Effie: So you and Brian broke up, huh?
Tibby: I guess.
Effie: Do you think you're over it yet? Over him, I mean? Like you wouldn't be upset or anything if you found out he was dating someone else?
Tibby: Effie, what's this about?
Effie: I guess it's about wanting to know if...If you'd be okay with me dating Brian?
Tibby: I mean, of course I said I didn't mind. I just think it's a little weird, you know? She's not even his type. And she's really young, which is gross. I can't believe he would actually ask her out. Do you think he would ask her out? Whatever. It doesn't matter. I don't really care. I just...I'm just curious, you know.
Carmen: But it kind of sounds like you care, Tibby. Otherwise you wouldn't be here freaking out.
Tibby: Like you're the poster girl for even tempers?
Carmen: I'm just saying you can't have it both ways. If you don't want Brian dating other girls, then you probably shouldn't have broken up with him. Pretty simple.
Tibby: You don't have a clue why Brian and I broke up.
Carmen: Well, do you?
Tibby: Carmen, I was just kind of hoping for some support. Not a lecture and some psychobabble. I didn't drive all the way up here in rush hour traffic just so you could ignore me and read your book!
Carmen: I'm studying my lines, Tibby. What do you want me to do, just stop my life? It's not like I was exactly expecting you! I haven't heard from you in what, a month?
Tibby: Where the hell is this coming from?
Carmen: The fact that you even have to ask that question pretty much says everything.
Julia: Carmen! Hey, I brought you a scone. Hi.
Carmen: Thank you. Julia, this is Tibby. Tibby, this is Julia.
Julia: You're the video-store girl.
Tibby: The video-store girl. I have to go. I have to work on my script.
Julia: Wow. So you're a writer too?
Tibby: Ciao!
Julia: Ciao.
Lena: Nice restaurant.
Leo: You know, it's not too crowded either, which is nice.
Lena: It's great.
Leo: How are you?
Lena: Good. I can't believe you did all this.
Leo: Well, nothing's too good for my Muse.
Lena: What? Is that what I am?
Leo: Well, I've been feeling really inspired lately, so...Why do I get the feeling like something's not right? You okay?
Lena: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking.
Leo: About what exactly? What's going on?
Lena: Nothing. This idea of a Muse, it's romantic, isn't it?
Leo: Yeah. Yeah, it's a little romantic, I guess. I've heard worse.
Lena: Have you ever been in love?
Leo: I love being in love.
Lena: Yeah, but...do you think that there's one person that we're each meant to be with?
Leo: One person? No, not really. I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear.
Lena: No, it's the way you feel. I like that you're honest.
Leo: But...you may not be into it?
Lena: No, I am. I wanna be.
Leo: That's two different things, right? But, I mean, Lena, you don't need to apologize for what you want.
Lena: But I don't even know what I want. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I keep saying I'm sorry so much.
Leo: Then stop saying you're sorry. You don't need to apologize. Unless you don't like the food. Then you should definitely apologize.
Lena: Food's great.
1. She's not even his type: 她甚至都不是他喜欢的那种类型。看一下例子:She is my type, but I bet she has a boyfriend.(她是我喜欢的类型,但我敢肯定她有男朋友了。)相似的说法还有She is my cup of tea(她是我喜欢的类型)。
2. gross: 令人恶心的;令人讨厌的。
3. freak out: 抓狂,情绪变得很激动。
4. not have a clue: 一无所知。例如:I have no a clue about what we shall wear.(我想不出我们该穿什么。)
5. psychobabble: 心理学呓语(谈论感情问题时使用的用词深奥但空洞的语言)。影片中Tibby指她来找Carmen是想寻求安慰,而不是来听Carmen分析她的心理的。
6. scone: 烤饼,司康饼(常抹黄油、果酱、奶油等,有时内夹干果)。
7. Ciao: 意大利语,分别时表示“再见”,也用作见面时致意之语。
8. be into sth./sb.: 喜欢某事/某人,对……感兴趣。美国爱情电影《他其实没那么喜欢你》就是He's Just Not That Into You。看一下例子:He is into collecting stamps.(他热衷于收集邮票。)
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1. 走开,你和我不是一个类型的。
2. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
3. 她喜欢音乐。
4. 我不喜欢你。
《牛仔裤的夏天2》精讲之四 参考答案
1. There was no occasion to complain.
2. He is so dense he'll never amount to anything.
3. She told her parents not to wait up for her. She might stay with her aunt.
4. Skip the ham steak.
缪斯(希腊语 Μουσαι,Mousai),音译自英语Muse。缪斯是古希腊神话中科学、艺术女神的总称,为主神宙斯与记忆女神摩涅莫辛涅所生。缪斯女神的数目不定,有三女神之说,亦有九女神之说。
* 欧特碧(音乐)
* 卡莉欧碧(史诗)
* 克莉奥(历史)
* 埃拉托(抒情诗)
* 墨尔波墨(悲剧)
* 波莉海妮娅(圣歌)
* 特尔西科瑞(舞蹈)
* 塔利娅(喜剧)
* 乌拉妮娅(天文)
1.Shouldn't that be my line? Oh, no, mine would be, "Oh, bollocks, it's her." I'm British, you know.
2.Bridget, Archaeology is more than just finding bones. These people, they painted their pots, made their sanctuaries, told their stories on every surface they had. It is what I love most about them. That they left so much of themselves for us to find.
3.You know what the problem is? Every time I try to get close to somebody, it's like there's something out there that just says, "Oh! Tibby's about to be happy. Better get her." I'm not really sure what to say, you know?
4.Cars are easy. It's people you need a manual for.
5.Carmen, I was just kind of hoping for some support. Not a lecture and some psychobabble. I didn't drive all the way up here in rush hour traffic just so you could ignore me and read your book!