第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
Girl: Daddy, where are we going?
Jackson: Going to a relly special place I know. Actually, it's a place where your mom and I used to hang out a lot.
Boy: I don't want to know where you and mom had sex. I'm not ready for that, Jackson.
Jackson: Stop calling me that, it's creeping me out. What's wrong with "Dad"?
Girl: Daddy, look at this.
Jackson: That wasn't here before. What did I do? Go get your hat.
Boy: Can't you see the signs?
Jackson: There used to be a lake here.
Girl: Doesn't look much of a lake to me.
Jackson: I know. The whole damn thing's gone. Come on, let's check it out.
Boy: Great.
Charlie: Subjects have now entered hot zone.
Girl: What is that?
Jackson: It's the U.S. Army.
Charlie: All manner of government vehicle are converging on subjects.
Soldier: You're in a restricted area, sir. We need you and your family to come with us.
Jackson: Right. Okay, we're gonna go with these guys. That'll be fun, huh?
Charlie: This is wild. This is really wild.
Adrian: This is unbelievable. 2700℃ at 40,000 feet?
Scientist: I know, it sounds completely implausible. Nonetheless, we're noticing an increase of almost 0.5%
Adrian: Per day?
Scientist: No. Per hour.
Man: Dr. Helmsley, we arrested some tourists in the hot zone.
Adrian: I'll take care of it. Let's get Satnam on the communications link. Try to cross reference the data.
Jackson: It's a national park, there's not supposed to be fences. What's going on here?
Adrian: We're geologists.
Jackson: You usually go digging with machine guns?
Adrian: Major, I'll take care of this, thank you.
Jackson: So what happened to the lake?
Adrian: Well that's what we're trying to find out. We think the entire area has become unstable. I think you should take your kids and leave, Mr...Curtis. You're not by any chance the Jackson Curtis who wrote "Farewell Atlantis"?
Jackson: The very same.
Girl: It's actually dedicated to my mom.
Adrian: I read a couple of your short stories in college. Your father is a very talented man.
Jackson: Listen up.
Adrian: It's amazing. I'm reading your book. I'm around day 300, the shuttle has just lost communication with Earth.
Jackson: You're one of the lucky few who bought it.
Adrian: I didn't buy it.
Jackson: No?
Adrian: My dad gave it to me. Let me ask you something. Do you think those people would behave so selflessly knowing that their own lives were at stake?
Jackson: I hope so. The critics said I was naive, an unabashed optimist, but what do they know, right?
Adrian: It was a great pleasure meeting you. Mayor, could you escort these good people to the camp grounds, please. This is yours. Thank you
Mayor: Yes, sir.
Adrian: Take care.
Girl: He was very nice.
Jackson: You're just saying that cause he like my book.
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
1. hang out: 常去某处,出外玩儿。这里的意思是“那是以前我经常陪你妈妈去的地方。”
例如:I don't always want to hang out with the group.(我可不想总是和这群人混在一起。)
2. creep someone out: 吓跑某人。
例如:What is that sound? It is really creeping me out, and I can't sleep.(这是什么声音?真吓人。我都睡不着觉了。)
3.hot zone. 热区。在这里指杰克逊带孩子们进入了危险的地热区。
4.all manner of: 各种,形形色色的(人或物)。
例如:All manner of beautiful clothes can be bought in that supermarket.(在那个超市里,人们可以买得到各种各样的漂亮衣服。)
5.restricted area: 禁区,限制地区。
足球中的禁区常用penalty area来表示。
6.implausible: 难以相信的,似乎不合情理的。
例如:an implausible explanation(牵强的解释)。
7. communications link: 通信线路。
8. cross reference: 对照,参照。
而“互相提供参考”,就可以说成是to make a cross conference。
9.machine gun:机关枪。
例如:At daybreak our machine guns opened up.(黎明时,我们用机枪开火了。)
10. the very same: 完全相同。杰克逊在这里的意思是“正是在下。”
11. listen up: 注意听,留心听。哈西姆博士在夸奖杰克逊,所以杰克逊让孩子们“注意听。”
12.unabashed: 不害羞的,不畏惧的。
例如:Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.(蒂姆成了传媒的焦点,却满不在乎。)
13. camp grounds: 露营区。
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
1. 你们是用机关枪挖地的吗?
2. 正是鄙人。
3. 你真的相信,知道自己危在旦夕的那些人,会无私奉献吗?
4. 少校,麻烦您把这些人送到露营区。
1.I'm a dead man.
2.These little mini-quakes are really getting on my nerves
3.Your 7 year old daughter still wets her bed.
4.Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family?
第一页:片段欣赏 |
第二页:巧学口语 |
第三页:小小翻译家 |
第四页:文化一瞥 |
2012年12月21日是玛雅人长历法(Long Count Calendar)中本次人类文明结束的日子。此后,人类将进入与本次文明毫无关系的一个全新的文明。美洲的玛雅人也对世界末日作出了预言,在历法上注明了世界末日的时间表,地球会在2012年毁灭。
斐声国际的作家、工程师兼业余科学家摩利斯·科特罗(Maurice Cotterell)精于玛雅古文明研究,他从许多古庙与碑石中发现了一组一再重复出现的密码:1,366,560。若将这个密码的单位视为“天”,则换算为年的话,为3740年。玛雅族诞生于公元前3113年,到750年突然消失,其中间生存的年代接近3740这个年数。