Stephen: I proofread all of her manuscripts. My wife is very, very beautiful, but she can't spell for anything.
Delia Shiraz: Look at Uncle Stephen. And Auntie Liz. I'm counting the minutes for this to be over so I can get in my big girl pants.
Liz: You look fantastic. You just had a baby.
Delia Shiraz: Oh, you're lying. I'm fat, I'm exhausted...I can't keep two thoughts. I feel like Liza Minnelli. Stephen, can you hold Jack? I'm gonna introduce you to Walter.
Stephen: Yeah. Hey, dude, you wanna grab a beer or something?
Liz: My new book comes out in April. Thank you for asking.
Walter: Great.
Delia Shiraz: May.
Liz: May. May.
Delia Shiraz: This is Andre. You two are Times' Most Notable nominees.
Liz: So glad to finally meet you.
Andre: Nice to finally meet you.
Stephen: I fed him nachos. Is that bad?
Andy Shiraz: You look comfortable. What'd you feed him, chloroform? Give him to his dad.
Stephen: I told you, nachos. Know what? I'd be asleep too if I had a dump like that.
Andy Shiraz: We'll give him to his mom.
Delia Shiraz: Come here then. Wanna help me change his diaper?
Liz: Yes, I do.
Andy Shiraz: Hey, how's the vintage car thing going?
Stephen: Oh, no, no, no. l changed jobs. I'm a pastry chef now.
Andy Shiraz: You mean you're a baker.
Stephen: Yeah.
Andy Shiraz: You wanna get baked?
Liz: I know, I know. It's hard, isn't it? Oh, no.
Delia Shiraz: This is so much fun.
Liz: Did you know the exact moment you wanted to have a baby?
Delia Shiraz: I can't remember, but l've had the box since before l got married.
Liz: What box?
Delia Shiraz: It's girly and embarrassing, and you'll laugh at me if I tell you.
Liz: I will laugh at you, but you still have to tell me. Come on.
Delia Shiraz: Under the bed. I've been filling it with baby things...waiting until Andy was ready to be a father.
Liz: So sweet. Does this come in my size? I have a box just like this, except it's filled with National Geographics...and The Times travel section. All the places I wanna see before I die.
Delia Shiraz: Liz, having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You kind of wanna be fully committed.[page]
1. proofread: 校阅,校对。
例如:I have proofread twenty pages.(我已经校对完二十页了。)
2. count the minutes for this to be over: 掐表计算这聚会什么时候结束,也就是“指望这快点儿结束”。
3. Liza Minnelli: 丽莎•明奈利,出生于演艺世家,上世纪70年代成为当红演员、歌手、舞蹈演员和电视节目主持人。1973年她凭借影片《歌厅》获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。
4. dude: 花花公子,纨绔子弟。在口语中指“老兄,哥们”。史蒂文这里的意思是“嘿,哥们,来瓶啤酒还是啥?”
例如:His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "The Dude" among some.(他那完美的外表,使他在有些人之中赢得了“花花公子”的浑名。)
Who's that dude over there? 那边的那个男的是谁?
5. nacho: 墨西哥人食用的烤干酪辣味玉米片。
6. chloroform: 氯仿,三氯甲烷(旧时医用麻醉剂)
7. change the diaper: 换尿布。
8. vintage car: 古董车,老式汽车。Vintage意思是“佳酿的, 古典的, 优质的”,作名词时可以指“葡萄酒”。
比如:He has some rare old vintage in his collection of wine.(在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。)
9. pastry: 油酥糕点。这里的pastry chef就是“糕点师”。
10.girly: 像少女的, 女人气的。而girly-girly则是指“过于忸怩作态的”。
11.Does this come in my size: 这件我也能穿?[page]
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1. 我正掐表计算这聚会什么时候结束。
2. 知道吗? 我要是被这么颠过来倒过去也会睡着的。
3. 很小女生的,太丢人了,跟你说你会笑话我的。
4. 这件有我的号吗?
Eat Pray Love《美食,祈祷和恋爱》精讲之六 参考答案
1. Do you make it a habit of walking into people's houses?
2. I run an import-export jewelry business.
3. Bali seemed like the perfect place to recover from a divorce.
4. You are slender and elegant in a distance...but up close, you are round and fleshy.
越是看似无懈可击的人生,越是隐藏着一股一触即发的暗流……伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰)是一个过着近乎于完美的生活的现代女性,已然得到了所有人梦寐以求的一切,包括一个好丈夫、一座大房子还有成功的事业——但是,就像其他人一样,她却发现自己已经完全迷失了方向,倍感困惑和烦恼,努力地想要重新找到生命中真正值得为之奉献、牺牲的追求。 刚刚经历了离婚所带来的撕心的痛苦,吉尔伯特正身处在一个十分关键的十字路口……