some Swedish muscle into this.
4. Thanks for the day. And the leg room.[page]
利兹来到印度后,在冥想时总爱走神儿,始终无法使自己平静下来。为什么她要通过冥想来达到empty the mind的境界呢?来看看下面的介绍吧。
现代人的代表性疾病就是各种生活压力,因为压力我们变得烦躁不安,进而导致各种疾病。而冥想(Meditation)是治疗压力的一个好方法。一个人冥想时,他会暂时远离现实世界的繁嚣,找回心灵深处的平静和集中。在这过程中,不仅心灵得到了最大的安定,我们的身体也得到了最大限度的放松,找回了身体的健康和平衡。随着“Well-Being Life”生活方式的兴起,平时理解为属于佛教徒的冥想越来越得到了广大平常老百姓的青睐和喜爱。英国《泰晤士报》也曾报道称,“冥想是解除压力最好的一种方式”。另有实验证明,经过8周冥想治疗的人比正常人更容易感到幸福和变得积极向上,其各个身体指标也比平常人高出很多。
现在,冥想作为“Well-Being Life”生活方式的一种,广泛被人们所接受。冥想已经不仅仅是作为宗教和艺术的一部分,而是作为健康的生活方式而影响着人们的平常生活。
汉字里“冥想”两个字的意思是 — “闭着眼睛进行深思”。充分缓解身体和心灵的紧张,没有任何感情波动,静静观察心灵深处的变化,继而感知变化,让自己完全进入到一种忘我的境界,深切感受到心灵深处的平和与安定。冥想的第一阶段是将心灵集中到一处,让自己保持镇定状态,不为外界的刺激而动摇,持续进行着心灵深处的冥动。第二阶段是心灵逐渐变得平稳,继而感受到纯粹和明朗。最后,心灵完全失去主观与客观的对立感,进入浑然忘我的真空状态,和宇宙合而为一。即,宗教上所讲的解脱。
冥想是一种感受,是由心灵的作用去影响身体,使其得到益处的健康生活方式,是一种对生命 “悟” 的过程。
释然空间 — — — 冥想的基础方法
Step 1 在开始冥想之前 | 穿着上要穿宽松的背心和裤子。再进行简单的解压运动。先轻握拳头,轻柔地按摩腹部,让身体逐渐放松。然后,平躺于地板,左右滚动躯体,让整个身体的肌肉都得到放松。最后,想象自己被包裹在明亮的光芒之中,感觉其安逸感和幸福感。
Step 02 正确的姿势 | 选择瑜伽中的静坐方式坐定,然后双手的大拇指和食指相抵,其余三个手指伸直放松,最后把双手放在膝盖上,掌心朝上。而后,放松全身肌肉,逐渐缓解身体的紧张。
Step 03 冥想的方法 | 专注于自己的一呼一吸,找到呼吸和身心的统一。也可使用集中冥想法进行冥想,先烧上一炷香,选定一个对象,调节呼吸的同时让思绪随着袅袅紫烟一起升华。另外,可以借助一件旧物、山谷明月、林中溪水、鸟语花香等外界事物进行冥想。
Step 04 冥想的呼吸方法 | 经过20分钟左右的静逸感觉之后,用5分钟的时间进行腹式呼吸。仰卧,将手轻轻放在肚脐上,随着呼吸的节奏收缩腹部的肌肉,尽量把所有废气从肺部全部呼出来。当熟练了腹式呼吸之后即可进入到冥想的状态。这时,伴有冥想音乐更有助于我们进入到忘我的冥想境界。