英语听力汇总   |   躺着学万能会话2 引荐/打探他人





 You have to introduce me! 你得介绍给我认识才行!
 You're in luck. 你很幸运。  You look familiar.  Have we met somewhere before?
 I want to introduce you to someone.
  Do you come here a lot? 我想要介绍一个人给你认识。
 Not bad.
  Hi, can I buy you a drink? 还不坏。
 I hope she managed to mention some good things.
  Can I offer you some company? 我希望她说的都是好话。

  Hi, I was curious what you were reading.
Catherine:   Hey, Sarah. Doesn't that guy live in your
Sarah:  Which one, the skinny one?

Catherine:   Yeah, the hot one.
Sarah:   That's Jay. He lives across the hall from me.
Catherine: You have to introduce me!
Sarah:   OK. You're in luck, too.  I think he's single.
Sarah:   Hey, Jay! Come here.  I want to introduce you to
Jay:   Hey, Sarah! How's it going?
Sarah: Not bad. Jay, this is Catherine, a good friend of
Jay:   Nice to meet you, Catherine. I'm Jay.
Catherine:   Hi, Sarah's told me a lot about you.
Jay:   Oh, really! I hope she managed to mention some
good things.

Sarah:   Oh, would you look at the time. I gotta go! Bye


凯瑟琳:  嘿,莎拉。那个男孩是不是住在你家附近?
莎拉:      哪一个? 瘦瘦的那个吗?
凯瑟琳:  是啊,很帅的那一个。
莎拉:      那是杰,他就住在我家对面的宿舍。
凯瑟琳:  你得介绍给我认识才行!
莎拉:      好啊。你很幸运,我想他还是单身。

莎拉:      嘿,杰,到这儿来吧。我想要介绍一个人给你认识。杰:          嘿,莎拉,最近好吗?
莎拉:      还不坏。杰,这是凯瑟琳,我的一个好朋友。introduce   familiar   take a seat
杰:          很高兴认识你,凯瑟琳,我是杰。
凯瑟琳:  嗨,莎拉常跟我提起你。
杰:         真的吗?我希望她说的都是好话。
1.  I've seen you around here before, haven't I?
莎拉:      喔,看看几点了。我得走了,再见!


  You look familiar.  Have we met somewhere before
neighborhood 邻近地区  skinny 削瘦的  hot 令人着迷的
hall  大楼、公寓、宿舍Do you come here a lot?  single 单身的