第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:精彩剧情 |
Alice: Hamish, do you ever get tired of quadrille?
Hamish: On the contrary. I find it envigorating. Do I amuse you?
Alice: No. I had a sudden vision. Off all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dresses
Hamish: It would be best to keep your visions to yourself. When in doubt, remain silent. Pardon us, sir. Ms. Kingsley is distracted today. Where is your head?
Alice: I was wondering what it would be like to fly.
Hamish: Why would spend your time thinking about such an impossible thing?
Alice: Why wouldn't I? My father said he sometimes believed in six impossible things before breakfast.
Hamish: Alice, meet me at the Gazebo in precisely ten minutes.
Girls: We have a secret to tell you.
Alice: If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret.
Girls: Perhaps we shouldn't. We've decided we should. If you tell us, we won't be surprised. Will you be surprised?
Alice: Not if you tell me. But now you've brought it up, you have to.
Girls: No, we don't. In fact, we won't.
Alice: I wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked into Havershim pond.
Girls: You wouldn't.
Alice: Oh, but I would. There's your mother right now
Girls: Hamish is going to ask for your hand.
Margaret: You've ruined the surprise. Oh, I could strangle them! Everyone of us went through so much trouble to keep it a secret.
Alice: Does everyone know?
Margaret: That's why they have all come. This is your engagement party. Hamish will ask you under the gazebo when you say "yes" ...
Alice: But I don't know if I want to marry Hamish.
Margaret: Who then? You won't do better than a lord. You'll soon be 20, Alice. That pretty face won't last forever. You don't want to end up like aunt Imogen. You don't want to be a burden for mother, do you?
Alice: No.
Margaret: So, you'll marry Hamish. You'll be as happy as I am with Lowell and you live will be perfect. It's already decided.
Hamish's mother: Alice, dear.
Margaret: I'll leave you to it.
hamish's mother: Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me?Do you know what I've always dreaded?
Alice: The decline of teh artistocracy ?
Hamish's mother: Ugly grandchildren. But you are lovely. You are bound to produce little...Imbeciles! The gardeners planted white roses when i specifically asked for red.
Alice: You could always paint the roses red.
Hamish's mother: What an odd thing to say. You should know that my son has extremely delicate digestion.
Alice: Did you see that?
Hamish's mother: See what?
Alice: It was a rabbit, I think.
Hamish's mother: Nasty things. I'd enjoy setting the dogs on them. If you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.
Alice: Did you see it that time?
Hamish's mother: See what?
Alice: The rabbit!
Hamish's mother: Don't shout! Now pay attention. Hamish said you were easily distracted. What was I saying?
Alice: Hamish was a blockage. I couldn't be more interested, but you'll have to excuse me. Aunt Imogen! I think I'm going mad. I keep seeing a rabbit in a waist coat.
Imogen: I can't be bothered with you fancy rabbit now. I'm waiting for my fiancee.
Alice: Your have a fiancee? There! Did you see it?
Imogen: He's a prince. But alas he can not marry me unless he renounces his crown. It's tragic, isn't it?
Alice: Very. Lowell?
Lowell: Alice! We were just ...Kathy is an old friend.
Alice: I can see you are very close.
Lowell: You won't mention this to your sister, will you?
Alice: I don't know. I'm confused. I need time to think;
Lowell: Well, think About Margaret. She'd never trust me again. You don't want to ruin her marriage, do you?
Alice: Me? But I'm not the one who is sneaking around her back...
Hamish: Here you are. Alice Kingsley ...
Alice: Hamish.
Hamish: What is it?
Alice: You have a caterpillar on his shoulder.
Hamish: You'll want to wash that finger. Alice Kingsley ... Will you be my wife?
Alice: Well ...Everyone expects me to. And, you are a Lord. My fast won't last and I don't want to end up like..But this is happening so quickly, I...I think I ... I need a moment.
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:精彩剧情 |
1. quadrille: 方阵舞,卡德利尔舞(旧时流行,由四对或以上的男女构成方阵),也可以表示跳方阵舞时的舞曲。
2. where is your head:你在想什么?
3. gazebo: 露台,凉亭,也可以表示屋顶塔楼。
4. not much of a:称不上。爱丽丝的意思是“如果你们要告诉我,那就算不上秘密了。”
例如:It's not much of a dinner.(这算不上什么正餐。)
5. ask for one's hand:向某人求婚。如果接受了对方的求婚,就是give one's hand。
6. strangle:勒死,使窒息。大家费尽心思保守的秘密被姐妹俩泄露了,所以玛格丽特说“我得掐死她们”。
例如:The hooligan strangled her with a piece of string. 那流氓用一根绳子把她勒死了。
7. engagement party:订婚派对,订婚宴。Engagement在这里就是“订婚”的意思,所以订婚时男女戴的戒指就被称为engagement ring。
8. imbecile:笨蛋,蠢货。
9. blockage: 原意为“阻塞物”,在这里是说哈米什容易“消化不良”。爱丽丝没有专心听未来的婆婆训话,所以在被要求重复时,说成了“哈米什是个塞子”。
10.waist coat:马甲,西服的背心。
11.renounce one's crown:放弃王位。Renounce在这里表示“断绝关系”。
12.sneak around one's back:sneak around表示“偷跑出去瞎混”。这句话是指洛威尔“背着妻子玛格丽特偷腥”。
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:精彩剧情 |
《爱丽丝漫游仙境》精讲之六 参考答案
1. I haven't the slightest idea.
2. You need to talk to somebody about these delusions.
3. You've left me out.
4. If somebody had said that to me, I'd have said you've lost your senses.
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:精彩剧情 |