Leslie: Hey, Mom.
Leslie's mother: Hey, Leslie, come on.
Leslie's father: All right, let's go. We're on a mission.
Leslie: Hey, this is my friend, Jess. Can he help?
Leslie's mother: So, you're the infamous Jess. Hi, I'm Judy. Leslie tells me you're good with a paint brush. Why don't you grab one and get going? Come on! I am determined to have this wall finished so when the late sun hits it, we can watch it catch fire.
Leslie's father: Now, that's one steady hand, Jess. That's an artist's hand. Am I right?
Jess: Yeah.
Leslie's father: You know, the best prize that life offers, is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Teddy Roosevelt said that, not me. (Work done) Wow.
Leslie's mother: What did I tell you? Was it worth it?
Jess: Hey, guys.
Jess's mother: Jess, get started on your homework, OK?
Jess's father: I'm going to manage the store on weekends, starting in a couple of weeks. I need you to pick up on some chores around here.
Jess: You know, the best prize that life can offer is working hard at work worth doing.
Ms. Edmunds: Hey, have you taken art classes?
Jess: No, I...I just made them up myself.
Ms. Edmunds: You're really talented. Jess, don't let those other kids get in your way.
Jess: Oh, here you go.
Ms. Edmunds: Thank you.
Leslie: I just went to use the girl's room. Someone's in a stall, crying their eyes out, and I think it's Janice Avery.
Jess: Can't be that trick we played on her, can it?
Leslie: No way. But come here.
[Indistinct whispering]
[Janice sobbing]
Girl: Free to pee!
Janice: Get out of here!
[Girl screams]
Janice: Get out of here, now!
[Janice continues sobbing]
Jess: You should go talk to her.
Leslie: You kidding?
Jess: That’s not "skinned knee crying", that’s crying about something serious. Besides, it's the girls' bathroom, I can't go in there.
Leslie: I don't wanna go in there alone.
Jess: What's the matter? A girl who can stand up to a giant troll is afraid of some dumb eighth grader?
[Leslie exhales deeply]
(Class singing)
Leslie: Sorry.
Jess: Go on, tell me.
Leslie: No, I don't wanna tell you.
Jess: Why not?
Leslie: I'll tell you there.
[Indistinct chatter]
Leslie: Her dad gets really mad at her.
Jess: So? My dad gets mad at me...pretty much all the time.
Leslie: He hits her.
Jess: Oh.
Leslie: Some neighbor heard them yelling so loud, they called the police. And it got out. And all the seventh and the eighth graders know about it.
Jess: Whoa.
Leslie: Which explains, like, a lot.
Jess: Well, what did you say to her?
Leslie: Well, I told her about not having a TV and everyone laughing at me. I know what it's like to have everyone think I was weird.
Jess: Then what'd she say?
Leslie: She asked me for advice.
Jess: Janice Avery asked you for advice?
Leslie: Yeah.
Jess: And?
Leslie: Well, I told her just to pretend that she had no idea what anyone was talking about, and in a few weeks' time, everybody would just forget about it.
Jess: Man...
Leslie: Then I gave her a piece of gum.
Jess: We should go.
Leslie: Yeah. Wanna come back tomorrow?
Jess: I can't. I got chores.
Leslie: How about the next day?
Jess: Sunday we go to church.
Leslie: Can I come?
Jess: You'd hate it.
Leslie: No, I think it'd be cool.
Jess: Uh, girls can't wear pants.
Leslie: I've got dresses, Jess.
Jess: You in a dress? That'd be a sight! See ya![page]
1. on a mission: 执行任务。mission在这里是“任务,使命”的意思。例如:carry out secret missions(执行秘密任务)。
2. infamous: 声名狼藉的。影片中Leslie的妈妈显然是在开玩笑,意思是经常听Leslie提到Jess。infamous在口语中也可以表示“差劲的,蹩脚的”,例如:an infamous dinner(质量糟糕的饭菜)。
3. be good with a paint brush: 擅长画画。
4. get going: 开展,开始行动。get going还可以表示“出发”,例如:We'd better get going so we won't be late.(我们最好出发否则会迟到。)
5. get in one's way: 挡了某人的去路。影片中老师鼓励Jess,让他不要因为同学的嘲笑而自卑,要相信自己的才华。
6. cry one's eyes out: 痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心。看一下例子:Louisa broke up with her boyfriend, that's why she cries her eyes out.(路易莎和男友分手了,所以她哭得这么伤心。)[page]
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1. 他肩负着外交使命被派往伦敦。
2. 不早了,我们最好赶紧行动吧。
3. 没有人可以阻挡我。
4. 她想倒在地上大哭一场。
《仙境之桥》精讲之五 参考答案
1. There's nothing but junk in that magazine.
2. He finally got the hang of it.
3. Mowing lawns is his only livelihood.
4. The little girl stood up to a bully.
5. It'll really make his day when he hears what I've been through.[page]
近几年来,好莱坞的改编风吹到了儿童读物领域,越来越多的优秀作品被搬上了大银幕,像《别有洞天》(Holes)、《夏洛的网》(Charlotte's Web)、《纳尼亚传奇》以及《都是戴茜惹的祸》(Because of Winn-Dixie)等等。不过,有一个疑问一直没有被消除,一本曾经对数百万在美国成长起来的人有着最深远影响的特别小说,是否真能在大银幕上得到“重生”?原著小说《通往特雷比西亚的桥》就是这样一本儿童读物,讲述了一个让人感动、燃烧着想象与智慧的火花的传奇,还包含了一个只有主人公吉斯和莱丝莉知道的梦幻王国。
也许你要说,这样一部拥有着庞大的读者群以及很高赞誉的优秀儿童文学,被改编成电影后在票房方面肯定不成问题。其实不然,对于任何一个电影人来说,《通往特雷比西亚的桥》都是一个相当有创造性的挑战:电影本身就是靠想象力来支撑的,那么要如何将这个以想象为主题的故事用影像表现出来呢?当“特雷比西亚”这个只存在于想象中的世界被具化后,是否还能维持住相等的魅力呢?是否还会像原著小说中描述得那般不可思议和意味深长呢?不过站在导演嘉柏·丘波(Gabor Csupo)的立场去看待这个问题,他肯定是心甘情愿去执导这部影片的,因为它的作者是曾多次获得纽伯瑞大奖的凯瑟琳·帕特森(Katherine Paterson),现年75岁的她,是目前仍然活着的儿童作家中声望最高的一个。现在,她所创作的《通往特雷比西亚的桥》将会以一种全新的方式去影响新的一代,这让她感到无比地兴奋:“坦白地说,当我创作这本小说的时候,并不指望除我以外的人能读懂它,更没想到它会在30年后以这样一种方式‘复活’,甚至超越了文字。最初,它只是属于我儿子大卫一个人的故事,现在,它变成了每一个人的故事。”