There is one thing I still can't make sense out
of. 有一个现象一直让我很不解。
What's that supposed to mean? 是什么意思呢?
The main reason... 最主要的原因是……
I personally think... 我个人觉得……
Jay: I've been in Taiwan for three months already, and
there is one thing I still can't make sense out of.
Catherine: What is that?
Jay: I've seen on the side of a lot of roads, there are
stands selling betel nuts...
Catherine: Let me guess, the people selling the betel nuts
are all scantily clothed, pretty girls wearing mini
Jay: Yeah! Why?
Catherine: Isn't this something you should ask a guy? Why
Jay: Yeah! Why?
are you asking me?
Catherine: Isn't this something you should ask a guy? Why
Jay: What's that supposed to mean? I don't get it.
are you asking me?
Catherine: Man...sometimes I don't know if you are naive
Jay: What's that supposed to mean? I don't get it.
or just stupid. Well, their name "Xi Shi" is
Catherine: Manactually the name of an ancient Chinese woman ...sometimes I don't know if you are naive
or just stupid. Well, their name "Xi Shi" is
renowned for her beauty. The main reason they
actually the name of an ancient Chinese woman dress like that is to attract more male business.
renowned for her beauty. The main reason they
Jay: You mean, they dress like that to attract people
dress like that is to attract more male business.
passing by and then sell them betel nuts?
Jay: You mean, they dress like that to attract people
Catherine: You got it. I personally think working at the betel
passing by and then sell them betel nuts?
nut stands is a valid occupation. Those girls work
Catherine: You got it. hard to make a living.I personally think working at the betel
nut stands is a valid occupation. Those girls work
Jay: Yeah...well, next time I pass by one, I'll go buy a
hard to make a living.
bag of betel nuts.
Jay: Yeah...well, next time I pass by one, I'll go buy a
bag of betel nuts.
杰: 嘿,我来台湾已经三个月了,有一个现象一直让我很不解。
凯瑟琳: 是什么呢?
杰: 我发现很多地方的街道旁边都有卖槟榔的摊子……
凯瑟琳: 那些卖槟榔的人都是年轻貌美,而且总是穿着迷你短裙、
杰: 是啊,是啊!为什么啊?
凯瑟琳: 这种事问你们男生最清楚啦,怎么反倒问我呢?
杰: 什么意思啊?我不懂。
凯瑟琳: 唉,真不知道你是单纯,还是笨。那些女生一般被称为
杰: 你是说,穿得很少,吸引过路人的目光,然后卖给他们
凯瑟琳: 答对了。我个人觉得,槟榔西施也是个正当职业,那些女
杰: 嗯,那我下次经过槟榔摊的时候也跟她们买包槟榔好了。
They put everything they have into that job.
We have to give it everything we have.
They gave it their all, so they were rightfully rewarded.
You deserve a raise, you worked hard for it.
你这么努力工作,应该获得升迁。You've got to work hard before you can get a raise.