Tibby: My carma-poochie-ay, I'm writing from the post office, and this express mail costs more than I make in two hours at wallmans, so these jeans better get to you tomorrow. Here we are on a typical Bethesda corner where generations of young entrepreneurs have proved the old adage: "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."
Tibby: So the question on my mind is...is this fresh-squeezed or powder?
Bailey: Does it matter if it's good lemonade?
Tibby: Let me ask the questions.
Tibby: I'm sad to report that absolutely nothing of consequence happened to me while wearing the pants. I spilled a Sprite and my rat-faced manager accused me of receipt withholding.
Manager: Receipt withholding.
Tibby: In rat-faced manager lingo, that means forgetting to give a customer sales slip.
Bailey: You know, I was reading that Bill Gates when he was younger, he ran a lemonade stand.
Tibby: You don't know that, that's not--
Bailey: Yeah, I do. I read it in a magazine.
Tibby: Where did you read that?
Bailey: In a magazine.
Tibby: Other than that, the only thing that I have to show for the pants is the kid that delivered them, some wise-ass pain in the neck who's decided to permanently glue herself to my hip.
Bailey: She's just tired. She's been there a really long time, all day.
Tibby: What is she doing right there? Tell me.
Bailey: She's just thinking. She's strategizing.
Tibby: I think she's trying to grow a brain. I think that’s what she’s doing.
Tibby: Too bad you can't express mail 12-year-olds.
Bailey: And I wish you the very best of luck on this endeavor.
Lydia: Hey. Hey there, sleepyhead. Hey, Carmen. Honey, time to wake up.
Carmen: Hi.
Lydia: Hi there. Good morning. Sorry to wake you, but I was just wondering if Maria could grab your sheets.
Carmen: Maria?
Lydia: Yeah, our housekeeper. I told her you usually slept late but I don't think she understood me. Her English isn't real good.
Carmen: Okay, right. Could I-- I'll just wash my own sheets.
Lydia: No, no, no. Don't be silly. Maria can certainly do your sheets, not a problem.
Carmen: Lydia, it's really—
Lydia: It's a beautiful day. There is no reason why you should be washing sheets.
Carmen: Oh, it's not a problem at all. I usually do it myself anyway. I do it all the time. I'm so used to it. People wash their sheets all the time.
Lydia: Okay.
Kostas: Been here long?
Lena: Kostas. What are you doing here?
Kostas: It's a fish market. This is where I sell my fish.
Lena: Right.
Kostas: But you already knew that, eh?
Lena: Excuse me?
Kostas: Lena, no one sits near a smelly fish market unless they're waiting for someone.
Lena: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I just came to sketch that old church over there.
Kostas: May I?
Lena: Well, it's-- It's not finished.
Kostas: You didn't tell me you were an artist.
Lena: I'm not, really.
Kostas: Lena, you are. My parents were married in that church before they left for the United States.
Lena: Why did they come back to Greece?
Kostas: They didn't. They were killed in a car accident when I was 12. I come back to live with my grandfather.
Lena: I'm sorry.
Kostas: What made you choose to paint this?
Lena: I don't know. I liked it because, when you first look at it, it looks kind of forgotten, and then...but then you realize that...that's why it's beautiful. It's perfect in all its loneliness.
Kostas: You see? Lena Kaligaris...you are an artist. And you should finish it.
Lena: Well, maybe some other time. I mean, I really should go. If my grandparents saw me here, they'd--
Kostas: They'd what? Is it really them you're afraid of? Or is it something else?
Lena: What do you mean? You don't even know me.
Kostas: I'm trying to. Or can't you see that?
Lena: He's right, Car. I am afraid. There's a part of me that wants to let him in, but then I feel myself put this wall up, and I don't understand why. Maybe that's what strikes me most about Kostas. That despite everything he's suffered, he can still look at life in the most uncomplicated way. I've never known that kind of faith. It makes me so sad that people like Kostas and Bridget who have lost everything can still be open to love, while I, who have lost nothing, am not.
1. express mail: 快递邮件,快件。
2. adage: 格言。
3. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade: 字面意思是“如果生活给你柠檬,就榨柠檬汁”,指的是如果生活不尽如人意,也不要抱怨,自己尽力做到最好。
4. nothing of consequence: 没有任何重要的事情。影片中Tibby指的是在她穿那条牛仔裤的期间,没有发生任何值得一提的事情。of no consequence的意思是“无足轻重”。
5. Sprite: 雪碧。
6. rat-faced: 阴险的。rat可以组成很多生动的词组,例如see rats的意思是“酩酊大醉”,smell a rat指的是“感到有可疑之处,感到事情不妙”。
7. lingo: 行话;术语。
8. sales slip: 收据。
9. wise-ass: 自作聪明的。
10. pain in the neck: 讨厌的人(或事物)。例如:He gave me an awful pain in the neck.(他令我讨厌极了。)
11. glue herself to my hip: 跟在我屁股后头。glue的意思是“紧附,似用胶固定”。例如:the hands glued to the steering wheel(紧握着方向盘的双手)。
12. strategize: 制定战略。
13. sleepyhead: 贪睡者。
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1. 这件事无足轻重。
2. 我开始起疑了。
3. 人人见了你就讨厌。
4. 他的鼻子紧贴着玻璃窗。
《牛仔裤的夏天》精讲之二 参考答案
1. It's not sanitary to let flies come near food.
2. Fanny has to wear that tacky old dress for she has nothing else to wear.
3. Allowance should be made for the difficulties of his position.
4. Could you detail all your expenses on this form?
圣托里尼岛古名为希拉(Thera),为纪念圣·爱莲(Saint Irene),西元1207年威尼斯统治时被改为圣托里尼。