英语听力汇总   |   欲望都市电影版2 Sex and the City 精讲之六













Charlotte: Hello?

Beydoun: Miss Jones, please.

Charlotte: Samantha, it's the front desk.

Samantha: This is Samantha Jones.

Beydoun: Miss Jones,this is Beydoun from front desk. I will need the credit card number for the room charges.

Samantha: Beydoun, there must be some mistake. I am a guest for Sheikh Khalid. There is no room charge.

Beydoun: Yes. I have a record for that, but not from today on.

Samantha: What are you talking about? I have a meeting with the Sheikh on Tuesday.

Beydoun: Yes. I have a note here from Mr. Mahmud that meeting no longer, as well.

Samantha: That sneaky bastard has canceled the meeting and he wants us to pay for the room from now on.

Beudoun: We have you booked into the suite until Wednesday and the charge is 22000 per night.

Samantha: The room is 22000 dollars a night!

Carrie: What?

Samantha: We can't pay that. Let them sue me.

Miranda: The punishment for not paying your hotel bill in the UAE is jail.

Samantha: What time is check-out?

Beydoun: In precisely 1 hour.

Samantha: We have an hour to pack, and get the fuck out of Abu Dhabi! New middle East my ass! Fucking Paula Abdul. Where is "she" when you need him?

Charlotte: Samantha! Samantha!I can't be ready in an hour.

Samantha: Then you better have 22,000 dollars a night!

Charlotte: Oh my god!

Miranda: I've got the bath products. They're here for the luggage.

Carrie: OK. I'm coming.

Miranda: Hi. I'm calling to reconfirm 4 first class tickets. Are you okay?

Samantha: Shorts? I no longer care. I'm going from here,to a plane, to America, where legs are not devil.

Miranda: At least zip up the jacket?

Samantha: I am having a hot flash in 119 degrees. I may die!

Miranda: Hello. We called down for 2 cabs going to the airport.

Waiter: Right away.

Miranda: Thank you.

Carrie: Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Charlotte: Oh my god!

Carrie: What?

Charlotte: I forgot to buy Harry and girls the gift! I have to get back to the gift shop!

Miranda: Get them at the airport.

Charlotte: Eww, how tacky! No. We have time.the plane isn't leaving until 6.

Miranda: Not chancing it. It's a miracle I got these seats rebooked. If anything goes wrong, we are flying back in 13 and half hours, in coach!

Samantha: Buy them some crap at the airport!

Carrie: It isn't here, my passport.

Samantha: Is it in another purse?

Carrie: No no, I had it right here next my money and the spices and they are not here either. I left it where I bought the shoes. I put it on the counter, and when I saw Aidan, I got distracted, and I...

Miranda: It's alright. It's okay.

Carrie: I have to go back.

Charlotte: What if it's not there?

Carrie: It will be there. It has to be! Miranda, will you go with me?

Miranda: Sure!

Charlotte: We'll all go with you.

Carrie: No you don't have to do that.

Samantha: Yeah like we'd dump you at Abu Dhabi.

Miranda: Sir, we need to leave the bags here. We'll come back for them. No no no no no... No sir no! Not at all!

Miranda: Will you stop with the jacket? You are flashing religious men.

Samantha: I don't care. I'm baking from the inside out. How much further?

Carrie: There he is, yeah. There he is! Hello sir. I was here the other day and I left a blue passport. Yes! That's it. Thank God! Thank Allah! Just please accept this, as a "thank you" sir.

Seller: No,no.

Carrie: Well in that case, shoes for everyone! Ok. Ladies on me. Quick! Quick!








1. front desk: 前台。

2. room charge: 酒店的房费。

3. sneaky: 卑鄙的,鬼鬼祟祟的。我们常说的“卑鄙小人”就可以用sneaky person来表达。

4. first class:头等舱。

飞机中除了first class外,还有economy class/tourist class(经济舱)和business class(商务舱)。

5. zip up:拉上拉链。

6. hot flash:也写作hot flush,指女性更年期的潮热。

7. tacky: 俗气的,缺乏教养或风度的;也可以指油漆、胶水等未干透的;发黏的。

例如:Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky.(在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。)


8. chance it: 冒险一试,碰运气,非常口语化的表达方法。

9. rebook: 改签。

例如:But luckily I was able to rebook the same day.(幸运的是,我可以重新预定当天的飞机。)

10.coach: 经济舱。

11.Allah: 阿拉,伊斯兰教中的真主。






1. 我需要您的信用卡号支付房费。


2. 天堂掉地狱啊。


3. 别冒险了。能改签已经是奇迹了。


4. 如果出一点差错,我们得坐13个半小时的普通舱!



 Sex and the City《欲望都市电影版2》精讲之五参考答案

1. Certainly cuts back on the botox bill.

2. Consider this an interfriention.

3. You have to stop obsessing about the nanny.

4. With the jet lag and no hormones, who knows what kind of mood swings I'm capable of.






UAE 阿联酋风情


Sex and the City《欲望都市电影版2》精讲之六







