Michael: You think the police is gonna come and get me?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: I'd imagine the last thing they want at Hurt Village is bunch of cops snooping around. I swore I'd never ask this, but how'd you get out of there, Michael?
Michael: When I was little and something awful was happening my Mama would tell me to close my eyes. She was tryin' to keep me from seeing her do drugs or other bad things. And then when she was finished or the bad things were over she'd say, "now when I count to three, you open your eyes and the past is gone, the world is a good place, and it's all gonna be okay."
Leigh Anne Tuohy: You closed your eyes. You know, when I was driving all over Kingdom Come looking for you, I kept thinking about one thing. Ferdinand the bull. I know I should have asked this a long time ago, Michael. Do you even wanna play football? I mean do you even like it?
Michael: I'm pretty good at it.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Yeah, you are. Sean and I have been talking and... Michael, if you're gonna accept the football scholarship we think it should be to Tennessee. And I promise that I will be at every game cheering for you.
Michael: Every game?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Every game. But I will not wear that gaudy orange. I will not. It is not in my color wheel and I'm not gonna wear it.
Michael: So you want me to go to Tennessee?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: I want you to do whatever you want. It is your decision, Michael. It's your life.
Michael: What if I want to flip burgers?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: It's your decision; it's your life.
Michael: Okay.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Okay, what?
Michael: I'm sorry I left the other day.
Jocelyn Granger: You were pretty upset.
Michael: You ask a lot of questions.
Jocelyn Granger: I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this.
Michael: But all questions you asked were about why everybody else wanted me to go to Ole Miss.
Jocelyn Granger: Okay...
Michael: Not once did you ask why did I want to go there.
Jocelyn Granger: Alright, fine, Michael... Why do you want to go to Ole Miss?
Michael: Because it's where my family goes to school. It's where they've always gone to school.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: College is going to be different experience for you, Michael. SJ, stop it. There are lots of distractions.
Sean Tuohy: Have a fun.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: There's gonna be some nimrod in the dorm who wants to play video games all night, or goof on the internet.
Sean Tuohy: Just have fun.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: And you will spend a lot of time at practice, which means... which means you have to be very dedicated to your studies, alright? SJ, if you don't stop it right--- Come here.
Miss Sue: Relax, Mama. I just got back from the library. I reserved a private cubicle for the semester. Here's your class schedule and our study hall hours. Now, if y'all don't mind I'm gonna go move into my new apartment.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Thank you, Miss Sue.
Sean Tuohy & Collins Tuohy: "Thank you, Miss Sue"
Miss Sue: Yeah, yeah, yeah....
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Let's see what you've got: College's Writing, good, psychology, math lab... It's gonna be good. Just...A lot of good classes.
Sean Tuohy: You'll have a lot of fun.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: SJ! Michael Oher, you listen to me, alright? I want you to enjoy yourself, but if you get a girl pregnant out of wedlock, I'll crawl in the car, drive up here to Oxford and cut off your penis.
S.J.Touhy: She means it.
Michael: Yes ma'am.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Alright. Now, 78's gonna be a parking lot. So we should be going. Or everyone... Say the goodbyes, alright? Here. Bye, baby.
Michael: Thank you, Mama.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: You're welcome.
Michael: Why'd she always do that?
Sean Touhy: She's an onion. Michael. You have to peel her back one layer at a time.
Michael: I'll be back.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: What? What, Michael?
Michael: I need a proper hug.
1. snoop around: 巡视,也可以用sneak and snoop around来表示“四处窥探”。
2. Ferdinand the bull: 《公牛费迪南德》,一部美国动画片。
3. gaudy: 艳俗的,花哨的, cheaply showy in a tasteless way; flashy.
例如:He dislikes gaudy decorations.(他不喜欢俗丽的装饰。)
4. in my color wheel:不是我喜欢的颜色,color wheel意思是“色盘”,女生平时化妆用的多色眼影盘等色盘就可以用这个词表示。
5. flip burgers:翻转汉堡包,在这里指从事一些次要的工作。
6. get to the bottom of this:揭开真相。例如:The police is eager to get to the bottom of this mystery.(警方急切地想弄清这一神秘事件的真相。)
7. goof on the internet:上网打发时间,goof指的是把时间浪费在无聊的事情上,常用搭配为goof around或者goof off。
例如:You will never be good students so long as you goof around.(如果你们成天游手好闲,就永远也成不了好学生。)
8. cubicle:寝室,小卧室。
例如:A technical sergeant hunches in a cubicle.(一位技术军士在一间小屋里弯腰坐着。)
9. study hall:自修课,自修室。
10.out of wedlock:婚外,未婚。get a girl pregnant out of wedlock就是说“让哪个女孩儿未婚先孕”。 wedlock指结婚生活,婚姻。
例如:As the married couple can't have children, they have adopted a child born out of wedlock.(由于这对已婚夫妇无法生育,他们领养了一个私生子。)
11.She means it: 她说到做到。
12.78's gonna be a parking lot:78号公路就要变成停车场了,意思是“78号公路塞车严重”。
这所统称作Ole Miss的学府,运动方面很好,尤其是橄榄球队,更是举国知名。学生都说,在这里念四年大学,最大优点是学校环境好,功课压力不大,但仍然可以学到很多东西。
小镇离北部的田纳西州大城市 Memphis 仅100公里,向南驱车3小时可达密西西比州首府Jackson 市。
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The Blind Side《弱点》精讲之五参考答案
1. Ms. Tuohy, if you wouldn't mind I'd prefer to speak with Michael alone.
2. This woman is tough.
3. Did you know that the Tuohys make generous donations to Ole Miss?
4. All as part of a plan to insure that you play football for the University of Mississippi.
影片讲述了2009年美国国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League)首批被选球员迈克尔·奥赫的不凡经历,他是一个孤儿,在领养家庭长大,在从事体育职业之前,他度过了一段从理想到现实的艰难过程。