英语听力汇总   |   大侦探福尔摩斯 Holmes 精讲之五






本片段剧情:布莱克伍德归案后,福尔摩斯破解了他被处死刑而后死而复生的秘密,原来他使用了一种能让人假死的毒药。这时,警方急匆匆地又来找福尔摩斯,福尔摩斯才发现自己上了莫里亚蒂教授的当。Case reopened. 新的案子又开始了……


Driver: Afternoon, sir. I put the notebooks in this one, sir.

Watson: Thank you.

Mary: What's in these, John?

Watson: Scribbles.

Mary: Scribbles? 

Watson: Notes.

Mary: They're your adventures. I'd like to read them.

Watson: Come on, what's wrong?

Mary: Do you think he's come to terms with you leaving?

Watson: Mary, look at the ring he's given us. Now, five minutes here and we'll go home.

Mary: Our home.

Watson: Get up those stairs. Don't worry, dear. Suicide is not in his repertoire. He's far too fond of himself for that. Holmes.

Holmes: Oh. Good afternoon. I was trying to deduce the manner in which Blackwood survived his execution. Clearing your good name, as it were. But it had a surprisingly soporific effect and I was carried off in the arms of Morpheus like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Good afternoon, dear.

Watson: Get on with it, Holmes.

Holmes: Cleverly concealed in the hangman's knot was a hook. Oh, dear, my legs have fallen asleep. I should come down.

Mary: John, shouldn't we help him down?

Watson: No, no, no, I hate to cut him off midstream. Carry on.

Holmes: Well, the executioner attached it to a harness allowing the weight to be distributed around the waist...and the neck to remain intact. My Lord, I can't feel my cheeks. Might we continue this at ground level?

Watson: How did you manage it, Holmes?

Holmes: I managed it with braces, belts and a coat hook. Please, my tongue is going, I'll be of no use to you at all.

Watson: Worse things could happen.

Mary: John.

Watson: Yet none of this explains Blackwood's lack of pulse.

Holmes: Right. Now, the medical mystery. We must restore your reputation, Watson. There is a toxin refined from the nectar of the rhododendron ponticum. It's infamous in the region of Turkey bordering the Black Sea for its ability to induce an apparently mortal paralysis. Enough to mislead a medical mind even as well-trained as your own. It's known as...

Mary: What's wrong with Gladstone?

Holmes: Mad honey disease. Oh, he's demonstrating the very effect I've just described. He doesn't mind.

Watson: Mary, don't worry, he's seen far worse.

Clark: Mr. Holmes? Doctor. Miss Mary. Sir, Inspector Lestrade asks that you come with me right away.

Holmes: What is it is this time, Clarkie?

Clark: It's one of our sergeants, sir. He went missing the day you stopped Lord Blackwood. I'm afraid sewage workers found his body just this morning, sir. We believe the sergeant was our first man on the scene.

Sergeant: Can I help you, officer?

Clark: Shot in the head.

Holmes: Was it a small caliber bullet?

Clark: Yes.

Holmes: Were there powder burns on his eyebrows?

Clark: Indeed, sir.

Watson: Point blank range?

Holmes: Moriarty. Professor Moriarty.

Mary: Oh, there's a good boy. Everything's gonna be fine.

Watson: Where is Blackwood's device now?

Clark: Secret Service have it, sir. They've taken over the case.

Holmes: I'd wager there's a piece missing.

Watson: So Moriarty was after a piece of the machine not the poison.

Holmes: There's nothing more elusive than an obvious fact.The wire-free invention was the game all along.

Watson: And Adler was just the diversion.

Holmes: He knew I'd chase her, leaving the machine accessible. A technology of that kind would be worth an untold fortune. Imagine being able to control any device simply by sending a command via radio waves. It's the future, Watson.

Driver: I've loaded the last of your boxes, sir.

Mary: Gladstone.

Watson: Stop him before he gets to the front door.

Holmes: Clarkie. Case reopened.[page]



1. scribble: 潦草的文字,胡写乱画的东西。也可以用作动词。

例如:The child is scribbling all over a book.(这孩子正在本子上到处乱画。)

2. come to terms: 达成协议,妥协,让步。

例如:He seems to have come to terms with losing his sight.(他好像已经接受了自己将失明这个事实。)

3. repertoire: 准备好演出的节目,保留剧目,或指某个人的全部技能。在这里华生的意思是“自杀可不是他的强项”。

4. clearing your good name: clear one's name意思是“为某人洗清罪名,还某人清白”。

我们平时常说的“跳进黄河也洗不清”就可以用There's nothing one can do to clear one's name.来表示。在这里,good name是指“美名,好名声”,与之相对的则是bad name。

5. soporific:催眠的,让人瞌睡的。也可以指催眠药剂,安眠药。

例如:Such detours are well worth making and can greatly reduce the soporific boredom of motorway driving.(这些弯路值得一绕,能够大大减低在快车路上行驶时的困乏感。)

6. in the arms of Morpheus:在梦中。Morpheus是希腊神话中的睡神孟菲斯。

7. infamous:声名狼藉的。

例如:That infamous criminal was finally sentenced to death.(那个臭名昭著的罪犯终于被判处死刑。)

8. caliber:口径。这里的small caliber bullet就是指“小口径子弹”。

9. point blank range: 近距离射击。Point在这里指“瞄准”,而blank range就是指“近距离”。


例如:I'll wager you that he won't come.(我敢和你打赌他绝对不会来。)[page]










答案见 第一期

Sherlock Holmes《大侦探福尔摩斯》精讲之四    参考答案

1.And as to who you are, that took every ounce of my not inconsiderable experience.
2.As to the mystery, the only mystery is why you bothered to blindfold me at all.
3.Very few people are privy to that information.
4.So, name your price.[page]












★ 海之王。宙斯的二哥。手持巨大三叉戟。统领海中所有生物。被描写为半人半鱼的模样,能呼风唤雨。性格凶暴残忍。








★ 战神,是凶残,狡诈,非理性的,为战争而战争的神。曾与工匠之神的妻子爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒私通,被装进一张工匠之神特制的大网中而无法脱身。




★ 神使,宙斯与阿特拉斯的女儿风雨女神迈亚所生的儿子。脚生双翼,速度如飞,成为天界众神传令的使者,后为旅人,商人,盗贼的保护神,经常化为凡人下界帮助保护者。是最聪明狡猾的神。




★ 射术和光明神,宙斯和勒托之子,月神和狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯的弟弟,希腊十二大神诋之一,又名福波斯。主掌光明,医药,文学,诗歌,音乐等。


★ 爱与美女神,乌拉诺斯的阳具抛入爱情海从掀起的浪花中诞生。她的甜言蜜语能骗倒所有神和人。她很爱笑,魅力无边,智者也会乱了分寸。


★ 狩猎、接生及月神,是阿波罗的孪生姐姐,三位处女神之一。所以也被称为处女的保护神。她是野生物的主人,神界的主要猎手,希腊神话中第三位月神。


 ★ 酒与狂欢之神,宙斯与一名凡间女子塞墨勒的儿子,唯一有凡人血统的正式神祗;发明了葡萄酒,并推广了葡萄的种植。本身具有双重性格,他能给人带来欢乐和迷醉,但同时又残忍,易怒——正像酒一样。