Jay: Whoa! The earthquake this morning was so
Catherine: It was only a level 3, it wasn't that scary!
Jay: Come on, lady! Before I came to Taiwan, I never
encountered an earthquake, ok?
Catherine: Really? No wonder...no wonder a puny little level
3 earthquake would scare the hell out of a big
macho guy like you!
Jay: I'd really like to know if this kind of thing happens
a lot!
Catherine: Eh, no need to worry, it's a regular occurrence.
You'll have plenty of chances to experience it
Jay: Oh...
Catherine: Actually, after you've experienced them a few
times, you'll get used to it. No need to be nervous
about it. But, you just have to be a little more alert
when earthquakes occur. A few years ago, there
was the 921 earthquake here in Taiwan. It created
horri? c amounts of damage and loss of life.
Yeah, I heard about it on the news in the States.
Earthquakes are really frightening natural
disasters.Jay: Yeah! Why?
Catherine: Oh yeah, next week there is an earthquake
Catherine: Isn't this something you should ask a guy? Why
preparation practice at school. If you are
are you asking me?
interested, I could bring you.
Jay: What's that supposed to mean? I don't get it.
Jay: Ok, that's just what I need.
Catherine: Man...sometimes I don't know if you are naive
or just stupid. Well, their name "Xi Shi" is
杰: 嘿,今天早上的地震真是吓死我了!
actually the name of an ancient Chinese woman
凯瑟琳: 也才不过是三级地震,没那么可怕吧!
renowned for her beauty. The main reason they
杰: 拜托,小姐!我来台湾之前,这辈子从来也没见过地震好
dress like that is to attract more male business.
Jay: You mean, they dress like that to attract people
凯瑟琳: 真的吗?喔,难怪,难怪一个小小的三级地震就把你这个
passing by and then sell them betel nuts?
Catherine: You got it. I personally think working at the betel
杰: 我想知道,这种情况会不会常常发生?
nut stands is a valid occupation. Those girls work
凯瑟琳: 喔,别担心,那是我们的“家常便饭”,你一定还有机会
hard to make a living.
Jay: Yeah...well, next time I pass by one, I'll go buy a
杰: 喔……
bag of betel nuts.
凯瑟琳: 其实,等你经历过几次就会习惯了,不用太紧张。只是,
杰: 嗯,我在美国时,曾在新闻上看过那则消息。地震真的是
凯瑟琳: 对了,下礼拜学校要举办一个防震演习,如果你有兴趣的
杰: 好啊,我求之不得。
dress like that is to attract more ma
Come on. 拜托。
Jay: You mean, they dress like that to
I never encountered...passing by and then sell them bete
Catherine: You got it. I personally think worki
No wonder...
nut stands is a valid occupation. Th 难怪……
hard to make a living.
I'd really like to know...
Jay: Yeah...well, next time I pass by on
bag of betel nuts.
It's a regular occurrence. 那是家常便饭。
You'll have plenty of chances to... 你一定还有机会……
You'll get used to it. 你一定会习惯的。
No need to be nervous about it. 不用太紧张。
That's just what I need. 我求之不得。