Staff: We have sent your meeting with Sheikh Khalid for the end of your trip after you and your friends have experienced the best what Abu Dhabi has to offer. We start right now. Yours for the entire trip. Four new Maybachs.
Carrie: Do we need all four?
Staff: It is already arranged.
Miranda: I'll be in my own private air conditioning.
Staff: I'll be departing from you here. The hotel wait your arrival. If you need me for anything, please do not hesitate to ask.
Charlotte: Could you help me check and make sure that my iPhone has the proper international code?
Samantha: I think that we can find someone not so official to help with that.
Charlotte: He offered.
Miranda: Hey what's the hold up? We've got a lot Abu Dhabi to do! Abu Dhabi do!
Staff: Welcome to Abu Dhabi.
Samantha: Thank you.
Carrie: "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore".
Safir: Miss Jones?I'm Safir, the hotel manager. I trust your flight was pleasant?
Samantha: Like a magic carpet.
Safir: How charming. For you.
Carrie: Thank you.
Safir: Please, for you.
Charlotte: Thank you.
Safir: Please.
Samantha: Thank you.
Safir: This way if you please, ladies.
Charlotte: How do we tip in Abu Dhabi?
Carrie: Have you got any loose rupees?
Safir: We have many wonderful things planed for you in the hotel.
Carrie: This is gorgeous.
Safir: Thank you. Please. Some Arabic coffee.
Samantha: It was made with rose water and cumin.
Miranda: Shukran. That means thank you.
Safir: You speak Arabic?
Miranda: Not yet.
Safir: Well it's a great start.
Carrie: It's different. Not cappuccino.
Samantha: What's with all the men? The World Cup are here.
Samantha: Did they also bring their balls?
Safir: Yes they have many many balls. This way please, for your private elevator.
Charlotte: We have a private elevator? This can't be for us! We must not be in the right place.
Samantha: For once in my life, I can say without a shadow of doubt I am in the exact right place. Who ordered the cute?
Gaurau: Welcome to the sweet, who's Miss Jones?
Samantha: I am.
Gaurau: We are thrilled to welcome you and your guests. Abdul will be your butler, Miss. Miss Bradshaw?
Carrie: Oh that's me.
Gaurau: I'm Gaurau, I'll be here to serve you.
Carrie: Thank you.
Gaurau: And Resir for Miss Hobbis.
Miranda: Hobbes. It's Hobbes.
Gaurau: I'm so very sorry.
Miranda: No. It's not a big deal. It's fine.
Gaurau: And Adman for Miss York. If you will please, follow us.
Miranda: We each get an own room?
Carrie: Makes sense. We each get an own car.
Gaurau: This way if you will.
Carrie: And York?What happen to Goldenblatt?
Charlotte: It's the Middle East.
Carrie: It's the new Middle East.
Charlotte: It's the Middle East.
Gaurau: This is the bedroom complete with its own private bar.
Samantha: Belly up, ladies!
Gaurau: There's also a private kitchen available for you day and night.
Samantha: Dream come true.
Gaurau: In here, you'll find your informal lunch. Through there, the double.
Ladies: Roomies!
Gaurau: And in here, the formal salon. And ladies, out to the terrace you have an over view of the entire ground. There's also a five international restaurant, spa and fitness center and night club, and of course the beach and beach clubs. I've taken liberty of arranging massages for you followed by the dinner then you can have a good night rest and make up tomorrow fresh on Abu Dhabi time.
Samantha: There's nothing I don't love about everything you just said.
Gaurau: Here is Abdul with the drinks. If there's anything you need, anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask.
1. Maybachs: 迈巴赫,奔驰汽车的顶级豪华品牌。
2. hesitate to do: 不愿意去做,犹豫地做某事。
3. what's the hold up: 还等什么?
Hold up在这里表示“停顿,阻滞,阻碍”。
I decided to hold up on the news until he was sure of it.(我决定暂缓发布消息,直到他确信准确无误。)
4. Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore: “多多,我们已经不在堪萨斯了。”
5. cappuccino: 卡布奇诺咖啡,热牛奶咖啡。
6. without a shadow of a doubt: 毫无疑问。
7. butler: 仆役长,男管家,这里指男侍者。
8.belly up: 来跳肚皮舞吧。
Belly dance就是指“肚皮舞”,起源于中东地区,跳舞女郎扭动肚皮和臀部。
9. roomie: 室友,相当于roommate。
1. 还等什么?
2. 多多,我们已经不在堪萨斯了!
3. 我一辈子都没这么肯定过。
4. 来跳肚皮舞!
Sex and the City《欲望都市电影版2》精讲之三参考答案
1. You didn't think I was going without my gals?
2. I can hear the decade's calling.
3. Charlotte, how's 3 weeks from now?
4. Children's brithday party, pulling out the big guns.
Belly dance 肚皮舞
肚皮舞阿拉伯原名为“Raks Sharki”,意指东方之舞,因此又称“东方舞蹈”。一般认为肚皮舞是中东、中亚、埃及的古老的传统舞蹈。据说3500年前埃及的古壁画就有类似今天的肚皮舞形象,在当时,肚皮舞就像西方的芭蕾舞一样,是一种神圣崇高的宫廷舞蹈。
美国人将法文Danse Du Ventre(直译成英文“the Dance of the Stomach”)翻成“Belly Dance”。这种舞蹈经常出现在百老汇的歌舞喜剧电影中。肚皮舞通过世博会走向了世界,其精致的服饰,花哨的胯部动作及性感妩媚的姿态风靡全球。