英语听力汇总   |   全球毁灭性灾难电影:2012精讲之一













Man on TV: This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew here in the ancient Mayan city of Takal. Now the victims, and we've seen many, are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calender, which predicts the end of time to occur on the 21st December of this year, due to the sun's destructive forces.

Woman on TV: Thank you, Mark. Strangely enough, scientific records do support the fact that we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history. Many people believe that the Mayan Calender predicts that there's supposed to be a galactic alignment...

Jackson: I'm a dead man. Hey, Kate, I'm practically on the freeway right now. Yes, I'm rolling towards you as we speak.  Would you relax? I'll be there any second. You know it's a vacation and not a doctors appointment, right? It's supposed to be fun. You remember fun, don't you Kate? Do you remember where you were when it stopped being fun for you? Got it. Bug spray? Oh yeah, cause it's mosquito season in Yellowstone. I got a whole bunch. I gotta go, I'm in a bad reception area.

Man: Woah, man. Would you look at that? Sick

Woman: Merrill, I told you. We have to move back to Wisconsin.

Woman on radio: These little mini-quakes are really getting on my nerves, Randy.

Randy: Come on, a little surface crack, you're not gonna be inconvenienced by that

Woman on radio: Right. Surface cracks, I've got a plastic surgeon for that

Randy: No kidding. Thank God for those shake-proof coffee mugs. They show the true nature of us Californians. We'll not bow to these little inconvenient things like surface quakes. Do you have a funny mini-quake story and want to share it?  Call Lisa & Randy at 555...

Girl: Hi daddy!

Jackson: Hi baby How are you sweety?

Girl: Good

Boy: Jackson, what is this?

Jackson: Please don't call me that. I'm your dad.

Kate: Taking them camping in a limo? Okay, great. What happened to your temp job?

Jackson: Oh, Better hours, more time to write.

Kate: What about sleeping, have you been doing that lately?

Gorden: I've said it a thousand times. No lipo on Fridays. It's too messy. Hold on. Morning Jackson. 

Jackson: Hi

Gorden: Nice ride.

Jackson: Thanks.

Groden: Guys, Have a nice trip. Remember, watch out for the bears.

Boy: Bye, Gordon


Gorden: Love you, Honey.

Boy: Bye

Kate: Okay, so...

Girl: You tell him.

Jackson: Tell me what?

Kate: She needs to put these on every night before she goes to sleep.

Jackson: Still?

Kate: Yes. Your 7 year old daughter still wets her bed. Maybe that's something you should know. Love you

Girl: Love you, Mom. They really were looking forward to spending some time with you

Jackson: I know.

Kate: So don't be on your computer all the time.

Jackson: Got it.

Kate: Love you!

Harry: So this time we'll hit Japan.

Tony: So?

Harry: Now you can visit your boy, Will.

Tony: Afternoon, ladies!

Harry: Are you even listening to me?

Tony: Unfortunately I am, Harry.

Harry: I heard from Audrey you're a grandpa now.

Tony: Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family? You're cramping my style, baby. There we are.

Harry: So he married a Japanese girl, how's that the end of the world? Come on Tony, you should at least go see him.

Tony: You see your boy?

Harry: Not as much as I'd like DC is a long way, but at least we talk

Tony: About what?

Harry: Life. And how short it is. What the hell was that?











1. Mayan:玛雅人的。玛雅人是中美洲地区和墨西哥印第安人的一支。公元前约2500年就已定居今墨西哥南部、危地马拉、伯利兹以及萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯的部分地区。约有200万人,使用玛雅语。

2.galactic:银河系的。这里的galactic alignment的意思是说,在当天,银河系的九大行星会连成一线。银河系则称为galaxy。

3. I’m a dead man:我死定了。杰克逊睡醒后发现自己迟到很久了,所以说“我死定了”。此外,dead man还可以指“冗员”或者“酒席上的空瓶子”。

4. mini-quake:小型地震。

5. get on one’s nerves:令人不安。例如:I'm afraid to say anything. Maybe I'm getting on her nerves too.(我什么也不敢说,生怕会令她焦躁不安。) 而brace one’s nerve for an effort则是指“为某项努力鼓起勇气”。Lose one's nerves则指“害怕起来;不知所措”。

6. surface crack:表面裂纹。

7. plastic surgeon:整形外科医生。

8. shake-proof:防震的,抗震的。 Proof做后缀表示“防……的,抗……的”。例如waterproof(防水的),bid-proof(防竞争收购的),baby-proof(对婴幼儿安全的),shatter-proof(防碎的)。

9. bow to:向……低头,接受。例如:But they refused to bow to force.(但他们拒不向武力低头。)

10.limo:豪华轿车。例如:On the limo ride home, Melissa said, "Mom, you look like you're ready to conk out." (坐贵宾车回家途中,梅利莎说:“妈,你看起来都快累垮了。”)

11.wet the/one’s bed:尿床。


13.keep one’s nose out of:避免插手,尽力不卷入。托尼让哈利不要管自己的家事。例如对一些爱管你闲事的人,你就可以说:Keep your nose out of my business.


















《2012》精讲之六 参考答案

1. Could you please turn up the volume, Mr. Hoffman.

2. Do you want to be responsible for the extinction of the human race?

3. Ask yourselves, can we really stand by and watch these people die?

4. They're in God's hands now.



















