Jess's mother: Shh. Everybody tiptoe. OK, ready?
Jess's family: Happy birthday! (sing) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Jess. Happy birthday to you!
Mom: Make a wish.
Jess's father&mother: Happy birthday!
Ellie: Yay!
May Belle: What'd you wish for?
Jess's father: This is cheap junk.
Jess: No, it isn't. I love it.
Jess's father: How? It doesn't even work.
Jess: I don't think we have the hang of it yet, Dad.
Jess's father: You know what? Keep the box. We'll see if we can take it back.
May Belle: Daddy, there's something in the greenhouse.
Jess's father: That's the last thing I need, some animal chewing, it's way in here.
Jess: What are you going to do if you catch it?
Jess's father: These vegetables are part of our livelihood. Can't afford to share them with animals that get in here.
Jess: So, you're gonna kill it?
Jess's father: Have to.
Jess: Well, he's not gonna get in here now, right, Dad?
Jess's father: Hope not. But if he does, you just let me deal with it.
Jess: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Jess's father: No, why don't you go on and do your homework, I'll clean this mess up.
Leslie: [Whispering] Under the seat. I heard it was your birthday yesterday. Like it?
Jess: Wow. It must've cost a fortune.
Leslie: What's it matter what it costs?
Jess: I don't know.
Leslie: Well, I can take it back and get a cheaper one, if you want.
Jess: Thanks... a lot.
May Belle: Jess and Leslie sitting in a tree...[continues muffled singing]
Jess: Look. The squogre and the vulture.
Gary: Hey, here he comes.
Leslie: And a guy who canstand up to a squogre is scared of a Hoager?
Jess: Ms. Edmunds?
Ms. Edmunds: [Gasps] He speaks.
Jess: Can I help you with those?
Ms. Edmunds: You sure can. And you just made my day. Great.
Leslie: I'll get that one.
Ms. Edmunds: Thank you.
Jess: Hey, guys.
Leslie: Oh, hi, boys.
Jess: How come you're so good at that?
Leslie: Good at what?
Jess: Building stuff. You're good at it for a girl.
Leslie: Same way I'm fast... for a girl.
Jess: You know what I mean.
Leslie: You're pretty good at art... for a boy.
Jess: OK, OK, truce. Don't your parents notice any of these stuffs missing?
Leslie: Not when they're in the middle of writing a book.
Leslie: What's that? Show yourselves!
[Both scream]
Leslie: It's a giant troll!
Jess: No, it's a giant tree that almost killed us!
Leslie: You think that tree just fell all by itself? Come on. When the Dark Master saw the squogres weren't scaring us away, he sent a giant troll.
Jess: How big?
Leslie: That's how big its feet are.
Jess: You really think so?
Leslie: What else could it be?
Jess: What should we do?
Leslie: If we had a troll hunter, we could track its scent and sneak up on it.
Jess: Hey, look at that! Come on! I think it went that way!
Leslie: We rule Terabithia, and nothing crushes us!
Jess: I'll race you to the rope.
Jess: I love this place!
[Leslie laughs][page]
1. tiptoe: 踮起脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走。影片中全家人尽量走路不发出声音是为了给Jess一个惊喜。看一下例子:He tiptoed quietly up the stairs.(他踮着脚轻轻走上楼梯。)
2. junk: <口> 蹩脚货。junk还可以表示“破烂,垃圾,乌七八糟的东西,胡说八道”。例如:His latest book is junk.(他最近写的那本书糟透了。)
3. hang: 用法;诀窍。例如:Don't worry! You'll soon get the hang of it.(别担心!你很快就学会的。)
4. livelihood: 生计。影片中Jess的父亲告诉Jess,为生计考虑,他不得不把偷吃蔬菜的动物杀死。请看例子:She earns a livelihood by sewing.(她靠缝纫谋生。)
5. It must've cost a fortune: 那一定花了你不少钱。
6. stand up to: 勇敢地面对。例如:Stand up to the bully and he won't dare to hurt you.(勇敢地面对那个混混,以后他就不敢再伤害你了。)
7. made sb.'s day: <口> 使某人的一天生色;使某人非常高兴。例如:You have quite made my day by coming to see me.(承蒙你来看望我,使我一天的生活生色不少。)影片中Edmunds小姐看到一向沉默不语的Jess居然开口要帮忙,感到又惊又喜。
8. truce: 休战;(烦恼、争吵等的)中止,暂停。影片中Leslie不同意Jess认为的男生应该跑得比女生快的观点,于是就反驳他,暗示女孩一般更擅长画画。Jess闻出火药味,宣布“休战”。看一下例子:The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.(热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦。)
9. sneak up on sb.: 偷偷跟着某人。sneak up是“偷偷地走近”的意思。例如:sneak up on the enemies for a surprise attack(偷偷地挨近敌人实施突然袭击)。sneak attack指的是“偷袭”。[page]
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1. 那本杂志里尽是些糟粕。
2. 他最终找到了它的窍门。
3. 他仅靠给人家草坪除草维持生计。
4. 小女孩勇敢地对付暴徒。
5. 他听到我所经历的一切后肯定会乐不可支。
《仙境之桥》精讲之四 参考答案
1. He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels.
2. I'll wash up the dishes.
3. The management asked experienced workers to settle their new girls in.
4. Let's hit the road before it is dark.[page]