英语听力汇总   |   全球毁灭性灾难电影:2012精讲之五













Wilson: How were all these people chosen?

Anheuser: Same way your Art was. By experts from all over the world. We had geneticists determine the perfect gene pool we need to repopulate.

Adrian: These people were chosen by geneticists?

Notice: All green card holders. Please proceed to hangar D-4

Wilson: Looks to me like their check books got them on board.

Anheuser: That's right, Dr. Wilson. Without billions of dollars from the private sector this entire operation would've been impossible.

Adrian: We sold tickets? What about all these workers? They all get passes?

Anheuser: What? Life isn't fair? Is that it? If you want to donate your passes, to a couple of Chinese workers, be my guest. Captain, I want a pre-launch briefing. All international teams present.

Adrian: What the hell? What is this? They could've fit 10 people in here. Satnam, where are you?

Satnam: On the Nampan Plateau.

Adrian: What?

Satnam: There's a tidal wave coming from the east. It's gigantic.

Adrian: Satnam, what happened?

Satnam: We never got picked up, Adrian. The airlift never came. Goodbye, my friend.

Adrian: Satnam. Where are we set up?

Woman: Over there.

Adrian: Give me the satellite images from Napam, India.

Anheuser: What's happening?

Adrian: Satnam was talking about another wave, coming from the east.

Anheuser: Holy mother of God. So the flooding will hit earlier? The second wave is closer?

Adrian: Plug in the new data. Satnam didn't get picked up.

Man: What?

Anheuser: A lot of people didn't get picked up in this chaos. This is not a conspiracy, Helmsley. Your predictions haven't exactly panned out, have they, Doctor?

Man: It's ready.

Adrian: Oh God, its 1500 meters high. When will it get here?

Anheuser: Talk to me, Hemsley, when will it hit?

Adrian: Adjust the countdown. 28 minutes, 10 seconds to impact.

Anheuser: My God. Captain. I need to speak to the other heads of state.

Captain: Right away. Taylor?

Taylor: Aye, Captain. Standing by. Ark 6, stand by. Ark 7, stand by.

Anheuser: This is Carl Anheuser acting CIC on 4.

Sailor: Yes sir

Anheuser: Requesting emergency conference T-99.

Jackson: He thinks the world of you, you know that?

Gordon:  He's a great little man.

Jackson: Yeah

Gordon: I always wanted to have a family of my own. You're a lucky man, Jackson. Don't ever forget it.









1. gene pool: 基因库,指的是某一物种的全部基因。

如果能破解genetic code(遗传密码),人们就可以使用gene therapy(基因疗法)来治愈疾病。

我们常用pool来表示“资源库”,例如talent pool(人才库)、oil pool(油藏)、forex reserve pool(外汇储备库)等等,而car pool则是指“拼车”。

2. repopulate: 繁衍。

我们平时所说的“繁衍后代”就可以用repopulate the earth来表示。

3. hangar:飞机库。

例如:The plane stopped in that big hangar. 飞机停在那个大机库里。

4. check book:支票簿。

Check book money则是指“活期存款”,“支票存根”则用check book stubs来表示。

5. private sector:私营部门。

6. pass:通行证。

例如:Please show me your monthly bus pass.(请出示公共汽车月票。)

7.be my guest: 请便,随便。

安豪塞的话在这里有讽刺的意味。平时我们说这句话常带有“别客气”的意思。例如:-May I use your telephone? -Be my guest.(我可以用一下电话吗?别客气,请便。)

8. tidal wave:浪潮,海啸。

9. pan out:成功。

例如:It depends how things pan out.(那得看事情结果怎样了。)

10.stand by: 待命。这里是说各个方舟已经准备好启航了。

11.acting CIC: 代理指挥。


Acting在这里表示“代理的”,acting president就是指“代理总统”。

12.think the world of:钦佩,评价很高。这里,杰克逊是在和戈登说,诺亚很佩服他。


















1.Hundreds of thousands are marching towards 10 Downing Street demanding a lift of the information blackout proposed by the Prime Minister.

2.Millions of distraught masses are gathering in public places everywhere.

3.Want to tell everyone they're doomed?

4.Our mission is to assure the continuity of our species








诺亚方舟 Noah's Ark


诺亚方舟(Noah's Ark)出自圣经《创世纪》中的一个引人入胜的传说。由于偷吃禁果,亚当夏娃被逐出伊甸园。亚当活了930岁,他和夏娃的子女无数,他们的后代子孙传宗接代,越来越多,逐渐遍布整个大地。此后,该隐诛弟,揭开了人类互相残杀的序幕。人类打着原罪的烙印,上帝诅咒了土地,人们不得不付出艰辛的劳动才能果腹,因此怨恨与恶念日增。人们无休止地相互厮杀、争斗、掠夺,人世间的暴力和罪恶简直到了无以复加的地步。









