I read in the paper... 我看到报纸上说……
...is in the back of everyone's mind. 每个人都很担心……
Things are bound to pick up sooner or later. 一切总有峰回路转的时候。
Jay: I read in the paper the unemployment rate is high
Catherine: Yeah, Taiwan's economy is not doing so well right
now. The lack of prosperity is in the back of every
1. So, what do you make of Taiwanese food?
one'smind, but I suppose all we can do is have
an optimistic outlook, right?
Jay: Yup, things are bound to pick up sooner or later.
杰: 我看到报纸上说最近的失业率相当高。
凯瑟琳: 是啊,台湾目前的经济情况不太好。每个人都很担心这种
杰: 是啊,一切总有峰回路转的时候。
I read in the paper the unemployment rate is high recently.
I read the paper the unemployment rate is high recently.
2. 每个人都很担心这种萧条的状况。
The lack of prosperity is in the back of everyone's mind.
错The lack of prosperity is in everyone's mind.
with them their home cuisines. 此句倘若改成“The lack of prosperity is on everyone's mind.”就是正确