第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
Ben: My first year at art college was boring to say the least. But it helped me to appreciate the fundamentals of still life.
Mr. Jenkins: Well, don't just stare at it, Ben! Clean it up.
Ben: You see, I've always wanted to be a painter. And like many artists before me, the female form has always been a great source of inspiration. I've always been in awe of the power they unknowingly possess.
Mr. Jenkins: Are you going to clean them up or not?
Ben: There is an art to dealing with the boredom of an eight-hour shift. An art to putting your mind somewhere else while the seconds slowly tick away. I found that all the people working here had perfected their own individual art. Take Sharon Pintey. Sharon knows rule number one. The clock is the enemy. The basic rule is this: The more you look at the clock, the slower the time goes. It will uncover the hiding place of your mind and torture it with every second. This is the basic art in dealing with the trade of your time.
Sharon: Any cash back?
Ben: This is Barry Brickman. You see, Barry thinks of himself as a bit of a daredevil stuntman. For a start, Barry is quite well-known. When one of Barry's bike tricks went wrong, the cameraman put it on the internet. Barry has stuck to his scooter ever since. Matt Stephens is also a king scooterer. Barry had challenged matt to a scooter race in which they would sprint down one aisle and up the next. They would do all 14 aisles, and then back to the starting line. They had been waiting for the day the manager called in sick. The art of doing something else other than the work you're supposed to do is addictive. The excitement of doing something that you shouldn't be doing, along with the consequences if you're caught doing it, are so strong that it often pulls others away from their own art.
Sharon: On your marks, get set, go!
Matt & Barry: We got winded!
Ben: I hadn't slept in two weeks. My breakup with Suzy had left me with a sense that time had become unhinged. I drifted between imagination and reality, between past and present with increasing ease.
Mr. Jenkins: I feel like a real man. You like men. You like real men, don't you? When I'm out there in thekit, on the pitch with the boys, I look like a god, I'm an Adonis. I keep myself in good shape. I see the looks. I ignore them.
Ben: I feel the bolts of time slowly coming away from the breakup. Time manipulation is not a precise science. Like any art, it's personal to the individual. So what is the art in making my shift go so fast? I imagine the opposite. That time is frozen. (Everything frozen) I imagine the remote control for life has been paused. Within this frozen world, I'm able to walk freely and unnoticed. Nobody would even know that time had stopped. And when it started back up again, the invisible join would be seamless except for a slight shudder. Not unlike the feeling of somebody walking over your grave. That moment when you see someone walking down the street who is so beautiful you just can't help but stare...Well, imagine as I do, that with the world on pause it becomes very easy to understand the concept of beauty. To have it frozen in front of you. Captured. Unaware.
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
1. to say the least: 毫不夸张地说,至少可以说。看一下例子:
His conduct that evening was to say the least curious.
2. in awe of: 为……所倾倒,惊叹于……。awe表示“敬畏,惊叹”。请看例子:
The big tree is so imposing that it inspires awe.(这颗大树雄伟得令人惊叹。)
3. daredevil: 鲁莽大胆的,蛮勇的。例如:daredevil driving(亡命开车)。daredevil也可以用作名词,意思是“鲁莽大胆的人,蛮勇的人”。
4. stuntman: (电影等中的)特技替身演员;特技表演者。
5. scooter: 滑板车。
6. sprint: 短距离快速奔跑;冲刺。例如:sprint for the finishing line(向终点线冲刺)。
7. call in sick: 打电话请病假。看一下例子:I don't feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick.(我今天早晨有点不舒服。恐怕得打电话去请病假。)
8. wind: 使气急,使呼吸困难。请看例子:He was winded by the time he reached the sixth floor.(他爬到七层楼时已上气不接下气了。)
9. unhinge: 扰乱。例如:unhinge a plan(扰乱计划)。unhinge也可以表示“使(人或思想)失去平衡,使错乱,使失常”。例如:He looked a little unhinged.(他看上去有点精神失常。)
10. kit: 全套衣服及装备。get your kit off就是“把你的衣服脱掉”。
11. pitch: <主英> 足球场。
12. Adonis: 希腊神话中的美少年阿多尼斯。影片中Jenkins不停地向Sharon吹嘘自己,希望博得Sharon的好感。
13. join: 接合点;接连处。看一下例子:The joins can hardly be seen.(接缝几乎看不出来。)
14. seamless: 无(接)缝的;(两部份之间)无空隙的,不停顿的。
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
1. 至少可以说,我们太轻率了。
2. 他敬畏地看着她。
3. 他全速向屋子奔去。
4. 我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了。
《超市夜未眠》精讲之二 参考答案
1. We are not immune to the influences around us.
2. The frightened child clung to her mother.
3. The odour clung to the room.
4. He is through with smoking.
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
7.加拿大小猪湾----加拿大哈里法克斯附近的小村Peggy\'s Cove小猪湾,优雅的北极圈渔村景致,恬淡而安适
8.橡树园酒店----美国路易斯安那州Oak Alley Plantation橡树园酒店的老橡树甬道。酒店为三星级
9. 菲律宾吕宋岛马永火山——菲律宾吕宋岛东南部的活火山。在黎牙实比西北。有完整的火山锥。方圆达130多公里,高2,452米。顶端灰白色,由安山岩组成。上半部几无树木,下半部则林木郁葱。从1616年以来,爆发过二十多次,造成最大灾害的一次是1814年2月1日,曾湮没了附近小镇。现仍喷出大量蒸汽。山脚下有硫黄温泉,对皮肤病有疗效。土壤肥沃,有大型蕉麻种植园。风景优美,为游览胜地。
10. 意大利米兰科莫湖——距米兰有一小时车程,风景如画,星球大战前传的爱情戏场景在这里拍摄,可见其景致之美。